Whimsical System

Chapter 714: Alien Team

The investigation was planned to the ninth day, and new discoveries were made on the side of the beggar.

It's just that this discovery seems a bit exaggerated to the beggar, and it's also somewhat impractical.

According to the information gathered by the players, the teams that disappeared seem to be from the same galaxy.

Yes, it is a galaxy, not time and space.

There is still a big difference between the real-time space and the galaxy. For example, the place where Chu Feng lives and the place where the beggar lives are different time and space, not different galaxies.

Because the species between them are the same, although there are individual differences. But in more cases, they still have something in common.

There is a big difference between galaxies and galaxies. Different galaxies have great differences in their species and cultures, and even their lifestyles and ways of living are different.

For example, the special time and space that Chu Feng and the beggar entered before this time belonged to different galaxies, but it was regarded as a special time and space in the closer galaxy.

As for the teams that disappeared this time, the galaxy they belonged to was extremely far away from the galaxy where Chu Feng lived. If it weren't for this assessment, perhaps they would never have an intersection.

In fact, during the period of the Fire Territory Examination, the hosts of the same galaxy were basically communicating.

This includes plundering resources. Because they have different requirements for resources, such as plundering a team from an alien system, and the resources they have may not be needed for the predators.

Therefore, between war and war, it is also between common galaxies. In the final analysis, it is actually a battle between galaxies and a competition between time and space.

The teams that disappeared this time are precisely because of this.

In fact, this information is actually easier to obtain than the previous conjecture. It's just that the beggar has always ignored it, because he has never thought about the issue of the galaxy. It was not until a member of the team put forward this aspect that the beggar paid attention to this issue.

When the beggar relayed this question to Chu Feng, Chu Feng had some bold ideas.

He felt that it was necessary for him to have some dealings with teams from other galaxies. There were a large number of hosts participating in the assessment in the Fire Territory, and teams between different galaxies were naturally endless.

If they can get any convenience in other galaxy teams, it will definitely be of great help to their future expansion plans and their understanding of the current matter.

It's just that it is more difficult to do this, and the communication between hosts of different galaxies is also a difficult matter to solve.

Between time and space, they have a common language. Even if they are different, they will make up for it by themselves, but for the communication between different galaxies, it is not that simple.

According to Chu Feng's understanding, some galaxies do not use language to communicate, but use motion or even electric current induction. They can only communicate with each other by touching their antennae like insects and a certain energy blending. effect.

Regarding this, they are naturally incapable of doing it. First of all, they do not have this energy, and they have no way to have this energy.

However, Chu Feng's thought was that there was no need for them to communicate with that kind of galaxy team that was too special.

Maybe they can find some teams that are similar to them and belong to different galaxies. Perhaps it will be relatively simpler to communicate in this way.

After the beggar got his idea from Chu Feng, he quickly implemented it. After several days of searching, they actually found a few teams of alien systems that were able to reach a consensus.

In the process of communicating with them, the beggar discovered that each galaxy has its own unique way of survival.

Even they have a different understanding of the concept of host.

What's even more exaggerated is that the effects of the system on them are also very different.

Some galaxies are inherently immortal, but what the system gives them is a continuous cycle of time, similar to the ability of time travel, allowing them to repeat one thing.

For example, if they fail to pass the current assessment, they can return to time again and continue the assessment until they pass. That means that in their lives, as long as they persist, there will be a moment of success after all.

Perhaps after the end of this assessment, they will conduct the next assessment, reincarnation, until they become the ultimate winner.

Knowing this, the beggar can't help being a little confused. He doesn't know whether the assessment he is currently in is true or false. Since there are such people, they will definitely become the ultimate in their lives. When there is a winner, there can only be one winner. So, is the winner they got true? Or is the winner of this assessment true?

This is a difficult question to answer, and it is also the secret of the system.

After this exchange, the beggars have gained a lot, and they have also found the reason for the disappearance of the group from this exchange. It turns out that the disappeared teams are the guys with this ability.

They have disappeared from this assessment, perhaps in their opinion this is just a momentary matter, and then they continue to participate in the next assessment.

auzw.com But in fact, the next assessment is not sure how long it will take until now.

However, this does not make much sense to them, because they have no concept of time, they belong to eternal existence, and time is just a unit of counting, and they do not even have a precise understanding of life. Not knowing what life is is like not knowing what eternity is.

After this series of investigations and understanding, the beggar felt as if he had opened a window in the space of an alien galaxy.

He couldn't help but imagine what he would become in the end if he could obtain abilities from these galaxy teams.

Regarding this idea, the beggar didn't tell anyone, even Chu Feng didn't tell him, it was regarded as his private secret, a secret that would never be revealed.

What Chu Feng had learned was nothing more than the existence of such a group of people, their abilities were exaggerated, and at the same time extremely normal to them.

When Chu Feng was amazed, he had no other thoughts, because all he knew was these, which was extremely superficial and rare.

Since then, beggars often communicate with teams from other alien systems.

And gradually began to exchange a series of items, such as weapons, and even resources.

And for a while, beggars have also moved to invade this is the plan of the alien system team.

But soon, he dismissed this idea, because he knew it was not a good idea.

Now they have reached a good consensus with other galaxies.

Although this range is relatively small, it is a good start. If he rushes to end this start, it will be a great loss for them, and it will also cause friction with alien galaxies.

The formation of this kind of friction is difficult to remove, in the subsequent assessment process. Beggars can't imagine what will happen, if the other party deliberately retaliates, it would be a fatal blow to them.

However, the fact that beggars dare not do this does not mean that other teams dare not do it. Not long ago, a team had such a bold idea.

Before the action, they had made all preparations. Since their action was not aimed at teams in the same galaxy, other teams did not stop them, and there were even some teams that had already planned to watch the white show.

As before, their mode of action is still a sneak attack, after all, this is the specialty of all teams.

However, what they didn't expect was that the team of the galaxy they attacked was waiting for their arrival.

It seems that members of these alien galaxies can listen to their thoughts.

The battle took place very quickly, and the ending was also tragic. The team completely disappeared without leaving a trace.

No one knows where they went, because at the moment the war started, both teams disappeared from the sight of everyone.

But when the team from the alien system came back, the team that went to attack never appeared again.

In the end, this matter only became a joke, and everyone regarded him as a post-dinner talk.

But after this incident, the beggar completely dispelled this idea.

In the following period, the team's development and expansion will be relatively smoother than before.

And this is all to rely on, the weapon in exchange.

The weapons of the alien team are somewhat elusive. And they seem to be the entire team that has such a weapon.

There is even a possibility that their team is one.

In other words, this team is equivalent to a host, and the members of the team are the various components of the host.

The success or failure of a team will affect everyone in the team.

In fact, this method has many similarities with Chu Feng's team.

It's just that their team is much easier to maintain than Chu Feng's team. Chu Feng needs many conditions to be met before this situation can be achieved, and they only need to be in the same galaxy.

In addition, Chu Feng began to have his own ideas when he learned that the alien galaxy team existed.

From the current point of view, if it is based on his own healing ability. Naturally, Chu Feng had no way to recombine his nerves.

And if you wait until the end of the assessment, then the waiting time is too long.

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