After the cover of "Wen Feng" was decided, the printing factory worked overtime to start printing the latest issue, and sent it to all parts of the country the next day.

Teachers Wang and Yu from the Admissions Office of Beijing North University packed their luggage the next day and booked a plane ticket to Pengcheng, the southern tip of the country, after receiving Director Lu's instructions.

As the country's first well-known full-score essay for the college entrance examination, the media that got the candidate's information from the marking teacher Xu Wenxian, got the first-hand fresh information, and organized their staff to turn their heads and start writing.

Pengcheng, in the editorial department of Pengcheng Daily, most people are busy preparing the reports that should be printed tomorrow. The next day’s newspaper samples are usually handed over to the printing factory for printing around the early morning, and then sent to the newspaper early in the morning. Go to Baoting and order readers from all over the world.

"Because our Pengcheng Daily reported "The Death of the Red Rabbit" first, we showed our face in front of our peers and readers all over the country, and made a big splash!"

The editor-in-chief Luo Zhiqiang said in high spirits, local tabloids like theirs, if it weren't for Pengcheng being a first-tier city in China, they wouldn't have known that under the impact of new media, they would all be drinking northwest wind.

"This time it is Lao Song who is worthy of praise. He got the first-hand information about the composition from the internal marking teacher. Now that the information of the candidates for "The Death of the Red Rabbit" has also been leaked, I think we can continue to dig deeper into the candidates. , such as the candidate's road to fame and so on..."

Old Song, also known as Song Jiajie, nodded quickly, yes, he is considered an old man in the newspaper office for many years, and this is the first time that such a great thing happened to be a hot topic in the headlines, so naturally we must seize this opportunity!

"Editor Luo, in fact, the first time I learned about the author of "The Death of the Red Rabbit", I started to investigate the candidate's information. I didn't expect to find some good content!"

"Let's talk about it." Luo Zhiqiang's eyes lit up, and he really deserved to be an old subordinate. His thinking was quick and he knew how to do his homework in advance.

Before continuing to speak, Song Jiajie opened a video with his mobile phone, looked at the content of the video playing on the mobile phone, and explained:

"Hello editor-in-chief, this examinee is the first student in the examination room where he handed in the paper in advance, and after handing in the paper, he has accepted the first on-site online special interview for the college entrance examination. We can seize this point and shape him into a literary genius!

If you agree with the editor-in-chief, I will go to his school to interview the teachers of his school, especially the teachers in the class where the candidate is in. In addition, Xiao Chen will go to interview the person involved! "

Luo Zhiqiang is also an old journalist. He was also a gold medal reporter when he was not the editor-in-chief. He knew how to catch hot news and headlines.

"Taking advantage of our geographical advantages, quickly integrate these contents, and then set aside a special section for special reports. In addition, you can contact the first site to get their audio sources, edit them and post them on the official blog , Preheat and preheat first."

"No problem, then Luo made up the cost issue..."

"Don't worry, the newspaper will reimburse you all!"

"Alright~ Then I'll get to work first."

When Pengcheng Daily was at its peak, its daily circulation was as high as several million copies. Now it has been impacted by new media, but only 400,000 to 500,000 copies are left. Except for some local elderly people, few people know it.

Luo Zhiqiang doesn't have much ambition either, he just hopes to take advantage of "The Death of the Red Rabbit" to save a little bit the crisis that the building is about to collapse... maybe.

This is also a helplessness of the old media!


As a special economic zone in the south, Pengcheng has full-score essays every year in the college entrance examination, but no task essay can cause such a stir and heated discussion as "The Death of the Red Rabbit"!

[A few days ago, there was news from the grading point of the college entrance examination in Guangdong Province. During the composition grading, a candidate’s composition written in classical Chinese and vernacular was unanimously praised by all the grading teachers.

And gave the first full-score composition this year.

The exposure of the author information of "The Death of the Red Rabbit" has caused heated discussions all over the country. Our reporter once had the honor to interview the person involved. Let us review...] - the first scene

"The Road to Fame for a Literary Genius!" - Pengcheng Daily.

"If it doesn't sing, it will be a blockbuster!" - Pengcheng Business Daily.

From the news to the newspapers, and then to the Internet, there is information about Li Chungang everywhere, especially the head teacher and teachers of Li Chungang's class.

The school started to come in early in the morning to interview the reporters and the media. The local ones came directly to the site for interviews, and other places used the form of telephone interviews.

The class group that had been blown up by the shocking news of the publication of the work "Writing Style" was blown up again. Now almost no one knows that the author of this year's full-score composition "The Death of the Red Rabbit" in the college entrance examination is their classmate—— Li Chungang!

The classmate who wanted Aite Li Chungang to speak out never stopped, so Li Chungang had to set his phone to silent.

Zhang Zilin, the chubby guy known as Pistachio in the class, sent several messages in the group, accusing Li Chungang of crimes!

"Everyone is receiving nine-year compulsory education, Ru Hexiu!?"

"@李淑田, you are not righteous. You taught me to secretly read novels in class, and let Internet cafes take off. I thought we were the same people, but I didn't expect it to be just my wishful thinking."

"Li Chungang, you bastard, you have the ability to write perfect essays, and you have the ability to show up. You, a deep-sea giant, hide too deeply. Nima usually doesn't even write essays in Chinese exams. It turns out that you are too good to hide. live?"


Words and emojis rushed into battle, but these were not enough to express Zhang Zilin's deep surprise!

After the sophomore class in high school, the same-spirited fellow who had always won the first and second grades from the bottom with his own troubled brother, turned out to be a blockbuster in the college entrance examination, and even the most difficult part of the composition could easily get full marks by relying on classical Chinese and vernacular. What about other topics?

There were even many scumbag students in the class wailing: "Li Chungang, you beast, I can't even do the reading questions in classical Chinese, you actually wrote a whole piece of composition in classical Chinese."

"Now I'm starting to believe a little bit about what Li Chungang said in the interview that he will be admitted to Tsinghua University and Beijing North."

"Student Zhang Tianci, I would like to ask you how you feel now? Are you ready to wash your hair on the school playground? (Students who don't remember jump back to Chapter 2)"

"I have a small screenshot. If Zhang Tianci doesn't mind, I can provide you with shampoo."

Zhang Tianci: "MMP, can't you let me go? Isn't that guy Li Chungang collectively condemned now?"

Becoming the opponent of verbal criticism by the whole class, Li Chungang lurked in the group and watched for a long time. Knowing that hiding was meaningless, he typed back:

"Wow woof woof woof~"


"Li Chungang, what do you mean?"

"Do you also know that you are a dog?"

Li Chungang: "No, I mean to see if what you are talking about is human."

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