Episode 94: Jolie

"... to the captain, you say?

Yavin shrugged behind me.

"This guy...!

Bleiher laughed ridiculously.

"That's a masterpiece! Kid, you're going to be the captain of this ship! You make me laugh at all! That's a lot of talent! Captain, why don't you keep this kid as a clown? It's going to be a leisure time seed!

Angelina sees me silently. I don't know what you think or what you think. It's just not pretty. That doesn't seem wrong.

"Don't get on with it, kid"

Yavin can't see because he's behind me, but he'll be trying to pull out the bay knife.

"The captain says you can work on this ship. It's from the temper. If you're going to waste it, there's no forgiveness."

"Anjolina asked me what you wanted to do, so I just answered that, Yavin."

"… you"

"You seem to be mistaken, Xaragi"

Angelina smiled. I'm narrowing my eyes a little and putting up both ends of my lips, so normally I'd smile if I thought about it.

Well, I don't suppose any of them would be surprised to see that face.

Mostly it must tremble. I felt my spine freeze, too, and I thought it would be.

Are you doing it consciously or unconsciously? Either way, Angelina's smile is of a different nature than a common smile. Maybe that woman is happy. Maybe he wants to be funny. So maybe I smiled, but the consequences of that emotion would be a lot different from the general ones.

How is it different?

I said, "If you want, you can let me work on this ship." I'm not asking you what you want. I taught you the only way you could choose but to be thrown off the ship right now. Kind, isn't it? Yes. I'm kind. I pride myself on being a very kind, merciful, broad-minded captain "

"Grrrrr! No, no!

Bleiher turned to me and let me open my eyes.

"Look at that! What are you hiding? The mercy the captain gave me! I was on a different boat! I'm not proud of you. You were the captain! The captain just scraped his nose out of his hand to forgive me for getting caught after all the trouble! I can't believe it's merciful at all......!

"I'm glad he did."

I shrugged my shoulder.

"I even have to screw around. Oh, whatever. You're alive now, and it looks like you're having fun."

"Fun......! Even though it's fun to imagine what kind of death a busy kid would expose you to, I can see it coming...!

"Do you enjoy that? Every man is a man."


And, Angelina just said and slapped her elbow with her finger, and Bleicher clasped his mouth.

Angelina is still smiling.

"Kisaragi. I'm an extremely generous captain, but I'm not free. I'd love to follow more of your shit, but unfortunately I'm busy. Do you want to work as the lowest layers of the workforce until you die on this ship, or do you want to jump to the sea with your hands tied and drown? Choose one."



"Didn't you hear me? I said no. I'm sorry about both of them. I do not obey anyone. Become the captain of this ship. That's exactly what I said."

"That's impossible."

Yavin pulled out the bay knife and put a blade on my neck. Skin slashed.

"You die here. I can't be captain."

"Yavin, don't stain this place with blood"

Angelina is just not smiling anymore.

Yavin drew a bay knife.

"... Yes, Captain. Do you want to take him?

"No, wait. Two, three, I want to ask you something. Xaragi."


"You're not from Valle."

"Oh. Are you from Valle?"

"Why would you think that?"

'Cause you sound like you know Valle very well.'

"You're right. I know Valle very well. Our Freedom Pirates have some sahaggins, some dwarves from the Iron Blood Kingdom and Zephyr Underground, some elves from the Affected Forest, and some gray elves from the Torn Valley. There are orcs, and there are a few immortals and goblins. The places of origin of the human race have flown from the coral archipelago, the emerald islands and the alterna, as well as from the fishing villages in their valleys. There are even humans from a distant red continent. But I was born in Valle. I was born in that city, I grew up in that city."

Angelina concealed her licence with her hands and let her gaze wander in the hollow.... right.

This woman probably hates her birthplace, Vere. I have a grudge.

So I burned the ship down like that and sank it. In attacking Vere, he dared to choose the method that would strike the Vere hardest.

Anjolina has a ship and that ship sank with something... or something? Shipowners who have lost a ship that is a soul seem to find it a lot harder to live in Vere. But the port of Valle felt like a man's world. Of a woman... and there wouldn't be a young woman shipowner.

I don't know if it's my ship. For example, if the parent has a ship and the ship...?

There you are. Speaking of which.

I know such a thing.

Not a woman, but a man.

"My friend says his father's ship was sunk in a monster."

That's all I said, I noticed a change in Angelina. I don't know. Can anyone tell?

Angelina opened her eyes, tilted her neck... wonder what. I don't think there's a ghost, but if there was, you'd look like that.

"... that it's Mosa?

"Oh. What's wrong with that"

"Mosa is that Mosa"

"I can't tell you what you're talking about, whether Mosa and I know Mosa are the same Mosa. The sea sahaggin is called a dinogula or something..."


Yavin's voice was shaking a little.

"... how do you know such a name"

"Of the island of tears, I asked the chief of Wave's family"

"Wayf...!? You just said wayf!? of Tear Island, wayf...!?"

"So, yeah, when?"



Angelina is pressing the ring against her lips.

"Dinogula is what Mosa calls it. of Sahagin."

"... you're right, Captain. Everyone but Sahagin calls me Mosa. Sahagin is the only one who calls Mosa Dynogula. Sahagin headed north from the South Sea to escape the dynogula. So he reproduced, and the three families of Gerhaza, Boanca, and Tsana went down south, and dwelt on the island of tears. Waif is still a new family, divided from Gerhaza."

"Yeah. Weif split from Gerhaza"

I thought of sending another banquet.

"Yeah, hey, Wave's clan chief felt like he didn't have a head up for Gerhaza's clan chief. Guys, you've been good to me."

"... wait a minute"

Yavin seems upset when he does.

"Who are you? Humans talk about Sahagin. That's just unusual. Even among pirates, few look down at Sahagin"

"I don't care what you say. Sahagin on Tears Island is a family to me."

"Bullshit......! Sahagin and the humans are family...!? thanks......!

"Then ask them. You're a sahaggin 'too, so you can go and ask. I wonder if you know a guy named Kisaragi. Well, for the most part, you remember me. Not so long ago."

"... before? What was before... what? What happened?"


I just sighed.

"Talk longer, and make it harder."

"Speak frankly!


I blushed.

Bleicher's bastards shut the fuck up, and Anjolina's staring at me with a shitty eye even though it's quiet.

If a strawberry has scarlet fever and explains it from around the corner, it's a real pain in the ass for a long time. There you go. Why did you become a family with Sahagin? Well, in a nutshell, that's it. Yeah.

"Killed Mosa"


Angelina opened her mouth gently, so it was kind of funny.

Yavin and Bleiher are losing their voices, it feels like.

"Mosa, do..."

Most importantly, Angelina immediately shut her mouth and smiled.

"That's impossible. That's not how people can do it."

"I couldn't do anything, so you have to do something. I don't know if it's for laying eggs. Mosa came up to the island of tears and devoured the Sahaggins. I don't know what's going on with him or what, but if you shut up, the Sahaggins will be wiped out. I did it because I had to."


Angelina raised her chin and laughed as she tried to show off her smooth throat.

"Ha...! Interesting! Interesting, Xaragi! Maybe Bleiher is right! You have talent! The gift of blowing the Great Magnum! Interesting, but... offensive. Yavin, grab him!

"Yes, Captain!

Yavin immediately followed Anjolina's orders.

That is, he pressed my shoulders from the top and made me kneel on the floor. This guy...

I can't move.

I can't move.

Angelina rose from her seat. It's likely because of the high heel braided shoes, but they're pretty tall.

Bleiher laughed out of the ordinary track.

Angelina buzzes her heels and approaches me.

"Let's see if that legal spiral talent is real. Well, how long will you be able to keep lying about that crap?

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