Weird World of Immortality

Chapter 756: Ring of Horror

Spend the night in cold snow and you may never wake up again because of the cold.

But for the strong physique of warriors, this situation rarely occurs, which means that something special happened when they fell asleep, so they could never wake up again.

And the dead can't speak.

"Everyone who died while falling asleep in Qianhuan Snow Mountain did not have any abnormality. There should be a problem here." Huang Bujue pointed to his temple and said.

There is a problem with the human soul, which everyone thinks is the most likely guess.

"But we have to sleep." Zhou Fan raised his eyebrows.

The energy of the warriors is very strong. Usually, even if you close your eyes and run the exercises for a few days, it will be fine, but one of the peculiar things about Qianhuan Snow Mountain is that if you don’t sleep for an hour and a half at night, it will be worse than staying up late outside the snow mountain. It is ten times more exhausting and increasing day by day.

This is the fact that the warriors who have climbed Qianhuan Snow Mountain explored with blood and tears. They will continue to climb tomorrow. In such a dangerous place as Qianhuan Snow Mountain, if they are in a trance because of exhaustion, they may lose their lives.

When people are mentally exhausted in the martial artist stage, they usually need to rely on sleep to recover.

For today's climbing alone, their physical loss is not serious, and they can recover after running the exercises, but if they don't sleep, they will feel very tired whether they climb up or leave tomorrow. tricky.

"It's not impossible. It is said that some medicinal pills can boost people's spirit and spirit, and maybe they can last for a few days, but we don't have such medicinal pills in our hands now." Gu Yan smiled bitterly.

"Then we can only sleep. We will do it according to the method we got beforehand. The night watchman will try to wake up two of them every half an hour." Huang Bujue thought for a while.

"What I'm most afraid of is the situation where we can't wake up but are alive. What should we do at this time?" Zhou Fan asked. He fell into the illusion several times, and knew in his heart that once he really fell into the illusion in the dream, cannot be awakened.

He didn't know if he would encounter illusions while sleeping in Qianhuan Snow Mountain, but he had to be careful.

"There's no other way. We can only wait patiently for the person who can't wake up to wake up. If the person who is sleeping is weak, we can only try to save him by transitioning infuriating energy and feeding healing medicine pills." Huang Bu Feeling sighed.

"Don't be too pessimistic, there are not many people who really sleep in the past." Gu Yan comforted.

The corners of Zhou Fan's eyes jumped, he glanced at the ghost burial coffin, other warriors might not, so he was a little hard to say.

They began to arrange the night watchmen. According to their previous rules, Gu Yan was on the night watch tonight, Huang Bujue was on the night watch, and Zhou Fan didn't have to watch the night.

After arranging the vigil task, they discussed a few more words. Huang Bujue and Zhou Fan began to dig a snow pit each, put butter paper to prevent snow water, and lay down.

Zhou Fan quickly fell asleep, he did not dream, but appeared on the boat first.

Zhou Fan soon found that his body was surrounded by three silver halos.

The silver halo increased from time to time, and there were twisted black lines crawling on the halo.

Zhao Yazhu and Qifu also noticed Zhou Fan's strangeness. Zhao Yazhu glanced at the silver halo seriously, and then gloated on his face, "Zhou Fan, you are going to be out of luck."

"What is this?" Zhou Fan reached out and tried to touch the silver halo, but it was as if he was caught in the air, and he didn't catch anything.

"Fifty gray worms, I'll tell you." Zhao Yazhu quoted the price.

"Okay." Zhao Yazhu just reached out and grabbed a wisp of mist floating in front of him.

The fog spun into a glass ball, and a large number of large gray worms were floating in the glass ball.

Zhao Yazhu took out fifty large gray worms from it.

"How many grey worms do I have now?" Zhou Fan asked, looking at his glass ball.

Although it was dangerous for him to participate in the cross-country test, it was not without gain. The level of strange deceptions such as Snow Old Corpse, Black Flame Skull, Silver Scorpion, etc. was not low.

"Eight thousand one hundred and three big gray worms." Zhao Yazhu said with a smile: "This thing on you is called the Ring of Horror Dreams. It is a special power that will drag you into the illusion."

"If it wasn't for the ship, you would have already entered a nightmare."

"Isn't this similar to Mengou's curse?" Zhou Fan said in surprise.

Qifu has been listening quietly to the two of them. If she encounters the Ring of Horror Dreams in the future, there will be a way to deal with it, and she knows that if she speaks, Zhou Fan may remember that he forgot to transfer the debt again.

Zhou Fan didn't actually forget it, but he only had half an hour. After half an hour, Huang Bujue and Gu Yan would wake him up. In the rush of time, of course he didn't bother to care about such trivial matters. He listened carefully to Zhao Yazhu's words. explain.

"It can be said that, but it is still different from the dream puppet. The ring of horror comes from some powerful monster with nightmare ability. I guess you are in a dangerous place now, that powerful monster is sleeping, and you are also sleeping. When it hits, it will be affected by the Ring of Horror that it unintentionally emits." Zhao Yazhu explained the difference between the two.

A powerful monster with nightmare powers? The Ring of Horror that unintentionally radiates?

Zhou Fan was stunned. He immediately thought that the person who died in a deep sleep in Qianhuan Snow Mountain might be because of this reason. He hurriedly asked, "What is the name of that monster?"

"Not one. As far as I know, there are twelve powerful monsters with this ability. These twelve monsters are not comparable to you now, and several of them are unknowable." Zhao Yazhu said slowly: "But I'm only responsible for answering the content related to the Ring of Horror. If you want to know the information about these twelve strange things, you have to increase the price."

"How many gray worms do you want?" Zhou Fan asked with a frown.

"If you want to know everything, you need at least 10,000 big gray worms, but I can give you a 20% discount, 8,000 big gray worms." Zhao Yazhu smiled.

This is to want me to go bankrupt, but even if I know what it is, I guess I can't win or I have to run for my life, it's better not to know... Zhou Fan smiled bitterly: "Let's talk about the Ring of Horror~www. Is there a way to remove this thing?"

"Of course there is." Zhao Yazhu replied, "Actually it's very simple. As long as you leave the Grey River space, stop sleeping, and leave the dangerous place where you are, then you are equivalent to leaving the range of that strange ring of terror, and the problem will be solved naturally. ."

Zhou Fan was silent. He estimated that the entire Thousand Illusionary Snow Mountain was within the scope of the Ring of Horror.

"Apart from staying away immediately if you don't sleep, there are other ways, but the other ways are too complicated for you to use." Zhao Yazhu shook his head.

"What about the Grey River space? As long as I sleep in the Grey River space, wake up and go out again, the Ring of Horror Dreams shouldn't affect me, right?" Zhou Fan asked again.

If this is the case, then he will wake up after half an hour to survive the night. In the next few nights, he will find a reason to ask Huang Bujue and the two not to wake him up. He can rely on the gray river space to avoid terror. The effect of the Dream Ring.

"This method won't work." Zhao Yazhu sneered: "Even if no one deliberately wakes you up, if you stay in the place affected by the Ring of Horror Dreams, and stay in the gray river space for at most half an hour every day, you will be forced to I have to leave the Grey River space."

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