What is It Like To Be Summoned As a Giant?

Chapter 213 You Have Been Strengthened, Hurry Up

Altaïr had just withdrawn his Hidden Blade shortly before Achilles was defeated. The number of people he stabbed in the throat has been lost, and this is the first time he has pierced the other person's throat without any blood spurting out.

Not only that, but this masked eccentric could calmly say, "Look, you won't believe me when I tell you, so you have to ask."

Altaïr felt that what happened in front of his eyes was beyond his imagination, and he quickly distanced himself from this strange man.

Is it really a god? No, this strange man is a little shorter than himself, how could it be that towering giant, but this idea was soon completely shattered by the reality in front of him.

Because at the next moment, Altaïr saw a finger as thick as a giant tree suddenly emerge from the chest of this masked monster, followed by the second, third... a whole arm, half of the body... and then Altaïr couldn't see clearly when he got down, because the huge wind pressure blew up the dust all over the sky, making him a little unsteady even standing.

Altaïr only felt a series of shocks coming from his feet, and when the dust cleared and his vision was clear, Altaïr saw a towering giant appearing in front of him. The same black cloak, the same weird mask, but the pressure brought by this body made him unable to even move his fingers.

The giant seemed to be standing at the foot of the mountain, half of his body was blocked by the mountain, but only the part above the shoulders was exposed, which was almost as high as the castle wall.

Unexpectedly, is it really the legendary giant who can bestow eternal life on others, and is it really the god he believes in?

"Just now, I used the Hidden Blade to stab the god? I... this..." Altaïr suddenly felt that life was very gloomy, and the joy of seeing the god's apparition was washed away by regret.

Tang Lin glanced at the panicked Altaïr, and comforted him, "Don't worry, I didn't blame you."

When Tang Lin arrived, he was hundreds of meters outside Massimov City. For Tang Lin's size, the distance was only two or three steps, but looking into the city from a distance, he could see two groups of people fighting. Tang Lin was dumbfounded at the time, who of these two groups of people is his own?

Hela teleported Tang Lin over, which locked the location of Tang Lin's last favored person, Hassan bin Sabah. It's just that Hela was busy dealing with dozens of portals, and didn't have time to tell Tang Lin which one was which. He gave him Altaïr's name and let Tang Lin find it by himself.

Tang Lin was like a scumbag about the God's favored person, he ran away after flirting, and basically ignored it after touching it once. So what Hassan has become, and what the little brother he developed will look like, he really doesn't know.

Tang Lin could only sneak into the city, and then quietly inquired about Altaïr's name, but only now did he figure out who was the enemy and who was the friend.

Tang Lin understood a lesson: it's wrong to be a scumbag.

Altaïr knelt in front of Tang Lin, and said reverently: "Gods above, please forgive my rudeness. The Crusaders captured my mentor, please save us."

Tang Lin said to Altaïr: "Don't worry, I will save you."

The sound was like a giant bell, echoing in Altaïr's ears, which made Altaïr feel extremely at ease. Altaïr looked up at Tang Lin, wanting to see clearly what means the gods would use to save his followers.

I saw this giant as big as a mountain raised his right hand, and there was a flash of lightning like a long sword in his palm. The giant pressed the sword-like thunder on the mountain, and at the same time announced in a deep voice: "In the name of Kuafu, anyone who wears the clothes of a crusader on this land is a criminal, and those who violate it will be punished by the gods." Thunder Fury."

Altaïr only felt a burst of electricity coming from his feet, making the hairs on his whole body stand on end.

Immediately afterwards, countless bolts of lightning lit up in Massimov City, and thunderbolts in the form of long swords appeared around all the people wearing crusader costumes, slashing towards the intruders.

Karma Sword Domain, a new feature of Tang Lin, immediately enveloped the entire Masimov City after it was activated, and then all the crusaders were automatically locked, and the Thunder Sword Qi began to attack automatically. This would save trouble, otherwise Tang Lin would have a hard time separating his own people from the enemy one by one in the melee.

It's just that the power of the Thunder Sword Qi was smaller than Tang Lin imagined, and he didn't show the sharpness of the Sword Qi, but relied on the power of Thunder to electrocute and stun the crusaders. Tang Lin couldn't figure out whether it was because he set the crime too vaguely, or because the power of the skill was limited.

However, as soon as Karma Sword Field opened, the war in Massimov City finally subsided, except for the battle inside the castle.

After the Karma Sword Field unfolded, all the crusaders in the castle knelt down except for Elie Randolph. That Templar knight was probably the most handsomely dressed. The other crusaders were only hit by the Thunder Sword Qi that was as thick as a finger, but he got a blow that was as thick as an arm, and even the armor on his body was pierced.

As for Elie Randolph, he also suffered a very thick thunder sword energy, but it only pierced his clothes and turned his hair into an explosive head, and it didn't seem to cause any other damage.

But the effect of thunder paralysis is still there, and the thunder and lightning have spirits, and it didn't reach Achilles, but only circulated on Elijah Randolph, causing him to lose his strength all of a sudden.

Achilles quickly grabbed the long sword that fell on the ground, and slashed at the neck of Elie Randolph with all his strength. The extremely sharp sword, coupled with his superhuman strength, should have cut off Elijah Randolph's head with one sword. Unexpectedly, the sword barely cut the skin of his neck, and not much blood flowed out.

Achilles was about to strike again, but Elijah Randolph had already recovered, and took out a thick and long thing from his robe to block Achilles' sword.

It looks like a severed metal long stick with many complicated patterns on it. If you look closely, it has some similarities with the patterns on Achilles' long sword.

With a loud bang, the long sword of Achilles flew out of his hand, and was then hit by Ariel Randolph. But Ariel Randolph, who succeeded in the first blow, did not have the chance to pursue him again, because the second thunderbolt sword energy had already been generated, and it struck him again.

Eliye Randolph smashed the stick in his hand, smashing the sword energy, and finally avoided being paralyzed, but the third sword energy began to condense again.

"Damn, what the hell is this?!" Ariel Randolph cursed bitterly, and then chose to run away. I don't seem to be very lucky today, so I'd better wait for the next opportunity to find out the origin of this long sword.

There is no need to worry about no firewood to keep the green hills. Although Ariel Randolph doesn't know this sentence, he has always followed this principle of life. If you run into trouble, wait for it first. After all, he can live for thousands of years. If the Pope dies, maybe he can be the Pope himself.

With this in mind, Ariel Randolph rushed out of the castle, only to see Altaïr appearing in front of him within a short distance. A mere mortal, Ariel Randolph didn't care, he was going to kill this man with a stick, and then continued to run.

But at this moment, he saw a huge shadow behind Altaïr.

There was a thunderous voice from above the sky, and the terrifying giant said to Altaïr: "You are strengthened, go up!"

Elijah Randolph saw that Altaïr's face had become elongated and scaled, his eyes had turned into weird vertical pupils, and he even opened his mouth to spit out a forked tongue. Immediately afterwards, Altaïr's body bounced, and he rushed towards Ariel Randolph.

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