Whoever Leaves The Company Can Move On? Try It Without Me?

Chapter 20 The Scheming Bitch Lu Qianqian Recorded Xu Yiling's Evidence Of Fishing And Presente

After Chen Shan left, Lu Qianqian sat back at her workstation.

Then he began to be courteous to Xu Yiling.

"Brother Xu, I see your water glass is empty. I'll give you a glass of water."

With that said, Lu Qianqian took Xu Yiling's water cup and went to get the water without waiting for Xu Yiling's consent.

After receiving the water from Xu Yiling, Lu Qianqian took the opportunity to say:

"Brother Xu, what do we do on a daily basis?"

Hearing this, Xu Yiling took a sip of Yuxi and explained:

"The daily routine is to drink tea, chat and brag."

"The planning side has submitted a new plan, and we will be responsible for implementing it with code."

"So simple?" Lu Qianqian was stunned.

But I was thinking in my heart, how could it be so easy?

Does the code not need maintenance?

In such a big game, if there is a bug, doesn’t it need to be fixed?

Doesn’t the game content need to be updated?

This guy is definitely hiding it.

At this time, a female planner came over.

"Brother Xu, I sent you a planning plan related to the recharge activity."

"Please make it happen as soon as possible."

"Tomorrow is the first anniversary of the journey, and it will be online by then."

"Okay." Xu Yiling nodded.

Then he opened the company's internal communication software.

Downloaded the file sent by the female planner.

Then, Xu Yiling looked at Zhang Xiaopao and raised his voice:

"Master Pao, are you coming, or am I coming?"

As soon as he said this, Zhang Xiaopao moved his fingers and neck, and then said with a smile:

"Brother Xu, rest!"

"I come!"

"My skills are now at the sixth level!"

"Done in half an hour!"

Xu Yiling nodded and sent the planning plan to Zhang Xiaopao.

Zhang Xiaopao took a look at the plan and roughly knew how to do it.

Cleared my mind.

Open the programming software and start writing.

Xu Yiling, on the other hand, moved his chair and sat next to Zhang Xiaopao, silently watching him write code.

"This kind of circular statement cannot be used here, it is not concise enough."

"Oh, it will affect the opening speed of the interface, right?"

"The database reference is wrong, the one starting with S."

"Oops, I got it mixed up and made a mistake."


Half an hour later, under the guidance of the protagonist, Zhang Xiaopao successfully finished his work.

After a test confirmed that there were no bugs, the recharge activity was set to go online at a scheduled time.

Zhang Xiaopao stretched his waist with a satisfied look on his face.

"Mad! It's great!"

“The sense of accomplishment after writing code is really great!”

"This is much more fun than collecting rent!"

"Let's go, let's play games!"

As soon as he said this, Xu Yiling asked with a smile: "Zhengtu?"

Zhang Xiaopao nodded: "Yes! Let's kill people!"

Next, the two opened the Zhengtu game, logged into the game characters, and then went to a place called Noxus city and started killing people for fun.

Zhang Xiaopao still plays the rock beast Malphite.

And Xu Yiling naturally plays the fierce swordsman Yasuo.

The two formed a CP, hiding in the grass to shadow the people passing by.

After a fierce fight, a lot of equipment exploded.

By the way, these explosive equipment can be exchanged for money at the trading house.

And the exchange is for real money!

In the journey game, players can trade freely with each other.

Every city in the game has a trading bank.

Players can put equipment materials into it.

You only need to mark the sales price, and then a journey code will be automatically generated.

The so-called journey code is actually a payment code.

The journey code is bound to a bank card of the player.

This is something Xu Yiling developed himself.

The buyer only needs to use the Zhengtu APP to scan the Zhengtu code, and then the Chinese currency will be paid to the seller point-to-point, and the payment will be credited to the seller's bank card in real time.

Zhengtu Games will take 1% of the profits.

In other words, transactions between players are settled in Chinese currency.

This is simply a breath of fresh air in the gaming industry!

One of a kind!

It is this mechanism that allows many brick-and-mortar masters to join the journey!

I keep collecting materials every day and then sell them.

To support the family.

Under normal circumstances, Gan Emperor, who has relatively fast hands, can earn as little as two hundred a day.

If you're lucky and find awesome equipment and materials, you'll make a fortune.

At the same time, it is precisely because of the existence of these trouble-making liver emperors that the popularity of Zhengtu has been greatly invigorated.

Let those krypton gold bosses have someone to show off to.

Of course, in addition to charging transaction fees from players, Zhengtu’s other way of making money is mainly through card points.

The point card needs to be recharged, and before the discount, it costs 50 cents an hour.

If you buy an annual pass, you only need 1,000 yuan a year to play 24 hours a day, 365 days a year.

Therefore, most players will choose to recharge with one thousand, one thousand.

In addition to point cards, Zhengtu also sells skins, mounts, and other miscellaneous things.

In addition to cool special effects, skins and mounts will also have a little extra basic attributes.

It doesn't have much impact on the balance of the game.

Under normal circumstances, krypton money bosses will buy these.

In short, Zhengtu is a game that does not sell attributes, and the game balance is very good.

Players who like PVP, then go for the PK show operation.

Players who like PVE can go to the wild to brush BOSS and buy equipment.

After an afternoon of fighting.

Xu Yiling and Zhang Xiaopao exploded a lot of equipment.

Xu Yiling, in particular, got a level five gem from Krypton Man's body.

The krypton guy went crazy and issued a pursuit order, intending to surround and kill Xu Yiling.

In the trading house, first-level gems cost 5 yuan, second-level gems cost 20 yuan, third-level gems cost 80 yuan, fourth-level gems cost 320 yuan, and fifth-level gems cost as much as 1,280 yuan!

So, Xu Yiling is considered rich!

He directly put this fifth-level gem into the trading room and marked it at 1,200 yuan, which was lower than the market price.

As soon as the gems were put on the shelves, they were bought by the quick dealer.

The next second...

Xu Yiling's cell phone rang with a text message alert:

[Hello, your ICBC card with the last number 5788 has received a remittance of 1188 yuan. The remittance party is: Zhengtu. 】

Seeing the more than 1,000 yuan arrived in the account, Xu Yiling felt a little happy.

Xu Yiling doesn't feel any guilt about making extra money this way.

On the other hand, Zhang Xiaopao also sold some things.

All in all, more than 500 was quickly deposited into his bank card.

Looking at the bank card text message, Zhang Xiaopao looked satisfied:

"Haha! This is called making money!"

“It’s a lot more fun than collecting rent!”

"Brother Xu, let's go, let's go wash our feet tonight!"

"I know a newly opened club called Tianshang Yaju. The girls there are more on point than the last. Hehe..."

Hearing this, Xu Yiling smiled.

I glanced at the time, it was already half past five.

"Let's go wash our feet." With that said, Xu Yiling closed the computer.

Then, the two left gracefully.

Lu Qianqian, on the other hand, silently put away her phone, which was hidden by a potted plant and only exposed a camera, placed vertically.

Lu Qianqian is a scheming bitch. She had already used her mobile phone to film everything the two of them did all afternoon.

She took the evidence and went straight to her boss's office.

"Boss, Xu Yiling doesn't do anything serious during work hours."

"Playing games all afternoon."

"Look, this is the evidence I recorded."

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