What is It Like To Be Summoned As a Giant?

Chapter 388 This friend is worth making

Since acquiring many superpowers, Tang Lin's body has been strengthened repeatedly. Now he is invulnerable and naturally has strong resistance to other things.

Alcohol is one, and so is spiciness. Strictly speaking, spiciness is a stimulation, a painful feeling. Tang Lin's recovery ability has become stronger, so he can naturally eat spicy food.

Therefore, when he prepares dry food, he often chooses some with strong taste. Just like these beef jerky, Tang Lin bought himself a very powerful chili pepper and marinated it with other spices.

Tang Lin only felt good when he ate it, but most people would cough violently just by smelling the taste.

This time it was used to lure crocodiles. Tang Lin's first reaction was to throw out some bait and grab a bottle of spicy beef jerky.

As a result, the effect of this spiciness on creatures in the lower dimensions has been multiplied many times. This mutated crocodile only took one bite and turned into this miserable appearance.

The endless pain in the mouth could not be eliminated even by drinking the lake water. The spicy taste was beyond the tolerance of the mutated crocodile, and the body was ulcerated.

Under this painful torture, the mutant crocodile lost its mind and just wanted to vent its pain by attacking everything crazily.

Facing this crazy mutated crocodile, even the white-haired orangutan was quite afraid, and instinctively wanted to stay away from it instead of rushing forward to fight for its life.

But the crazy beast was just a piece of cake for Tang Lin. The sand and rocks condensed into a huge arm, and the crocodile's head was dented with one punch. Tough bone spurs, thick skin and strong skull... these things are of no use at all under the absolute power and will be crushed directly.

The mutated crocodile's brain was crushed, brain plasma spurted out from the eye sockets, and its body was left with only some unconscious twitches, and it no longer looked majestic.

"Is this settled? Do we need to destroy the corpse and eliminate all traces?" Tang Lin asked.

"Destroy... destroy the corpse and eliminate all traces?" Davis Okoye didn't understand how to destroy such a huge corpse. Even if his gorilla George was allowed to eat it, it would take him half a month to chew it.

But Tang Lin just snapped his fingers, and the huge crocodile corpse began to heat up continuously. It started burning in the blink of an eye, and in less than a minute, it was completely burned to ashes from the inside out.

"This way it should be impossible for people from Umbrella to crack your technology." Tang Lin said to Davis Okoye.

"This... this is so magical. Who are you? Is this magic?" Davis Okoye did not expect that the word magic would come out of his mouth.

For more than a hundred years, human society has experienced earth-shaking changes, all of which are brought about by biological genes. From development to destruction to reconstruction, this is all science.

But what he saw in front of him made Davis Okoye feel that his three views had been subverted.

"You can also talk about magic. There are countless parallel planes, not only science, but also other special powers. If you are interested, I can chat with you, but now is not the time to chat, right? These The out-of-control giant beast has been dealt with, what are you going to do next? Are you going to go directly to the deep-sea lizard?" Tang Lin asked.

Davis Okoye fell silent, seeming to stabilize his somewhat collapsed worldview. After a while, he asked Tang Lin: "You even know about the situation of the deep-sea lizards. It seems that you were really summoned by me." from.

"I don't know who you are. Although you seem to be very strong, what I want to do next is probably to have a head-on confrontation with the entire Umbrella Company.

"The combat team just now is only a fraction of the strength of Umbrella Company. Today, 70% of the entire human society lives under the control of Umbrella Company. It has a population of more than one billion and over 100 million genetic beasts. , also possesses the most powerful weapon before the destruction of mankind, capable of destroying entire cities in one fell swoop.

"I don't want you to get involved in this war without knowing anything. I want to get Umbrella Company's research information on ancient behemoths, which can be said to be a narrow escape from death. Moreover, it is impossible for us to eliminate Umbrella Company in the end. It can be said that even if we obtain information about the ancient behemoth, we will end up dead in the end. In this case, are you still willing to help me?"

Davis Okoye's resistance army just hopes to stop Umbrella from going too far, raising humans like livestock, and slaughtering and dissecting ordinary people at will as experimental materials.

They just want Umbrella to compromise, not to destroy the company, because at this time, humans still have to rely on Umbrella to survive.

Strive for information on ancient behemoths, improve the genetic technology of the resistance, and create more and more stable giant creatures, so that you can have the capital to negotiate with Umbrella. And once negotiations begin, Davis Okoye knows that he will be put on the negotiating table as a bargaining chip.

Umbrella would give in, but it would probably cost Davis Okoye his life.

Regardless of success or failure, this matter is doomed to a narrow escape. That's why Davis Okoye spoke so clearly to Tang Lin.

Tang Lin was a little surprised. He had been summoned many times, but this was the first time that the summoner was worried about his safety. This bald guy deserves to be a friend.

Originally, Tang Lin wanted to help Davis Okoye get the deep-sea lizard and leave, but now it seems that he can help him again.

"Davis, don't worry, I won't take the mere Umbrella Company seriously. Leave the matter of the ancient beasts to me. As a rebel, your life should be very difficult. , I can help you change this situation..."

Tang Lin patted Davis Okoye on the shoulder and said a lot of words, which made Davis Okoye stunned for a while.

He even said that he wanted to free mankind from this state of being huddled in underground cities, and that it could help mankind rebuild its original civilization. This sounded like bragging.

Yes, this giant...or rather weirdo, does have very powerful power, and can kill a mutated crocodile with one punch. But the creation of civilization has never been based on brute force, but on wisdom and experience.

It has taken more than a hundred years for human beings to fall from the top of the food chain and survive on the verge of extinction. Civilization has already suffered from very serious deficiencies.

Moreover, apart from human civilization, the Argonians are not standing still. Argonians have extremely strong fertility and strong physical fitness. Although their intelligence is one level lower than that of humans, they can also be said to be intelligent beings.

At this time, the Argonians had established a huge empire and tamed countless mutant dinosaurs as tools and weapons. Even the Umbrella Company does not dare to provoke the Argonian Empire. If a war between the Argonians and humans really begins, the probability of human victory is less than 30%, and the result of failure is complete extinction.

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