Milieu's gazing at me for instructions.

I have to decide what to do. Now. Make up your mind. I don't know what to do. I don't know about this at a time like this, but something like fatigue is pulling my leg. Enough or your heart? Heavy. I'm dull right now.

I guess so, but hey.

I decided to split it. There are times like this. I mean, I'm omnipotent, but I'm about to float.

I've decided to make a decision I can't boil.

If it sounds awesome, do it. If you don't want to kill me, don't kill me. Get him.

When I ordered him to do so with gestures and mouth movements, Milliu shook his head vertically. There is no misunderstanding over Milliu. You don't have to be clear, you'll do what I say.

Shadows, no... perhaps land sahagin shadows, step by step, approaching the wooden trees.

Me and Milliu are hiding behind a tree. Probably can't see us from him. Is he aware of us? I can't say anything.

I'm enjoying my evening walk by myself...... but it also looks like it.

The fisherman Sahagin is divided broadly into sea sahagin and land sahagin.

Because sea sahagins can breathe underwater in the lake and land sahagins can't, even the same sahagins seem to be so different.

Looks exactly like a fish. Walk on two legs, fish with two arms. It feels as subtle as you can imagine, but, well, you'll see that one of these days. Not so far away. Almost there.

Neither Sea Sahagin nor Land Sahagin joined the camp of the Immortal King, Sahagin said. I chose the path of self-defence called neutrality, not even on the human side.

I didn't always put up pacifism. Sea Sahagin and Land Sahagin joined hands and fought, whether on the king's side of immortality, but on the human side, if anyone came into their sphere of power. The Sahaggins live by the water, so if you're at a disadvantage, you can run away even though it's a lake in the sea. That way no other species can get their hands on it.

After all, it's an exclusive species.

Well, make it an elf. Make it a dwarf. There's something like that, but from what I've heard, it's not that ratio.

Only, from what I've heard, though.

I don't know what the truth is.

Hi, Sahagin has a verse that still resents me for not being on either side of it due to the great upheaval that divides Grimgal. I don't trust them, they're selfish, they don't talk, they're not rocks, they're savages.

However, as far as I'm concerned, there's more to Sahagin than having an absolutely favorable field of water. I don't know if I need to join hands with the others, so the choice to remain neutral seems reasonable and even natural.

That also has a slight effect on my stray.

Sahagin is not stupid. Of course, not savage. We have the wisdom to just take wise measures to protect ourselves. What do you think about killing me just because I ran into you on your journey?

I hope nothing happens.

I hope that Sahagin doesn't notice us.

It would help if you kept going too far.

... Well, it's the one in the world that doesn't work that well. I know that's what it is.

Lu Sahagin stopped right in front of the tree where we were hiding.

It's a little.

... fish.

That's definitely a fish.

Sounds pretty vicious. Like a wolf.

My face looks like that, but my body is a little shaped.

And... you're wearing it.


It doesn't look like the cotton hemp we're wearing, but he's wearing a sleeveless jacket and then trousers a little longer than his knees. Then, you have a knife on your hips belt, and the long stick you have is more than a spear?

He swung around unconstructively.

Milieu is frightened.


And he said.

"Uh-oh. Uh-huh. Uh-oh."

... words, is it?

Milliu pulled out Mithril's sword quietly. If he screams out loud and even calls his people. Milliu seems to think we're going to have to do this now.

I'm not that impatient. I don't feel bad. But I'm not in the mood right now, I'm dull. Maybe Milliu is more right. If you're not confident, you shouldn't follow your own lead.

I shook my finger and instructed Milliu that you were from over there. I'll go first.

Seeing Milliu nod, I was moving from shade to shade.


"Gyo...... ugh!

He didn't jump up, but he took half a step.

I don't know what I'm talking about, but shouldn't I put up enough?

Take the back of the one Millilu's admiring my appearance,

"Don't move"

And I stuck the tip of Mithril's sword to his neck.

"I hope the words make sense"

"Ko, Word"

He... talked.

"Words...... go through...... Oh, no, this, uh, this is just a rush to say one word, because I, I can talk normally."

".................. heh"

That's normal.

Seriously, he talks normally.

My voice isn't weird either. Or rather, a good voice.

Looks like Milliu was pretty impressed, too. He seemed blurred, so I gave him a look. Don't get distracted. Milliu shook his head and the tip of his sword swept into his neck. He's...


And now it was time to jump up and throw a toss.

"Hey, no, please don't, I won't do anything. Ho, he said he's really not gonna do anything. Violence Against."

"... be quiet for now"

When I said it, he had his mouth shut with both hands. Regardless of the elves and dwarves, it is somewhat uncomfortable that the species remains human in this appearance.

I tried to put a bullet in his nose, but I stopped.

"What are you doing here?"

"... eh. Which is my dialogue..."

Answer me.

"Ha, ha. I'll answer. It's a walk, a walk.... Ah, voice, is this about okay? Aren't you mad...?

I'm not mad at you.

It's frightening, though.

"That's about all right.... you think it's a walk? Looks like your people are at work."

"Oh, is it fishing? Yeah, but that's what fishermen do, because not everyone takes fish, shrimp or shellfish... yeah, you're human, right?

"I'm human, and it's the elves behind you."


He shouted out loud and immediately blocked his mouth with both hands again.

"... oh, I'm sorry, I'm so excited... elf... can I see it? You wanted to see it just once, Elf. Humans come from afar, but I've seen them."

When I let him squeeze his jaw, he turned around for a moment... I don't know what it was, but he changed his expression. Kind of. Different facial creation so far, it's hard to tell until joy and sorrow.

"Wow... it's elves... ears, long... wow... elves... you know, thank you, Mr. Elves"

"... what is it?

"I don't know, thanks for this encounter, like"

"Ah... yes"

"Hold on, I hope you're alive. I don't have any friends, my parents' shins and shoulders are narrow, and I was wondering if they would keep looking at me with white eyes and one day I'd be a fish bone... Oh, just so you know, do all humans do the same job? We at Lu Sahagin have a profession."


I sighed.

The one who talks to the peppers a lot.

"I do, though. It's about a profession for humans."

"Oh, right. But I'm unemployed..."

"That's an odd encounter."

I shrugged my shoulders.

"I'm unemployed too."

"What! Yes, why not!


"Oh, I'm sorry"

"Next time. Be careful."

"Kee, I'll be careful. So... I'm free, and when I'm home, my parents, my sister, my sister, they say I'm tough, so this is how I was walking alone, what are you guys doing here...?

I glanced at Milieu.

How did you explain it?

... or I'm kind of tired of yawning as I listen to his long and wide tongue. It's hard to explain.

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