I say no beforehand, but this is what Milliu told me, so it doesn't really have to be true at all.

Or even a fact for Milliu would be a lot different or very different from the other ones.

So I don't pepper you.

I guess that's a little different, if you think so.

It's just that Milliu serves me, and I don't have a stepsister with the shoulders of the others, so I've decided to generally believe Milliu's story.

So this is Milliu's story, which Milliu told me and I believed.

Arnotu has eighteen prestigious houses.

It seems that the history is old and is said to be both a thousand and two thousand years old.

Most of all, the life expectancy of the elves is about two hundred and fifty years. Until he is about twenty years old, he grows up just like a human, but from there he slowly, slowly grows old.

It would be a lot longer when it comes to the millennium if you tried to be a person who would be a jerk in seventy or eighty years at best, but that would not be the case for elves.

And yet, it's strange to talk like a legend about "they say" or something. I'm sure it's not really that long. That's my idea, and I don't care.

Well anyway, Arnotu has eighteen famous families, called ancient, seven swords, six curses, five bows.

Elves seem to start learning swords, curses (curses, not curses), and bows from a young age, and eventually children who excel in swords get a professional education as sworddancers, cursemen if they are good at cursing, or bowmen if they are good at bows and arrows? They don't all become sworddancers, spelldoctors, bowmen, but they say they can be raised that way anyway.

So, the seven swords, the six curses, the five bows, stand at the apex of the sworddancer, the curse doctor, and the bowman.

There are eighteen brave men who once saved the elves from a crisis that drove the Impact Forest to ruin, and seven swords, six curses, and five bows are supposedly their descendants. I don't know if it's true.

Those who draw that blood, even if it's not true, are a little abused because they grab the sword before they can walk, they put tattoos for curse in their bodies, and they hold bows.

Milliu was raw by one of the seven swords, the Mercurian family.

Moreover, at that time Milliu's father was one hundred and ninety years old and his mother one hundred and fifty years old. Although the elves were slow in aging, they were more like grandparents than parents.

Elves apparently, they can't make children, not not make them, they have diminished reproductive abilities as a species. Anything, it seems like I used to marry other races a long time ago, but since I stopped doing that, I've gradually stopped having kids?

Whatever it was, the long-awaited legacy was born. The Mercurian family is a fuss of great joy. Even the whole Seven Swords, since the birth of an elf such as Leeliah of the House of Strallum, which is seven or eight times older than Milliu, uh, damn it, now my Mercurian family has been cheap for a while, sah, well, let's work out, if this kid is not, but if he needs to be a sworddancer who is not ashamed of the name of the Seven Swords...... so Milliu was abused before he got his mind on it.

I was trained.

Milliu endured this with an English talent education of the Seven Swords tradition.

The resurgence of Sword Saint Warangia, showed so much talent that he wanted the name of the prodigy.

... Even so, it seems that Leelia of the Strallum family was likewise dubbed "The Resurrection of Sword Saint Warangia," so for now the child born in the House of the Seven Swords may be so praiseworthy.

But seriously, it looks like they were asking for the future.

At the age of seven, Milliu took one from the current Mercurian head of the family, that is, his own father, and I thought that was out of touch with my child's cuteness... and Milliu's father ran away from home after losing to my daughter, and he didn't come back for a month or so, so that doesn't seem to be the case.

I didn't just lose my father. For the first time at the age of seven, Milliu took up a horrible leopard, known as Shadow Run, inhabited by the Impact Forest by himself.

The tree men hostile to the elves, the Trents almost took them away, but on the contrary, they also knocked them all out.

He stood up with the older Leary and also played each other's battles to surprise his surroundings.

Not only because of the skill of the sword, but also because of its pity, she was the beloved daughter of La Florte, the goddess, whose praise never ceased.

Milliu's seven-year-old was full of glory.

He was extremely popular.

It was loved and the number one elf.

Until the age of seven.

Since the age of eight, changes have come to Milliu.

I got pounded.

The cause was chocolate.

There was a silly elf who sneaked chocolate into Milliu, the seven year old beloved elf number one, glorious and glorious. Milliu happened to be obsessed.

If you have something so good, you don't want to eat anything other than this in the future, Milliu said.

La Florte's beloved daughter was captivated by chocolate.

Millilu choked on the silly elf who gave me the chocolate, the Landurois owner Bentwan, and yes, that Alijarean father, just that one. Bentwan, who was more naive and mellow to Milliu than his own daughter, who was fucking busy and louder than his wife, of course didn't say no.

Don't tell me.

You can't tell anyone what your uncle gave you.


That's what I whispered and gave Milliu the chocolate.

Milliu naturally accounted for the flavor.

Every day, every day, I asked Bentwan to give me some chocolate.

Bentwan gradually started to wonder if this was a good idea, but somehow Milliu was cute and I couldn't help it. When Bentwan gets reluctant, Milliu weeps in his eyes, yeah, okay, Milliu, we'll hang in there, Uncle, I'm sorry, what a thing to say, so oh, please don't, don't cry, Milliu, La Florte's beloved daughter, do it, do it, do whatever chocolate you want, you see, look, go ahead, thank you, it turns out.

So, this broke. To Milieu's parents, no. To the other fucking elves, yeah.

Hey, Bentwan, why don't you just do yourself a chocolate or something and get out of hand, you lollicon asshole, I'll do it too.

Thus one more elf and two more and three more giving Milliu chocolate... Milliu brought home an inedible bun on the spot and ate it in hiding. All the fucking elves, keep it to themselves, it's a secret, because you should never tell your father and mother, and just in case, Milliu kept it to himself in discipline. Protect me, I ate chocolate. I ate too much chocolate to eat rice, and I might be flabbergasted if something happened, so I ate every meal.

While I was eating, I got pouty.

No matter how intensely trained he was, Milliu's puffiness never stopped. The tougher, tougher training was imposed, the more Milliu's body sought chocolate. Eating chocolate blew my tiredness and nothing to the top.

Long live chocolate!

Milliu kept pounding.

Both father and mother were greatly troubled by this.

Why, the elves are a beautiful species, but that's why they have a sharp aesthetic feel. I'm sensitive to things that aren't beautiful. I can't forgive the ugly. That, ugly thing, in it, is also plumped with luxury meat.

Originally, the elves are soothing, but there is a personal difference, and if you eat too much Bakubaku, of course you will gain weight, so fat elves are not considered elves.

Apparently the elves have an alliance with the human race so they don't use it in front of humans, but do you think there is an insulting expression among the elves that they are "fattening like humans"? Even humans, I don't think they're all that fat because of their personal differences, just like elves, but I guess they're thick enough by the standards of elves.

Then, there was a pedigree called Slumpy and Hairy Dwarves, and the elves were like, "You Dwarves!" He curses them. If I were told, I would be very hurt and angry with you as a result of the blaze? Though Dwarf seems more hurtful and angry.

Anyway, depending on that, as Milliu's parents, I had to stop Milliu from getting pouty at all costs. Whatever, it's about time. Like that? Isn't that a bit of an alley, that kid? Not bad? Some kind of beloved daughter, no? There isn't. I don't think so. Voices like that are beginning to rise in people. This is Setouchi. Now, if you lose weight, you can still make it. Now still, that was a process of growth, I laid down on the side before I could laze vertically, and if I insisted like that, we'd all be convinced. Talent comes with origami. My face is still cute.


I need to make you lose weight.

Right now.

My parents imprisoned Milliu.

By then, my parents had already noticed that Milliu was wandering about chocolate, but this couldn't be stopped. When left alone, Milliu leaves the house when he does, and gets some chocolate somewhere. Eat. Eat as possessed. Eat it all up, pussy.

Milliu was also Milliu, and the role of the beloved and elf, who had to wield hard workouts and expectations from around and love at all times, seemed excessively stressed.

So Milliu can't stop herself either.

My parents can't stop Milliu by normal means either.

I couldn't help it, so my parents locked Milliu in one of the rooms of the house.

Just give me water and I won't feed you anything.

Whatever it is, let it lose weight.

As it is, my daughter is no longer an elf. It makes me human. It makes me a dwarf.

By the pride of the elves, as one of the seven prestigious swords of the Mercurian family, that alone must be avoided at all costs.

Milliu also said that if you think about it now, you can understand how your parents feel.

But not at the time.

Father, Mother, why are you doing this to me...!?

Father, Mother, please, please, please, please, please, please, please...

Milliu cried. I cried and fell asleep when I was tired. I woke up hungry, crying. I cried and fell asleep with all my might. I was hungry and stuck and drowsiness disappeared. I cried, knocked on the door, got bored, and finally lost my temper to move.

Milliu lost weight.

Or it faded.

Finally, the parents decided to release Milliu and opened the door. There was the beloved daughter of La Florte, the goddess, although her cheeks were scattered and there was a neighborhood under her eyes.

In its heart, however, lived the beast.

Milliu was hungry.

I was so hungry already.

Milliu heard his parents' heartfelt preaching in the sky above, and as soon as he became free, he ate. I ate depending on allowances. I ate anything I could eat. When I ate chocolate a long time ago, he thought, oh, now I don't care what happens anymore, at this moment, he wants to die. Eat or not, I wasn't satisfied. When his belly was full, the hunger of the beast nestled in Milliu's heart was not satisfied. Milliu was forced to eat. Eat it, eat it all, pout it.

My parents captured Milliu and imprisoned him again.

When Milliu faded, he nodded, telling me that he had no choice but to do this in tears, for your sake. Millilu says he was really convinced then. But when I was free, I couldn't stand it.

Milliu ate.

Eating, Pooch was caught by his parents, locked up, and forced to go on a hunger strike.

Until Milliu turned seventeen, that happened.

When my daughter turned seventeen, my parents finally gave up.

Milliu was abandoned.

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