What is It Like To Be Summoned As a Giant?

Chapter 185: Experts in the Folk

ps: The chapter number is wrong, sorry, it cannot be changed. This is Chapter 183.

The spiritual power that simulated the effect of the spell fell on the wall, repairing the broken reinforced concrete. The effect seems to be somewhat similar to the renovation ability, but it is actually different. The restoration of the renovation is actually a recombination. There will definitely be slight inconsistencies between the recombined things and the original version, but this inconsistency will not cause too obvious impact.

But Tang Lin's restoration is to make the wall exactly the same as it was before it was damaged.

The most obvious difference is that the walls repaired by the repair ability may have color difference, but there is nothing wrong with Tang Lin's current repair method.

After repairing the wall, Tang Lin could already see the flickering flashlight of the security guard in the distance. Tang Lin was still a little excited when he returned to his home with the earth escape technique and lay down on the bed. Finally, it is no longer necessary to bully villains in the low-dimensional plane. With Tang Lin's current ability, he can also be a real superhero in the original plane.

Of course, heroes and so on are just imaginations for the time being. In ancient times, it was said that saving a life is better than building a seven-level pagoda, but now the public opinion is that saving a life is blamed on seven generations of ancestors, and even the protagonist cannot do good deeds casually. Even to save people, you have to find three to five hundred impeccable reasons before you can do it. I really don't know how to complain about this situation.

In the park, after Tang Lin left, two security guards, one fat, one thin, one old and one young, came to the edge of the artificial lake. After turning around twice, I found that there was no suspicious person at all.

The younger, skinny security guard complained, "I just said, don't turn on the flashlight, it will definitely scare people away."

The grey-haired fat man said in a deep voice: "You think I don't know? The person who can make such a big commotion, do you think that just the two of us can solve it with a stick? It's just a meal, don't risk your life."

The thin man thought it made sense, but he still insisted, "Maybe it wasn't human-made, maybe it was an accident, wouldn't it work if the natural gas pipe exploded?"

"If the trachea burst, does it matter whether we use the flashlight or not?" the fat man said disdainfully.

The young Baoan was at a loss for words. In terms of life experience, he was really inferior to this senior, so he changed the subject and asked, "Then what do you think the explosion was just now, old Hu?"

The fat security guard took a picture of the surrounding area with a flashlight, then pointed to a few koi carps with their bellies turned upside down on the lake and said, "This should be here."

"Fried fish? Is someone trying to steal the koi?" the thin man asked.

The fat man looked at the thin man with contempt and said, "Just the koi in this lake, why is there such a big commotion? There are less than 50 koi in this artificial lake. Can the capital be recovered? The dead koi are also No one bought it!"

"Then what do you think is going on?" The thin man asked unconvinced again.

"I think it's very likely that some brat made some illegal firecrackers to play fish frying." Fatty gave the second conclusion.

The thin man thought about it for a while, and it seemed to make sense, and there seemed to be no reasonable explanation other than this. There shouldn't be any terrorist attacks in the coastal areas of Huaxia, right? Even if there is, it is impossible to attack in a park where there is no one at night.

Just as he was thinking so, he saw the fat security guard walking in front of a protective wall by the artificial lake.

The thin man walked over, looked at the corner, and didn't seem to see any problem, so he asked the fat security guard, "What's wrong?"

"I just think the grass in the corner is a bit strange, how can there be such a large piece of bare?" The fat security guard said strangely.

Only then did the thin man realize that the corners of this piece of protective wall were covered with turf, but there was one spot that seemed to be bare.

The fat man walked over and kicked the surrounding grass with his feet, kicking out a large piece of grass clippings. This time the fat man didn't need to say anything, the thin man also saw that something was wrong. These grass clippings are obviously the turf in that bare area, but there is no trace of someone turning over the soil or being pulled out by someone, and the surface of the soil is flat.

"How did you get it?" The thin man looked at the fat man expectantly, hoping that the old man would reason again, but the fat man said, "I don't know, it's all like a supernatural novel, and I'm not Feng Shui Master, the ghost knows what's going on."

At this time, a gust of wind blew by, making the skinny man shiver uncontrollably, and quickly said to the fat man, "Old Hu, don't scare me."

The fat man looked at the thin man contemptuously and said, "I am afraid of a hammer. I will never do anything wrong in my life, and I will not be surprised if I knock on the door in the middle of the night. There is nothing to be afraid of. It is not as dangerous as the madman who was drunk and stabbed people with a knife last time. Go back Adjust the surveillance to see if you can capture anything."

With different thoughts, the two security guards went back to the security room together, ready to check the surveillance. It's just that many of the cameras in the park are just for show. The only one that can capture the picture can only see a part of the water splashed on the lake in the corner.

"I can't see anyone, and it's useless. But it seems that you are right, Hu, it should be a brat playing with firecrackers." The thin man complained.

Who would have thought that after seeing this picture, the fat man shook his head and said, "I thought it was, but now it seems that it shouldn't be."

"Why not again?" The skinny security guard was annoyed, this is targeting me, Zhou Tianhao, right? Why are people opposing everything you say tonight?

"What we heard were two explosions, but there is only one splash on the screen. If it was a brat who exploded the firecracker, where did he throw the second blast? Judging by the amount of the splash, the power is not small. If it explodes on the ground, We will definitely find the pit," the fat man explained.

"Master Hu, I'm convinced. What shall we do now?" Zhou Tianhao asked.

This time I was really convinced, ginger is still old and spicy.

"Call the police, what else can I do? Report to the leader tomorrow morning, and then call the police directly. Do you still want to arrest people yourself? It's just a meal, don't risk your life." The fat man repeated what he said.

"Then why are you reasoning so much?"

Zhou Tianhao was upset, and in the end he had to report to the leader and call the police. He didn't need to be told by the fat man that he would know how to handle it. It would be of no benefit to be despised by the fat man for a long time.

The fat man took a sip of tea, sighed and said, "You young people really don't know what to say. There are many things in this world that we can't do anything about. We can't change the world, but at least we have to know what to do. It's a matter of personal choice. Whether you know it or not is a matter of IQ."

Zhou Tianhao thought it made sense, but after thinking about it for a while, he became angry: "Old Hu, why are you scolding people?!"

Tang Lin thought that he kept his hands and tails clean. He would never have imagined that there was a "Hu" Holmes among the security guards in the park. Sure enough, China hidden dragons and crouching tigers, and the masters are among the people!

After testing his ability, Tang Lin obediently watched the progress bar at home. It was only on the day of the trip that the progress bar increased by about 10%.

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