Weird World of Immortality

Chapter 761: guesswork on bones

"Maybe it was blown away by the wind." Gu Yan guessed that he was talking about the clothes of this white bone.

The weather in Qianhuan Snow Mountain is unpredictable. If the wind is stronger, people can be blown up, let alone clothes and the like.

"This guess is impossible." Zhou Fan shook his head.

"Oh, why?" Gu Yan asked curiously.

"Because after climbing the mountain, I have been remembering every blizzard and the direction they blow. Last night you said there was no blizzard, so I shouldn't have missed every blizzard. This place has always been in the leeward position. The lighter ones will be blown away."

"But heavier weapons such as his weapons or some heavier items on his body cannot be blown away." Zhou Fan expressed his judgment.

"There is a loophole in your inference." Huang Bujue retorted with a smile: "Have you forgotten that if the Qianhuan Snow Mountain is too far away, the weather in each area may be different, how can you know if it has ever happened here? snowstorm?"

Zhou Fan was stunned for a moment, but he laughed and said, "Master Huang woke me up a little bit, but I ignored it."

This is Qianhuan Snow Mountain, not an ordinary place, and even the weather is abnormal than other places.

"But there is still something that doesn't make sense. What about his companion?" Zhou Fan raised his eyebrows slightly and asked, "If he died, the bones should be around here."

"Let's look for it." Huang Bujue thought about it for a while.

After all, the chance of not having a companion is too small. Zhou Fan and the three of them all understand that confirming this fact is very important for them who want to continue climbing, so they are willing to waste some time.

The three scattered for a while, and soon came back at the appointed time, but they still found nothing.

They didn't find any human bones, and even carefully observed the terrain to see if any bones fell on the ground and were buried.

But unfortunately, it still hasn't been found.

Huang Bujue frowned at the white bone and said, "Excluding the very small possibility that he likes to eat bones, it seems that he has no companions."

"Why didn't his companion leave?" Gu Yan asked in confusion.

"This is impossible. If his companions leave, why not kill Tianyin Xuefeng to avenge him? Without such strength, at the speed of Tianyin Xuefeng, it would be difficult for them to escape, so I am more inclined. Because he has no company." Huang Bujue expressed his opinion.

Zhou Fan raised his eyebrows and said, "Master Huang, I think you are wrong."

"What's wrong?" Huang Bujue asked in surprise.

"The possibility that he has a companion also exists." Zhou Fan said slowly: "Those two people have the ability to kill Tianyin Xuefeng, but they just left. This is because people cannot be resurrected from the dead, so they are killed. Tianyin and blood wind will not help, it is better to leave Tianyin blood wind behind.”

"The advantage of leaving Tianyin and Bloodwind is that as long as this monster stays here, it can stop the candidate team that follows them, such as us."

Huang Bujue was stunned for a moment, then nodded and said, "You are right, and even this possibility is not small."

"The two who survived did this, and they continued to climb up, which means that one of them must be a candidate, and the person who died can only be one of his squires." Zhou Fan thought for a while and said, "I can let go. He was so calm and cold-blooded that he killed his entourage, so we have to be careful."

"According to what you have said, those two have the ability to let go of the white savage who killed their entourage, and their overall strength is equivalent to that of two Qi Gang martial artists. With such strength, it is very likely that the Western Barbarian Insect. Teaching Wen Xiao." Gu Yan said.

"That is to say, there may be no other candidate team between us and Wen Xiao, otherwise we would not have encountered this day's **** wind." Huang Bujue followed Gu Yan's words.

"If it was Wen Xiao, he also thought that someone would follow them to climb the mountain behind them, otherwise there would be no **** wind left behind." Zhou Fan smiled and said, "Even if we don't know what danger is waiting for us, but We finally know the good news, that is, Wen Xiao has one less servant."

No matter what the strength of the squire, but being killed by the strange, Wen Xiao's strength will inevitably be weakened.

"Then shall we speed up and catch up to eliminate them?" Gu Yan smiled at Zhou Fan: "This Wen Xiao is your formidable enemy."

Regarding Gu Yan's statement, Zhou Fan pondered for a while and shook his head: "No, I still want them to find the way for us."

"And maybe after World War I, our losses are too great, and that won't be able to go too far."

Zhou Fan's face was slightly condensed, even if he could defeat Wen Xiao and his entourage, their strength might be weakened because of this.

"It's up to you." Gu Yan took a sip of wine and said.

As for Huang Bujue, he did not agree with the collision with Wen Xiao in front of him.

The three of them changed positions slightly away from the white bones, and continued to climb up, away from the white bones, in order to prevent Wen Xiao from setting up spirit insect traps along the way, but their route did not deviate too much.

After killing Tianyin Xuefeng, the journey went very smoothly. In the afternoon, they climbed a total of 500 meters today.

This result is far worse than yesterday. The reason for this is that the more you go up, the colder, less oxygen, and more wind and snow will continue to intensify, and the test will become more and more difficult for them to climb.

Coupled with the need to beware of strange attacks, all these factors slowed down the pace of Zhou Fan and the three.

The three of them sat and rested for a while to recover their rapidly depleted stamina. Even the warriors who had passed the stamina stage couldn't support it. On the halfway up of Qianhuan Snow Mountain, any of their movements would be ten times more difficult than in other places. times, physical strength is also constantly lost.

Even if there are no other dangers such as strange things on the snowy mountain, in such a harsh environment, if there is no martial artist above the physical strength level, it is impossible to climb the mountainside of Qianhuan Snow Mountain.

"Yesterday we climbed 900 plus the current 500 zhang, it is already 1400 zhang, and another 100 zhang will be the same as the height that Dean Zhong climbed." Huang Unconsciously, he eased his breathing and said.

"I think only at this height, only a few candidates can reach it." Gu Yan was also a little tired.

"President Zhong said he climbed to this height, but he didn't say that he could only climb to this height." Zhou Fan shook his head and said, "And we haven't seen any candidate teams yet."

Both Huang Bujue and Gu Yan knew that Zhou Fan was talking about Wen Xiao.

"Did he secretly change his route, so we didn't meet him?" Gu Yan said another possibility.

"It's impossible." Zhou Fan said without hesitation: "I don't know him or know him, but I don't think he has any reason to change his route."

Zhou Fan said this because rashly changing a route would not only waste time, but also likely to encounter more dangers.

Besides, a proud son of the Western Barbarian Insect Sect would not change his route because someone behind him was chasing him. He didn't think that the person behind him was qualified to catch up with him!

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