I'm certainly not just Galactus.

Still a player of "Simulating the Immortal"!

By now Shen Lue can be sure that the props and various operation settings in the game are completely higher than the plot settings in the copy.

Such as resurrection coins.

Although the operation of resurrecting the cosmic gods in the cemetery violates the rules set by the OAA, the supreme being in the Marvel universe, it can still be performed normally.

Shen Lue did not answer the witch's question.

He just warned again:

"Infinite Witch, you still have time to leave before I strip away all the power of God's Quarry."

The infinite witch looked gloomy and lowered her raised arm.

They have realized that Shen Lue cannot be killed, erased, exiled, or imprisoned.

It's impossible to understand why this happens, but it is what it is.

However, the witch did not give in easily.

They opened their arms, and thousands of special runes appeared behind them. Each rune symbolized a concept in the universe, many of which were indispensable.

The witch lowered her head and looked down at him:

“See these cosmic concepts?

"They are all under my control now. As long as we are willing, these concepts will disappear immediately, and this single universe will collapse instantly due to conceptual imbalance.

"You can indeed resurrect dead gods.

"But judging from your performance just now, the number of resurrections each time is limited.

"Can you guarantee that before we clear these concepts, we can resurrect the corresponding thousands of universe gods at the same time?"

Shen slightly pursed his lips.

Not to mention being resurrected at the same time, he only has about a hundred resurrection coins left.

Looking at the suddenly silent Galactus, the Infinity Witch opened her mouth and showed a slightly satisfied smile.

“So, now it’s up to us to negotiate with you.

"Immediately stop resurrecting the dead gods of the universe, and never interfere with our actions and future actions of the God Hunters. Otherwise, I will directly destroy the universe."

They imitated Shen Lue's previous sentence patterns and said.

Shen Lue: ()

He just thought for a moment, quickly turned sideways to make way, and said lightly:

"Then you destroy it."

"Um what?"

The infinite witch frowned and looked at Shen Lue in disbelief:

Is this guy Galactus pretending to be calm?

But looking at His "it's up to you, I don't care" look, it doesn't seem like he's just pretending.

His attitude was quite reasonable.

Galactus is the initial concept of the universe set by OAA, so there is a similar "Gulfer" in other single universes.

A god like him may really not care about the life or death of a single universe.

However, you still have to test it out.

The infinite witch opened her arms at the same time, and the conceptual runes behind her were shining with faint light, pretending to clear all these cosmic concepts.

At the same time, they paid close attention to Shen Lue's movements.

Shen Lue: well-behaved.jpg


After a long time, the infinite witch sighed helplessly and put down her arms: "You win."

The tension in Shen Lue's heart instantly relaxed.

Oh my god, you three are really good at playing!

In fact, the final choice of the Infinite Witch was also part of his guess.

Because Shen Lue still clearly remembers that the Infinite Witch once said when talking to Thanos in the cemetery:

Their plan is to recover the concepts in an orderly manner, then redistribute and plan, and ultimately upgrade the current form and way of existence of the universe.

The direct destruction of the universe is not the result they want.

Shen slightly controlled his expression and did not show relief.

He made a gesture of invitation in the direction away from the earth: "Then, please do it."

"Swallowing Star, this time will not be the end"

The infinite witch said a word, and the three huge projections slowly dissipated.

The sun's rays are recast on the earth, illuminating the ruins of New York City.

Shen Lue snapped his fingers to return time to normal.

Obviously, before finding a way to prevent Shen Lue from resurrecting the dead gods, the infinite witch will no longer gain power, nor will she advance her crazy god-hunting plan.


This method may never be found by them.

Stark Industries Headquarters.

Some Avengers members came to Tony Stark's CEO office to summarize the incident.

Shen Lue also participated in the discussion.

Natasha wore a black leather jumpsuit and used a holographic projection screen to introduce to everyone:

"...The following results are all SHIELD's analysis."

She pressed the remote control and the screen switched to New York City in ruins.

"While we were fighting the Infinity Witch, time was disrupted.

"When we regained consciousness, the three witches had disappeared. No one knew what happened in the meantime."

Having said this, Natasha looked at Shen Lue.

Now, "Gourmet" is recognized by everyone as the strongest among these Avengers members.

After all, everyone saw that Shen Lue was able to command Galactus, although Galactus mysteriously disappeared after that.

So Natasha thought he should know best.

"No one really knows."

Shen Lue nodded seriously, as if he didn't know anything.


Stark stroked the beard on his chin and motioned for her to continue.

Natasha nodded: "But there is an accident in this matter. There is an experimental backlight ion anti-interference device at SHIELD's listening office."

A large machine that looked like a blender was displayed on the screen.

"This kind of instrument can theoretically ignore the interference caused by space-time distortion and monitor the target object to the maximum extent.

"At that time, the earth was in a huge space-time distortion field, and it was the only one that successfully recorded a little bit of sound, which can help us restore what happened."

Shen slightly raised his eyebrows.

Can SHIELD actually develop such a sophisticated, heaven-defying instrument?

Natasha pulled up an audio clip and clicked the play button.

Shen Lue quickly sat up straight and listened carefully:

"Withdraw power immediately. Never interfere with the normal development of the universe."


"This is not a permission you have. This is a setting of the OAA."


The audio was intermittent, the background was very noisy, and the content was incomplete. It was impossible to tell that Shen Lue was talking to Infinite Witch.

Natasha smoothed her burgundy hair and said seriously: "This passage contains a lot of information.

“Among them, OAA, we have already learned about it in previous events, and we speculate that he may be the creator of all universes and is above everything else.

“But this audio refreshes our existing knowledge.

"It can be heard that this mysterious man who defeated the infinite witch can actually ignore the rules set by the OAA.

"That is to say, OAA is very likely not the supreme being, or in other words, there is not only one supreme being in the so-called omnipotent universe."

Stark placed his hands on the table and frowned.

After a moment, he said thoughtfully: "You mean, the person who defeated the Infinite Witch is likely to be another supreme being?"

Natasha nodded.

"His energy level may not be very strong, but his form of existence is special enough and difficult to understand. SHIELD has drafted a codename for him, called OIA."

"Full name?"

Stark asked.

"One-Independent of-All"

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