What is It Like To Be Summoned As a Giant?

Chapter 394 Denial of the Three Consecutives

It was just a front paw, so huge, and it was solemnly sealed in amber, which really surprised Tang Lin.

It did look like the claws of some kind of lizard, but considering the size, Tang Lin felt that the opponent's body was a little larger than his own.

Godzilla in the movie is probably about a hundred meters tall. What's up with those claws? Aren’t the Godzilla movies integrated into this world?

With doubts, Tang Lin was about to get closer, but there was a slight vibration. Although it couldn't even make people fall down, the vibration was very obvious, enough to knock out a full glass of water.

The laboratory quickly became busy. A muscular man wearing sunglasses angrily ordered: "Detect the source of the earthquake immediately!"

He is Albert Wesker, the director of this behemoth base.

In less than twenty seconds, someone immediately reported: "Mr. Wesker, it is Experiment No. 3 that has a special muscle peristalsis, and the peak value is still within the normal range."

Any twitch of the giant monster's claws, which is a hundred meters in size, will cause microtremors in the entire laboratory. This happens from time to time. After all, the claw is alive, and the blood vessel cells inside are still dividing and growing, so this kind of involuntary vibration will naturally occur.

Albert Wesker also felt that the problem was not big. He had seen this situation more than once, but he didn't know why. This time, he felt a little uneasy, so he urged loudly: "Check all surveillance and entrances and exits, and No. 3 Check all the vital sign data carefully!"

Albert Wesker believed in his intuition. After all, he was a mutated human being who had been genetically modified many times. Not only did he have a physical fitness that was beyond ordinary people, but his five senses were much sharper than ordinary humans.

As for the so-called sixth sense, in his opinion, it means that the eyes, ears and other organs detect abnormalities when they sense all information from the outside world, but it is just too subtle for the brain to analyze where the real problem is.

Because it was unusual, he felt uneasy. This sense of crisis saved Albert Wesker several times on the battlefield, so he was not careless at all.

This neurotic order made everyone stunned for a moment, but no one dared to disobey Albert Wesker's order and began to inspect the entire base inside and outside according to his instructions.

Tang Lin was actually behind Albert Wesker at this time, but he was hiding in a wastebasket, quietly observing everything around him. The abnormal movement of the claw just now was definitely abnormal, because Tang Lin felt that the claw conveyed a familiarity similar to that of an Argonian.

And this claw seemed to be responding to this feeling, constantly emitting a special energy wave that only Tang Lin could sense. To put it a bit more fantasy, this is the resonance of the same bloodline.

This claw was expressing his surrender and admiration to Tang Lin. This feeling was extremely clear, too clear to be an illusion.

"What on earth is this thing?"

Tang Lin was about to send miniature Transformers to invade the system and investigate the data, when an even more violent vibration came.

This time, it was much more violent than before, causing many people to stagger.

However, Albert Wesker's feet suddenly sprouted a bunch of bone spurs, which were nailed deeply into the ground. No matter how he shook, he stood firm and steady.

"Don't mess around, inject a sedative immediately, three times the maximum dose!" Albert Wesker calmly ordered.

Someone immediately ran to the computer to operate it, and many machines in the amber started running automatically, injecting tons of anesthetic into the huge claws.

This remedy seemed to work well, the vibrations gradually subsided, and the various values ​​displayed on the giant claw on the instrument began to calm down.

However, this situation did not last long. Loud clicking noises continued one after another, and large cracks appeared on the amber.

Immediately afterwards, a shock ten times more violent than before came.

This time, no matter how much the Umbrella people injected anesthetic, it was of no use. Dozens of tons of anesthetic were poured into it, but it could not make the giant claw show any sluggishness. Instead, it began to struggle even more crazily.

The severed limbs left behind by this unknown monster not only remain alive, but also seem to be able to squirm regardless of their original physiological structure.

As we all know, the movement of limbs comes from muscle contraction, but it can only bend inward according to the joint design. If the elbow wants to turn outward, it is a sad story.

However, this rule has no meaning for this claw. The muscles on the surface of the claw swelled and began to twist like a snake, causing the outer sealing amber to peel off rapidly.

Unexpectedly, hundreds of thousands of tons of huge force burst out from every inch of this claw, and all the Umbrella employees who were still like ants on the transparent channel were squeezed into pulp.

This crushed flesh and blood seemed to awaken a certain ferocity in the claw, and a large mouth full of sharp teeth grew out of the skin and began to devour the corpses of these Umbrella employees.

While struggling and swallowing, the claw was completely free after more than ten seconds. At the moment when it was freed from the restraints, a large layer of yellow-white fat grew on the broken shoulder of the claw, completely covering the wound that was originally visible even to the bones.

The densely packed sharp-toothed mouth on the body slowly disappeared, as if reintegrating into the flesh and blood, but the fingertips of each claw turned into an even more terrifying sharp-toothed mouth, each of which could be swallowed directly. An armored vehicle.

Not only that, a one-eye was automatically generated in the palm of the original claw. When the pupil contracted, a scorching light shot out from it, completely melting the multiple tempered glass in the laboratory, just like before Umbrella Corporation. The same high-energy laser used on Fenrir.

In other words, the high-energy laser that can cut thousands of miles is the bioenergy technology extracted from the flesh and blood of this claw.

The glass was cut open, and five one-eyed monsters frantically crawled into the control room.

With just one impact, large glass fragments flew into the control room like bullets, causing heavy casualties to Umbrella's experimenters.

The huge mouth on each claw was devouring the corpse crazily, and it looked like it was not even willing to waste the blood as it looked like it had been hungry for a long time.

Albert Wesker was calmer than everyone else, even though most of his men were dead. He pulled out a special huge pistol from his waist and shot at the one-eyed beast.

The barrel of the gun was thicker than a fist, and the recoil of the special shotshells inside was enough to kill a cow. However, when Albert Wesker held it in his hand, it did not even vibrate his wrist. All the special small explosive shells were absorbed into the monster's eyeballs. among.

Eyeballs bigger than tanks were beaten into sieves. Not only that, these bullets also exploded in two stages, occupying the entire eyeball and blowing it to pieces.

The mutated giant beast let out a shrill roar, and then five claws that turned into large mouths of blood grabbed at Albert Wesker.

Albert Wesker is worthy of being the person in charge of this large base. He stepped forward and dodged very quickly. Although the five blood plate mouths were fierce, he still managed to dodge them in the blink of an eye.

Not only that, he could also reload his special pistol at leisure, and then shoot at the giant beast again. The power of this gun was so terrifying that each shot could dig out hundreds of kilograms of rotten flesh from the giant beast, and soon one of its claws would be broken off.

But at this moment, the one eye that had turned into a ball of rotten flesh in the palm of his hand suddenly turned, revealing the back of it, which was a complete eyeball.

The pupils have shrunk, and the red laser is shooting towards Albert Wesker. However, Albert Wesker seemed to have been prepared. He rolled to avoid the laser, and shot the eyeball out with a backhand shot.

"Humph, what a stupid monster? Do you think I won't notice if you quietly restore that one eye?" Albert Wesker said proudly.

But as soon as he finished speaking, his expression changed, because he saw countless scales on the tattered claws of the giant beast were lifted, and under each scale there were always blood-red pupils.

"WTF!" As soon as Albert Wesker finished cursing, the entire control room was completely covered by red lasers.

Hundreds of red lasers were fired from the monster, and then the claw turned around. These dense red lasers cut across a circle, cutting everything in the control room into pieces.

There was no blind spot in the saturation attack, and Albert Wesker couldn't dodge it even with his agility. Just like the mercenary captain in "Resident Evil", he turned directly into charred minced meat on the ground.

Even the sand puppet hiding in the wastebasket was affected by these red lasers and was cut into several pieces of glass-like material.

After this blow, there was no living person in the control room. However, this giant beast that could mutate rapidly many times seemed to have exhausted its strength and fell to the ground helplessly.

The mutated body seemed to have returned to its original appearance. The wound on the broken arm was exposed again. Large pieces of smelly flesh fell off. The eyes on the scales were all closed. The five-headed snake-like claws also returned to their original appearance. However, the flesh and blood on the palms were blurred. There is no way to recover.

Obviously, even if this monster breaks free from the cage, it is only at the end of its power. After using up the power he had accumulated for decades and killing everyone in Umbrella Company, his life seemed to have come to an end.

At this time, a white lotus flower emerged, and the light illuminated the entire underground laboratory. It gently landed on the claw and swallowed it completely.

In the storage space, Tang Lin's real body picked up the broken monster arm. When I grabbed the monster's arm with my own hands, the intimacy became even more obvious.

Holding back his nausea, Tang Lin used his time retrieval ability to restore the arm to an uninjured state, but this was the limit. There is only one arm, so it is impossible to trace back the complete body.

After recovering from the injury, the monster's arm seemed to have regained a little strength. It actually held Tang Lin's hand with its backhand, mutated a mouth on the arm, and then shouted excitedly to Tang Lin: "Dad!"

Tang Lin was so frightened that he almost threw his arm away!

To be honest, even if he was asked to challenge Odin, he would not be so panicked. He quickly denied it and said: "I'm not, I didn't, don't talk nonsense!"

"Are you mistaken? But, with this breath of blood...you are my father!" The monster arm said sadly and excitedly, like an abandoned child.

"Wait a minute, we have something to talk about." Tang Lin put his arm aside, holding the stump like this made him feel a little uncomfortable.

The monster held its arms on the ground, as if standing on one foot, and said to Tang Lin with its mouth raised: "Dad, are you willing to recognize me?"

"Shou, don't get excited yet." Tang Lin casually gave the monster a name, and then asked: "First of all, tell me what you are. Were you torn off from some creature?"

"I... I was originally a mosasaurus, a dinosaur synthesized by humans using dinosaur genes. But one day, I devoured your flesh and blood, dad, so I gained wisdom and great strength..."

Hearing what Shouzi said, Tang Lin remembered that his hand was injured by a torpedo during his last mission. The wound was quite large, and a lot of flesh and blood must have fallen into the sea.

It's just that this kind of trauma heals quickly, so Tang Lin didn't take it to heart at the time.

And his flesh and blood has actually been integrated with the blood of the fire unicorn from the alien plane. At that time, he still had the power of the son of the earth, so it must be different from the flesh and blood of mortals.

It was probably for this reason that the mosasaurus mutated.

Hand Zi continued to explain: "I had just started to develop wisdom, but my body was getting bigger and bigger. The creatures in the sea were not enough to eat, so I tried to run to the land. Somehow, my fins turned into claws. I seem to have mastered the ability to transform my body structure.”

This Tang Lin understood that the dinosaurs in this world were originally synthesized through genetic engineering, and even humans could synthesize them, let alone the mutant forms of dinosaurs. These dinosaurs could even automatically change their gender to reproduce.

Judging from this arm, the mosasaurus was as big as an aircraft carrier. It is estimated that even the whales were not enough for him to eat. There were only a few other marine dinosaurs without mutations, and they were not much bigger than the whales, so they must not have been enough to eat.

"However, the creatures on land are smaller." Tang Lin said.

"I didn't know it at first, but later I found out, but I was already very hungry, so I fell asleep. When I was asleep, I felt that my energy consumption had been reduced a lot," Shouzi continued.

This is the ability to evolve hibernation or suspended animation. This mosasaurus is too awesome. It is a monster that can evolve independently.

"What happened next?" Tang Lin continued to ask curiously.

"Later, a group of humans found me, and they woke me up, so I ate a lot of humans. But the human flesh was too small, not even enough to fit between my teeth. I was very weak after being woken up, and they used those Large weapons attacked me, but I couldn't resist and was killed by them. Later, I couldn't remember it. When I felt your breath and woke up, it was like this." Handzi continued explain.

If this is the case, are the other laboratories sealing other parts of the hand's body separately?

Tang Lin thought about it carefully and wondered whether the Argonian virus was extracted from this mutated mosasaurus by Umbrella, which would explain his affinity for the Argonians.

These are really my descendants, my own biological children!

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