Chapter 163: Dating.

Previously, when Xiaolan was talking about the script of the cyan kingdom, Al was keenly aware of the anger that appeared between the other party’s eyebrows. Could it be that this guy has some special preparations, but you yourself are not still here?

This is the beginning of the world of Ke Xue, should there be some very strange way to kill. Soon, with the excuse of repairing the roof, the fat man Takahashi took the initiative to get up and walk to the roof.

Speaking of this, Al still can’t help but complain.

The Suzuki family’s villa, even if there is no maid, why is your roof broken?

Isn’t it that the roof will be damaged suddenly. And there are usually guards in the villa, are they all blind, and they don’t even know that the building inside the villa is screwed.

The most outrageous thing is that they even said that the roof was broken and had to let the guests repair it.

In order not to let Takahashi out of his sight, Al really wanted to follow directly to stare at the other party.

It’s just that Ayako actually took the initiative to come and sit opposite her, as if she was going to talk to him about something.

The original plan was shattered, but after hesitating for a second between Takahashi and Ayako, Al decisively focused his attention on Ayako Suzuki.

That fat man will be 007 for a while and can’t turn over any waves, so don’t worry too much.

Not far away, after the people in the hall walked away, Hua Meinan found Xiaolan and the garden.

Although I didn’t hear what the other party talked about with the two people, I looked at Yuan Zi nodding happily, and then pulled Xiaolan out with me and should invite them to go out to play.

I really can’t relax for a moment, and if I don’t pay attention, someone will pay attention to the fish in their fish pond. It’s just that Al didn’t do anything.

He is now seducing a fish, and this Suzuki Ayako next to him is still in the process of attacking.

He still understands the truth that he can’t eat hot tofu in a hurry, and if you tempt too many fish at once, it will not be good if you scare away other fish.

And Xiaolan is stubborn, even she is not confident to quickly win the other party, let alone a man who meets for the first time. Even if the other party is handsome, it is useless, if you want to melt this piece of solid ice, you can only slowly grind it by cutting the flesh with a dull knife.

But the guy still had to teach some lessons, and Al silently wrote down the other party on the small book.

“The environment of this small forest is good, or should we go out for a walk?”

Seeing that the living room became empty, Al invited Ayako Suzuki with a smile on his face.

At the same time as the invitation, the hand has already been stretched out.

Ayako Suzuki looked very excited, but when she saw the dim sky outside, she was a little hesitant.

“Don’t worry, let’s just walk around the neighborhood and bring an umbrella.”

Without giving Ayako Suzuki a chance to think too much, Al took the initiative to grab the other’s arm, smoothly pulled out a handful from the umbrella stand next to the door, and the two went out together.

For this less assertive eldest lady, it is good to be a little stronger.

The two people didn’t say much, just walked slowly in the forest quietly, but tacitly did not mention the hands that were held together.

Mr. Al’s hands were warm, and Ayako felt the feeling of her small hands being completely wrapped.

It’s just that Al doesn’t just focus on Ayako, his eyes are also searching in the forest. Where did those who came out a little earlier than them run?

This forest is so big in total, can this person still be lost?

Logically speaking, if something happens, there must be some movement. Just when Al was wondering, a few raindrops fell from the sky to his face.

Ayako Suzuki obviously also felt the change in the weather, and took the initiative to take the umbrella in Al’s hand and blocked the two people.

“Go back Mr. Al, the rain may be going to fall heavily.”

“It seems so, but the umbrella seems to be a little small.”

This umbrella is definitely more than enough to block a person, but Ayako seems to be a little shy, and there is some distance between her and Al.

In this way, the other party’s small half of his body was completely exposed, and a few drops of water had already wet half of the other party’s clothes.

Stretching his arms, while Ayako Suzuki had not reacted, he put his arm around the other’s shoulders and pulled the light body into his arms.

“I haven’t found out before, the eldest lady of the Suzuki family has such a cute side, aren’t you afraid of catching a cold, or do you not like to get close to me?”

“It’s not… It’s just that I’m not used to it. ”

Lowering his head, a soft voice came from Al’s arms.

Even though there was still some distance between the faces of the two people, he could still see Ayako’s red cheeks at this time. Although it is easy to be shy, he does not reject his closeness. I didn’t even mean to resist a little, so I was held by myself so obediently.

It feels really good.

I have to say that these women from these traditional big families, but under strict tutoring, Ayako is really obedient as Yuanzi said, and she is definitely the best candidate to marry home.

“Let’s go back first, it won’t be good if you get cold.”


Just as Al adjusted his direction and was about to take Ayako home, a scream suddenly came from the forest in the distance. Al was no stranger to that voice, it was Xiaolan’s scream.

Could it be that the guy really got into action?

His face changed slightly, and he lowered his head and looked at Ayako, and the other party’s very representative squinting eyes also wrinkled.

“The voice came from that place, you follow me, let’s go and see the situation.”

They didn’t say much, and at times like these, they all knew the priorities.

Ignoring the gradual heavy rain in the sky, Al took the lead and ran in the direction where the sound came from.

As he said before, this forest was originally small, and soon he met Ota Fuji in the forest with a panicked face.

If memory serves, didn’t this guy act with the gardeners?

But now that he appeared in front of him like this, that could only mean one thing. He threw down Xiaolan and the two girls.

Ayako Suzuki, who had rushed behind him, also thought of what Al thought of.

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