"It's rare, it's actually the three of us going on a mission together, and I'm very close to your mission location." Saori Kaede was surprised for a moment, what kind of task required a pillar and two first-class team members to go together.

"It seems that this mission is tricky, but there should be no problem with Big Brother Feng." Kuangjin was still the same as before, smiling brightly.

"Don't rely too much on others, Kuang Jin!" Immortal Kawa retorted.

"That's better than your self-harm, and besides, my battle against you, I won four hundred and thirty-two, lost ninety-seven, and drew sixteen games, which was my overwhelming victory."

"No, you idiot." Immortal Kawa Shiya was too lazy to take care of Kuang Jin, who reversed the facts, and even those defeats were defeated by Kuangjin Kuangun when he first started practicing breathing techniques.

"That unicorn fairy is that I win more and lose less, hmph, I am your senior brother after all!"

"Haha, no matter how many times I watch it, I think you guys are really interesting." Saori Kaede put her arm around the shoulders of the two and laughed.

"Go! Go on a mission! "


The location of the mission is an empty house, and many members of the ghost killing team have entered it before, only three have not disappeared, and most of the information obtained has disappeared mainly children.

By the time the three of them stepped into the empty room, the sun had already set and the wind was bitterly cold.

"What a luxurious villa! It's a pity! Kuangune stood next to Saori Kaede and sighed.

The garden is full of flowers on the other side, full of bright red, and the beauty is creepy.

"I'll go first, and if it's okay, you can go in." Saori Kaede instructed.

The moment she stepped into the empty house, Saori Kaede smelled a rich aroma, but there was a disgusting stench in this aroma, like a rotten corpse.

Before he could examine all the rooms in detail, Kuyono Kuang's voice came from the other side.

"Shiya! Brother Kaede! Where are you?

"Didn't I tell you to wait for a while, why did you suddenly come in?" Saori Kaede walked over quickly and asked.

"Brother Feng, Shiya said that he would personally kill the ghost, but I can't persuade him." Kuangjin replied with a bitter face.

"What about the others?"

"I don't know, obviously he and I came in at the same time, but now it's like the smoke has dissipated."

"We'll look for each other, and we'll come back here later." Saori Kaede made a decision immediately.


They searched the entire mansion, searched every corner, but could not find Shiya, like those disappeared children, the immortal Kawa Shiya disappeared.

There were also a few pieces of furniture in the corner of the room in the middle of the mansion, which were moldy in this cold and humid environment.

There is a sumptuous dresser and an empty shelf.

"Go out first and see if there is a basement or something like outside." Saori Kaede said calmly.

Back outside the house, Saori Kaede circled around the mansion and bumped into an old man.

"You two boys, what are you doing here! Don't just go into someone's home.

"I'm sorry!" Kuanga Kuono bowed his head and apologized.

"That's not right for us, but why are you here at this point in time?" Don't you want to tell us that this is your home? Saori

Kaede looked at the old man, his hair snow-white, the corners of his mouth curved downward, and a face smelled under his narrow eyebrows.

"Of course not! But I don't allow any sneaky people to use this place to do bad things.

Kuangjin agreed with a serious face, "Indeed, it is not okay to be used by bad people. The

old man glanced at Kuang Yuye and continued to ask, "I have lived in this neighborhood for decades, and I have been guarding here, what the hell are you doing?" Saori

Kaede and Kuang Suno looked at each other closely, and said

, "We are from the police department, and someone called the police that there are many cases of missing children here, and now come here to investigate the situation."

"If so, can you tell us about the previous owner of this house?"

The old man looked at their uniforms and heard that they were policemen, and he breathed a sigh of relief and told them about the original owner of the house.

On the other side, Immortal Kawa Shiya walked through the dimly lit corridor and came to the guest room.

For the disappearance of Saori Kaede and Kuang Jin, he did not fall into a panic and calmly explored.

There were six beds neatly arranged in the guest room, and a thin woman shuttled between the beds, constantly busy, her long black hair tied behind her, simply tied into a handful.

On six white beds lay four children and two members of the Ghost Killing Team.

But the two children and one of the team members were long gone, flies hovering over their bodies and maggots wriggling in carrion.

The situation of the children who are still alive is also not optimistic, all scrawny and staring blankly at the ceiling.

The male team member, covered in bandages oozing blood, emitted a miserable cry in his throat, accompanied by a violent cough, and vomited countless vomit.

"Oops, oops, it's all spit out again, it's so pitiful."

The woman said, wiping the vomit off the team members with a towel, then feeding him water, and then brushing the other child's hair.

The woman is not human, her eyes are red as blood, and the corners of her mouth are shining with fangs.

When the woman turned her head to look at the immortal Kawa Shiya, the lower one in the eyeball was clearly visible, and the woman was the twelve ghost moons that directly belonged to the ghost dance Tsuji without misery-Gu Yu Toriya.


"There used to live a beautiful lady named Yaei here, her parents died early, she got married early because she was lonely, her husband is a guy with a beast heart, at first he was gentle and elegant, and after the birth of his daughter Sae, he was exposed, often punching and kicking his wife and daughter!"

"Not only that, but I also sold my property to gamble. Yaei stopped him, and he even beat Yaei until he fainted.

"Later, this scum received retribution and drowned in the nearby river on a rainy day, everyone was happy for the mother and daughter, but Yaei mother and daughter did not live a happy life, and her daughter Sae was seriously ill for some reason and was sick in bed."

"Ya Rong took care of her daughter day and night, cooked porridge for her to drink, and cleaned up her daughter's vomit, but no matter how she took care of her, her condition immediately deteriorated after a slight improvement."

"Maybe to cover up the smell of disinfectant water, maybe to reassure Sae, incense has been lit in the house for a long time."

"In the end, Sae couldn't even make a sound, died, and on the night of the vigil, Yaei sat in front of Sae's dressing table and cried silently."

Saori Kaede frowned and asked, "Is it?" It worsens after a slight improvement, and you can't even make a sound? Is there anything abnormal in Sae, such as asking you for help?

The old man blushed and asked angrily, "What do you mean by that?" Does it mean that this is all done by Miss Yaei?

"Well, don't say that? Brother Kaede just put forward a guess? Brother Feng, you too, less words, people are already very pitiful. Kuangjin hurriedly stopped the two and became peacemakers.

"Hmph, I won't tell you anything again."

This old man has a good impression of Yarong or Sae in this place, and he has not let go of these things so far, naturally not allowing anyone to say bad things.

"That's pretty much what you've said, old man."

"You little ghost, don't think that if you are a policeman, I will not dare to beat you." The old man raised his crutches and was about to move.

The helpless Kuangye Kuangjin could only pull the old man away and lead him outside the door.

"Brother Feng, let me ask next! Just wait. "

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