After Dong Zhuo issued three decrees.

Two days passed.

Although two days.

The Manchu Dynasty was civilized and martial, but it felt that two centuries had passed!


Everyone thought that Dong Zhuo was in power.

Will release which female dependents who were taken away from their own families in the harem.


It's been two days!

Dong Zhuo was stunned and did not mention this matter!

Wang Yun also went to the palace yesterday to tell Dong Zhuo that the yellow turban must be removed, and he met his mother by the way.

I found that my old mother was rosy and ate well.

In two days, I was actually fat.

"Mother, today Dong Thief is in power, the momentum is strong, after a while, I will unite with the ministers to rescue you and the others."

Wang Yun persuaded.

Wang Yun's mother was angry at that time: "Don't say that about your Uncle Dong!" Wang

Yun: "? "


that's the situation anyway.

Wang Yun summoned a group of officials that night and held a meeting.

On this day.


Wang Yun proposed to release his own family and other people and daughters!

Dong Zhuo smiled at that time: "All the 100,000 women in the harem, all of them are widows of the emperor, and now that the new brother is registered, His Majesty is young, he must deceive orphans and widows!"

"The books of the sages are really read in the dog's belly!"

"We, as loyal ministers of the Han family!"

"Let's not agree to the first one!"

This wave,

this wave is called standing on the moral supremacy.

What to hold the Son of Heaven to order the princes.

It's all slag.

The old mother of the group of ministers ordered the world.

It's king.

It is said that the hero Cao Cao of the later life, in front of Dong Zhuo in this world, that is all younger brothers!

In fact, in the early stage of Dong Zhuo, he did not only change clothes.

It's also a shrewd lord!

After all, how can you be mediocre if you can stand firm in the place where birds don't in Xiliang, and have developed such a great strength?

And the Dong Zhuo of this world.

More savvy!

Even with a bit of dragon aotian meaning.

Originally, I slept when I was full at home, and I ate when I was full.

Suddenly, one day, it seemed that he had awakened some incredible attribute and decided to do something big.

Immediately afterwards, heroes from all sides came to vote.

There was not a single soldier yet, Li Ru, and Jia Xu.

Then two thousand soldiers and horses were brought.

Within two months, Li Ru persuaded Hua Xiong, Guo Qiang, and Li Wei to come with a total of 20,000 soldiers and horses.

In the fifth month of the uprising

, there were 50,000 soldiers and horses.

Then he received an order from King Qin of Luoyang.

I came to Luoyang.

Became the prime minister, the imperial master....

It is worth mentioning.

On the way here, Lü Bu heard that Dong Zhuo had a red rabbit horse, and his head stirred, and he directly told his righteous father Ding Yuan.

How could Ding Yuan let Lü Bu, the number one general, defect to others.

So, Lü Bu cut Ding Yuan.

With thousands of his own and state elite horses, he fled to Dong Zhuo's command.

And Dong Zhuo's head stirred that day.

It happened to be the day of the Yellow Turban Uprising.


in less than a year, Dong Zhuo went from a small gangster who ate and waited for death to a position under one person and above tens of thousands of people!

"Dong Zhuo!"

"These are the daughters of the courtiers!"

"The corpse of the first emperor is not cold!"

"Have you really forgotten how the emperor died?"

"Dong Zhuo, you really want to follow the example of the first emperor and drive Hexi to Hu!"

Dong Zhuo's words fell.

Yuan Shao stood up and pointed at Dong Zhuo angrily.

Stepping on horses, concubines just taken, beautiful batch!

As a result, I didn't even enter the cave room!

Just became a concubine!

Now he has become a figure at the level of the Queen Mother.

Good boy!

If it is difficult for wives and children to protect themselves, how can they live in this world?

All sentient beings, how to call him Yuan Shao?


"Really the fourth and third prince of your family, we don't dare to move you!"

When Dong Zhuo heard such a vicious curse, he was immediately furious, pulled out the sword at his waist, and pointed at Yuan Shao:

"Do you want to test whether my sword is sharp?"

Yuan Shao was furious when he heard this.

The long sword in his hand lit up, and pointed at Dong Zhuo:

"My sword is not unfavorable!"




That month of that year.

This year, Yuan Shao is still a teenager.

This year, Yuan Shao is still a dragon slaying boy.

This time.

The dragon slayer boy won.

Although, Long Aotian Dong Zhuo was not so jealous of the Yuan family of the fourth and third princes.

But the moment of holding.

Qunchen stood

behind Yuan Shao.

Without saying a word, Dong Zhuo understood what he meant.

Dong Zhuo smiled: "At the beginning, he was really a loyal minister of the Han family, just as the so-called loyalty is against the ear, our family will not embarrass you, but next time you speak, pay attention, don't compare our family with the previous emperor, our family feels embarrassed!"

"Our family is a loyal minister of the Great Han!"

"If our family goes with the emperor, Your Majesty is young, I don't know how many traitorous ministers will seek power and usurp the throne!"

"Huh, Honchu?"

Dong Zhuo said.

He waved his hand: "But you said something wrong at the beginning!"

"What is it that our family does not let the families of Qunchen go back?"

"That's because they don't want to go back!"

"Tomorrow, our family will open the gate of the harem, and you will enter and ask your own family!"

"These widows of the ancestor emperor are willing to go back, go back on their own, our family will never stop them!"

Say it.

Dong Zhuo said, the little emperor is tired, let's come here today.

As for Dong Zhuo's words to release people, Qunchen believed it.

A courtier.

Although he holds military power, he also wants prestige.

Just as the so-called people do not stand without faith, if Dong Zhuo reneges on his word, not to say that the group of ministers rebels, it is estimated that the people of Dong Zhuo's family will not listen to Dong Zhuo's words at that time.



Yuan Shao entered the palace and found his concubine.

After preparing to take the concubine away, he hurried out of the palace.

Now Luoyang Dong Zhuo covers the sky with one hand, it is really not a place to make trouble!

"Qian'er, Dong Zhuo's name is Hanchen, he is actually a Han thief, I will leave this Luoyang quickly, go back to recruit troops, plan and move!"

Yuan Shao said anxiously.

However, the girl named Qian'er frowned: "Yuan Benchu, how can you say that about Lord Cheng?" Prime Minister Yu is a loyal minister of the Han Family, and the Han Chamber is loyal to the bones! You are so critical of Prime Minister Cheng behind your back, Yuan Benchu! Isn't your Yuan family going to rebel? Yuan

Shao: "?

Wang Yun's side

also found his own mother: "Mother, go back!" Dong thief is in turmoil in the dynasty, and sooner or later he will be ambushed! When

Wang Yun's old mother heard this, she became furious, and directly picked up her club: "Your Uncle Dong is a loyal minister of the Great Han, and you have repeatedly insulted your Uncle Dong, and you dare to frame your Uncle Dong to confuse the dynasty!"

"How did I give birth to you son!"

"Today, I will beat you unfilial son for the ancestors of the Wang family!"

Yuan Shao and Wang Yun ate the turtle.

Qunchen's side is better than the two.

But the same all ate the turtles.

Most of their daughters, daughters-in-law and the like took over.

There is just one problem, Qunchen is very puzzled.

Wen Wu Bai Guan, everyone's old mother, refused to go home!

Reluctance to go home.

Then on the surface, the other party is the widow of the emperor, and it must not be strong!

Wen Wu Bai Guan was very puzzled, and he didn't know what means Dong Zhuo used to make his old mother unwilling to come out.

Even, if he said a bad word about Dong Zhuo, his own mother here was angry.

Cursed at him.

Second early dynasty.

Dong Zhuo looked at Qunchen with a smile.

Qunchen was silent.


The former emperor took Qunchen as his father-in-law.

Later, there is Dong Zhuo as the stepfather of the group of ministers!

This court, when did he become this ghost?

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