"From me, a set of Hexa tools, souvenirs from Etru are Ayuka smoked and recipes."

"Thanks, I'll make it when I get home"

As I was packing a souvenir given to me by Kanes, Mr. Calaria offered me a book.

"I'm sorry, but I need Mr. Richay's autograph for this book, so why don't you take it?

It's one of Richay's history books.

There's a culture of signatures in this world, too.

"I'll ask for it"

Receive the history book, cover it with a cloth so it doesn't get wet, and then put it in the bag.

Watching me cover my history books with cloth, Kanes looked up at the sky.

"Oh well, the north is just as snowy right now"

"It will. In the middle of winter, there's a chance it's snowblowing."

"Can you even go home in the snowstorm?

"No, if it's a snowstorm, I'll let the right village or municipality evacuate you."

Nevertheless, I look up into the sky.

"There's no snow in the south."

I go down to get down, but it doesn't pile up enough to need snowflakes.

Maybe it's about the airflow.

Kanes looks back at Ayuka's farm and opens his mouth.

"It affects Ayuka when it's loaded, so I'm glad I made Aquas to the south"

I got up and carried my stuff.

"Well, now I'm coming with Richay."

"Oh, write to me."

"I'll let you out when I get home."

Kanes and the others broke up at the entrance to Aquas.

I head west, not east, just because it doesn't taste like turning back the same way I did when I came.

A letter has already been sent from Aquas to Richey and the others in Takakus to inform them that they are on their way home.

I didn't want him to walk too loosely to worry, so I decided to go around the north side of the world tree via Beautellarm without even stopping by.

As we approach the north, the snow gradually deepens.

More and more heavy gray clouds take in the branches of the cloud-no-layer and flow south.

In the south, the snow, which was just flickering, eventually descends hard enough to dye his vision white.

The cold wind blew through my ears and I put up the collar of my coat.

"We're just past Beauterrum, and there's a lot of snow this year."

Low temperatures but troublesome snow. If the snow blows, you won't know the direction, so you can step off the branches and go upside down under the trees.

Moreover, snowstorms are more frequent. More than usual.

I'm also worried about what's going on in Takakus town. Will Rishay, Teten, and the former chief of the village of Kidato do well?

The northwest side of the world tree is still the current point on the latest map I bought from Beautellarm. There is also the possibility that the snow will become more intense than this.

I think it's okay to shake the snow or something.

Due to the difference in weight caused by the fall of snow falling on the branches of the world tree in unison, the phenomenon of the swaying back of the branches that were creeping, the snow swaying.

Given its mechanism of occurrence, the more snow falls, the greater the shake.

Although snowflakes are regularly carried out to prevent snow shaking, over the town of Tacax, no one inhabits the branches of the cloud-no-layer, so it is also possible that snowflakes will fall.

I'm kind of getting more and more worried.

You're homesick, this.

Now, from here on in, it will be shorter to enter the town of Tacax from the former village district of Kidato than via the city of Katella.

Though the road along the way isn't well developed, it won't be a problem if we find the sunshine and go.

Sometimes I wonder.

One point on the map, I looked up the route to one of the emerging villages, and I pointed my foot northwest.

Takakus, collectively referred to as the Emerging Village, one of the villages where the young man led Aquas was pleased, Kubesta.

It is a village with a population of less than 200 inhabitants northwest of the world tree.

Is it a middle ground in an emerging village?

The man who was originally a furniture maker said he was pleased, and he has a field to such an extent that he has no difficulty eating it and a bigger woodcutter than that. It is a village of timber that sells the wood obtained from the inserted tree fields intact, or processed, to nearby towns and cities, and earns money.

As far as viewing the snow-capped couvesta from afar, such expressions as Cold Village are perfect.

The impression that the roads were not well maintained also supported the impression of Cold Village, but the buildings were also original and the design fees were well known.

Try to get inside the village of Couvesta.

A studio-like bungalow is on the side of the entrance, opposite it is a furniture store. It would be a placement with customers from the outside. There was a sticker stating that the order would be accepted at the entrance to the workshop.

Side by side the workshop where the sounds of mushrooms and hammers sound, to the furniture store across the street.

There is a wide variety of woodworking, sculpting, and birch finishing with parquetry and world tree bark. There was also a market for parquet paintings in unusual objects.

They are all on a certain level, and decorated in the back is quite a handful of force.

But you won't sell it......

Even though the roads are not maintained, they cannot make me want to buy them until I am ready for the effort of bringing home stupid big furniture from this village of Couvesta to my home.


A clerk-like woman notices me and calls me out.

"Please take a moment to look around"

The woman's hand given to show the inside of the store is not the merchant's. Obviously, artisans, that's also a human hand doing the type of fine workmanship that uses adhesives.

Since there is no merchant, have you not noticed the lack of this furniture store?

I bow my head to the clerk and look around at the furniture.

I'm not a bad artisan, but I don't feel like I've been able to sublimate my technology. I know I don't have a match for my personality, or I know what I want to do, but it's not handled in a good way.

I feel like I can't reach the itch.

I looked around the whole time and I closed my eyes to the knitting chair in the back.

"Is that knitting chair artisan from the workshop across the street?

Ask the clerk.

The knitting chairs in the case were all slightly different in this store.

It is teardrop-shaped, the seat surface is shallow, and the angle of the back is just the right salt plum for falling asleep. The set footrests are also braided with countless wooden bars that are thinly shredded, and are breathable because they are hollow inside.

I thought it would be ideal if used for a summer nap.

The clerk looks at the knitting chair and nods.

"Yeah, it's the workshop manager's piece across the street. He's also the village chief."

It makes sense, it should be giving off a different colour.

It takes a lot of confidence to think about independence, and evidence that it has enough money to interest the village.

If you have enough arms to make that knitting chair, you'll also manage to save the village's initial funds.

I was able to raise a village at this age because I had all the big jobs as a bridge builder, but the craftsman has a large occupational population and the unit cost of work is not as high. With that in mind, it's easy to tell how the Kubesta Village Manager is doing.

But its strength is a thing as an artisan, and it doesn't seem to have been demonstrated as a manager.

Now in the middle of winter, the knitting chairs that you would use in the summer, from the point of view of the fact that they are in the store, will not be off.

"If there's any marketing in that knitting chair of yours, can I see it?

"Please wait while I check my inventory"

"Please. Do you mind if I wander around the store?

"Go ahead."

I just got a copy from the clerk, and I'll wander around the store again.

However, the next time you see it, it's not the product, it's the building itself.

There is no distortion. Even though the sun is blocked by thick clouds outside in the winter, it's not even that dark.

The corners of the store are fitted with decorative trees with cushions.

I guess I asked someone who just became an architect. Not really, I think I would look at a wallpaper pattern that is not suitable as a furniture store.

You should use this in a restaurant or something.

After a while, the clerk brought in five pieces of marketing.

They're all about fifty centimeters across.

It beautifully holds it as a single picture while taking advantage of the wooden texture, such as an object depicting a feather pen and a desk with a book on it, or an object depicting a 10,000-year-old rainbow of a beautellame.

Again, good arm.

"Now give me this painting of a rum bird."

"There will be eight iron coins."

That's pretty expensive. It's reasonable valuing given the value of the work, but you don't even seem to think about the guests you take home.

Pay eight pieces of iron coin and put the marketery wrapped in cloth in a bag. I came in critical.

"Is there an inn in this village?

"Sorry, it's a village that hasn't been able to do it for minutes yet, and the accommodation is only public and private..."

"Then I'd like to rent a room in a public and private building. What do you think?

"I'll hang with the village chief."

The clerk, who left the store with Patapata and ran to the workshop across the street, immediately came back and told me that permission had been granted to stay in the public hall.

The guided public hall was a small building with three rooms. The fact that the ground floor part has a dining room and a common warehouse is the same as the Tacax Town Public Hall.

When I told him that I was bringing the groceries, the clerk left as relieved.

It's not a village with a very large field, so I guess it doesn't stockpile much food. The snow won't bring the merchants either.

The conditioning in the room was quite ample. Should boulders be called woodworking villages?

View the view outside through the window.

"Doesn't look too good."

It would be a little better if there were one or two merchants, but I care that the craftsmen haven't been able to grow yet.

If other emerging villages are in similar condition, one snow shake could blow them away.

It was too early, I feel like saying something.

"Of course the city of Katella is concerned."

You probably know more about the situation than I do. It is no surprise that we are holding back the general financial situation of an emerging village.

Finally, I can't think of a hand to play one of these Kubesta villages very well. First of all, it would definitely be Jilli poor.

Regardless of the number of people, there's nothing we can do about it because the profession is skewed towards woodworking.

Unless you just have the funds to expand the field, soil and fertilizer are expensive in this world.

As the sun set as I watched the village as I roamed the smoked coyotes I bought from Beautellarm, I snuggled into the beds I had prepared for my room.

Tomorrow we shall leave this village and head towards the village of Chidato.

The next morning, I left the village of Couvesta.

Thankfully, the snow has stopped and it's clear with no clouds.

However, the snow falling during last night is deep and buried to the knee.

"Sounds nasty."

The village of Kubesta performs proper surrounding snowflakes in the usual villages on the north side of the world tree. Because if you don't, you're likely to shake every branch that lives in a snow shake.

In other words, this snow, which is burying my legs to my knees right now, is genuinely the snow that has accumulated overnight.

It's virgin snow as far as I can see.

If you want to add another thing, it depends on how much virgin snow is also on the branches above.

You should be careful at the intersection of branches and branches. If snow falls from the top, it could bury him alive.

Proceed scratching the snow while also paying attention overhead.

If it's plain, it can take two days and a little journey, even with this deep snow.

Four days, maybe five.

I'm going to be genuinely homesick. I want to get muddy in the office. I want to drink Richay's brewed herbal tea. I want to have a stupid conversation with Melmie.

Teten is...... well no.

No, but you're worried about the continuation of the lily novel. How do you clean up that state of overlapping triangles?

The fact that I have a two-stranded sister character is why I'm so anxious to talk to you, but it's also because of that sister character that I can say that I've cleared things up to the point where there are two overlapping triangles.

If it weren't for that sister character, we would have been able to do a complex person correlation diagram involving even a training school teacher.

But I don't have a sister character job anymore, so is this a good time to wish you exit?


I liked that lotus-leaved character a lot.

And since the sun has also fallen within the discussion of Teten's lily novel, I go into the preparation of the camp.

And the next morning, it was snowing.

It's a bit of snow, so you won't lose sight of the direction.

Clear the tent and head to Tacax Town.

I saw snowworms along the way, but I missed them because I couldn't even hunt alone without gear.

Kind of a waste.

"The diary is broken here"

Such a black joke.

I think I'm going to forget the words if I'm not whining to myself. I think I'm going to speak Japanese aggressively.

Walking alone in the snow. Cold winds make your body cold, loneliness makes your mind cold.

In short, it is homesick.

That's a real guy, too.

I hurried home to the extent that I couldn't overdo it like that, and in another half day, in a place called Tacax Town, thankfully, the snow stopped perfect.

The snow that builds up to the waist length will also reduce your calluses once and for all as you enter the snowflake range of the town of Tacax.

A little more, a little more.

When I tried to rush ahead by restocking my luggage, I heard a sound from above my head.

In an instant, the area darkens.


Tons of snow poured down from above, along with a loud and magnificent noise, before we could see what had happened.

The branches of the world tree cause vertical swings due to the sudden increase in weight, causing the vision to shake.

At the same time, the snow that was at my feet moved slowly.

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