Who Can Fall In Love After Being Reborn?

399. Chapter 398 Homeboy And Homegirl, Inseparable

Chapter 398 Homeboy and homegirl, inseparable

The bed in the nanny's room is not big, but it is just right for two people.

Jiang Qin was leaning against the east wall, while Feng Nanshu was half-sitting on the head of the bed, with a cute expression.

This room had not been used much before and had always been filled with debris. However, probably because he was afraid that the summer would be too hot and the ventilation conditions were not good, Yuan Youqin installed a Haier air conditioner while Jiang Qin was not back.

The cooling capacity of the new air conditioner is still very strong. It didn't take long for the indoor temperature to drop.

The cool breeze blows constantly, bringing a touch of coolness and comfort to the hot summer.

Jiang Qin slumped on the bed in a very wild posture, playing with his broken mobile phone for a while. He accidentally looked up and found that Feng Nanshu was dangling in front of him with a snow-white foot, and the fragrance was emanating.

Today she was wearing a white Brown Bear T-shirt and white shorts. One leg was curled up and the other leg was crossed. She was reading a children's storybook called "The Legend of Robot Monkey" and her feet were swaying unconsciously. The pink toes are like round jade beads.

Jiang Qin's fingers stopped pressing the buttons, and suddenly he felt that the phone was meaningless.


The little rich woman who was reading suddenly noticed that the sound of pressing the keys had stopped, so she glanced blankly and found that Jiang Qin was like a silly cat that had seen a cat teaser, his eyes following her feet as they swayed.

Feng Nanshu was now stunned, so she quietly put her foot towards Jiang Qin's mouth.

As a result, there was a snap, and the instep of her foot was hit, and then she said "ah" and quickly retracted.

Fishing, right?

Jiang Qin looked at her seriously and noticed that the little rich woman's eyes were wandering outwards, as if she didn't know, it wasn't me.

The two of them just spent the whole afternoon in the small room. Apart from drinking water and going to the toilet, they didn't want to leave this small space even if they saw the sunset outside the window.

The passage of time can be felt from the changes in light, especially at dusk, when the room suddenly becomes dim and dark, as if the sun's fall begins to accelerate.

Feng Nanshu came over to Jiang Qin at some point, and had already read most of the storybook in his hand.

Jiang Qin also put down his mobile phone at this time, and followed her in a daze, starting to read from the middle. He couldn't understand it a little, but surprisingly he was able to read it.

Not to mention, although the book is marked as a classic for primary school students, it is hard to say whether it is suitable for primary school students, but it is surprisingly suitable for college students.

Jiang Qin curled up his left leg, twisted his neck, and changed into a comfortable position. He was about to read the next sentence, but found that the book was suddenly closed.

"Don't watch it?"

"Go pee and see again when you come back."

Feng Nanshu got out of bed, pulled on her slippers and walked out of the room. At this moment, Jiang Qin picked up the book and planned to read a paragraph later.

Because the little rich woman's reading speed is a bit fast, he can't keep up, and he probably has to read less than two or three sentences on each page.


Why doesn't it look good?

Jiang Qin flipped through it twice, feeling a little baffled, then closed the book and looked at the title, thinking that's right, isn't this the same book just now?

It wasn't until a few minutes later that Feng Nanshu came in, climbed onto the bed again, and cuddled up against him, that the book inexplicably started to read again. It was simply magical.

"Do you think this book is good?"

"It didn't look good when I was sitting there just now, but it looks better after I come here."

As Feng Nanshu spoke, she picked up the book again, opened it and moved it towards Jiang Qin. She believed that the interestingness of the book had something to do with where she sat.

Soon, the storybook was finished and the sunset reached its most glorious moment.

The little rich woman looked at the slanting shadow left by the setting sun on the white wall through the window lattice. Her eyes were dyed a magnificent fiery red, and even her eyelashes were as bright as gold.

The window frame of the nanny's room was originally not large, but the shadow falling on the wall was doubled in size, framing the two of them in the sunset before sunset.

Jiang Qin looked at Feng Nanshu's delicate and agile facial features, his eyes fell on her full red lips, and suddenly discovered a secret that would shock the world once it was announced.

It turns out that not only 207 and Maple Grove are in a moral depression, but also the little nanny room of their Lao Jiang family.

"Jiang Qin."


"Show sister the spare phone."

Feng Nanshu looked at the white wall in front of him and gave the order with a cold face.

Jiang Qin narrowed his eyes: "Little rich woman, I didn't mess with you today, you'd better not mess with me."

Hearing these words, Feng Nanshu groaned a little, and then gently moved into Jiang Qin's arms. He slowly watched the darkness rising into the sky little by little, and his heart was filled with joy and peace.

The next few days were almost the same. A big boss with a net worth of nearly 100 million did not go out to conquer the business world, and a beautiful fairy did not go out to bring disaster to the country and the people. The two of them stayed at home and became a otaku together.

Watch TV together, read books together, and play 4399 mini games together.

If the battle in the group buying market is over, some media come to interview Jiang Qin and ask him, during the hottest period of group buying, what troubled Mr. Jiang the most?

Jiang Qinhui said that it was summer vacation at that time, and Feng Nanshu and I were playing Forest Ice and Fire Man in 4399. My biggest headache at that time was how to make Feng Nanshu understand that this game requires separate actions and cooperation, instead of always operating her. The villain follows my villain.

Also, Death vs. Naruto requires me to beat you and you to beat me, rather than you using your Killing Gay to protect each other with my Kuru Saki.

August 28th, just a few days before the start of school.

Jiang Qin finally took Feng Nanshu out and took her to get a haircut, eat hot pot, and visit the zoo.

The planning of the new city has begun, and the renovation of the old city is also in full swing. Today's Jeju is really changing every day. There are many street buildings that will not be seen in a few years.

Boss Jiang specially took the young rich woman to those places to check in and take photos.

Feng Nanshu couldn't forget the braised noodles she ate at the entrance of Chengnan High School last time, and wanted to eat them again. Unfortunately, with the relocation of Chengnan, the store no longer knew where it was.

The development of society and the changes of the times will always sacrifice some sentimental things, which is unstoppable.

"Jiang Qin, your phone is vibrating."


Jiang Qin lowered his head and glanced at his crotch, thinking how could it be possible? I was just nostalgic. This was a pure spiritual activity, not a joke.

Then she saw Feng Nanshu open her satchel and take out her paint-off Nokia. Tan Qing's Shanghai number was displayed on the screen.

As Jiang Qin expected, major group buying websites have been making huge moves in recent times.

Among them, Nuomi.com and Lashou.com each sent a professional team to Shanghai. They have set up tents in the past two days, and there are also different leaflets and posters on the streets. 40% off.

Moreover, the names of Lashou and Nuomi have begun to appear on some traffic radio programs and local TV stations.

The group had made preparations earlier, and withdrew the bread man who was groping around the outside, and destroyed two work badges at the same time.

"Boss, you were really right, but why did these two websites suddenly focus on Shanghai?"

"Normal market competition does not involve grudges. No matter how fierce the frontier competition is, the bosses can still drink and brag when they sit together. This is called a pattern. But when Suixin Tuan went to Shenzhen, they just did the wrong thing. ”

Jiang Qin held up his mobile phone and said: "LaShou.com has poached Suixin Tuan's entire marketing team. This is a deadly feud and there is no possibility of easing it, but Suixin Tuan should not go to Shencheng at this time."

Tan Qing had some enlightenment: "Because of Nuomi.com."

"Yes, you have to know that the merchant resources in your hand were sold to Nuomi.com, and Nuomi.com is not a fool. I will control Lashou.com for you, and you give me Shencheng resources. Although we have no intention of cooperation, there is The essence of a collaboration.”

"But what is your situation now? You have taken a breath, and suddenly you are about to attack from behind. Then the original cooperation has turned into a deadly feud."

"Two mortal enemies..."

Jiang Qin nodded: "If you have an equally matched opponent, then you don't need to be afraid, because even if the opponent wants to mess with you, they have to weigh how much harm they will suffer."

"But it's different when there are two equally matched opponents."

"No matter how fierce the fight between Lashou.com and Nuomi.com is, it is a reasonable competitive relationship. They have no grudges. They will join forces. Suixin Tuan is a bit of a rookie, but it also cost millions of dollars to create. Who wouldn’t be tempted by the real market?”

Tan Qing pondered for a moment: "But... from the 20th to the 28th, isn't that too fast?"

"Some time ago, Suixin Tuan received the second round of financing, and a few days later, Lashou.com and Nuomi also received the second round of financing? Are there any terms of the agreement?"

"There is no news about this yet, but it is said that the 20 million raised by Lashou will be received in three stages, and the 10 million raised by Nuomi.com will be received in two stages."

Jiang Qin nodded: "That's right. It means that the capital behind them is a little tired. The meaning of asking them to produce some results is actually very obvious. It is to ask them to work faster. You can't huddle in one city and fight. , what’s the point?”

Tan Qing understood: "They want to see rewards."

"Of course, except for those pushers who stare at the plate, who doesn't want to see their money back as soon as possible? Suixin Tuan is definitely on fire."

"What would happen if Lashou and Nuomi defeated Suixin Tuan?"

"The plate is getting bigger, and there are fewer people sharing it. Once the money is available, the size will increase sharply. Get ready."

Jiang Qin hung up the phone and thought to himself, "Build the wall high, accumulate food widely, and become king slowly." This principle has been passed down from ancient times to the present. Why are some people still so radical?

You are still a damn qualified leader, now you are fine, Senior Sister Ye, you are almost no longer qualified to be a forward.

(End of chapter)

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