Weird World of Immortality

Chapter 741: wooden house

She stood silently in the snow covered by the luminous rune beads and did not make a sound, some thoughts were out of place.

Xiong Feixiu did not dare to interrupt.

"Then let's do this first." Li Chungniang turned and walked into the ice forest.

Liu Sanhuo and the middle-aged woman looked at each other. They released the restraint of the two old men and chased after them without looking back.

"Little young master, are you alright." After the two old men woke up, they immediately ran towards Xiong Feixiu to check on Xiong Feixiu.

This is the most favored junior of the ancestors of the Xiong family. If something really goes wrong, they may not be able to survive.

"What are you doing, I'm fine, don't touch!" Xiong Feixiu was angry and annoyed.

Only then did the two old men stop and let out a long sigh of relief. One of them said nervously, "Let's go, let's get out of here quickly, I didn't expect that there would be a squire who surpassed the Qi Gang stage this time."

That was a Taoist cultivator, not even the Xiong family.

"What are you afraid of?" Xiong Feixiu snorted: "No matter how powerful it is, it won't scare me away!"

Scared away?

The two old men looked at each other, and they were very suspicious about it.

"I wonder how the young master scare the three away?"

"Don't ask, it just made me run away in fright anyway." Xiong Feixiu said with a cold face, "This is my secret, and I can't tell anyone when I get home, otherwise the old ancestors wouldn't be able to protect you, including the old ancestors, Do you understand?"

The two old men hesitated for a while, but they agreed first.

Xiong Feixiu knew that these two squires were loyal to their ancestors, and they would most likely tell their ancestors when they returned. He just sighed in his heart and said, "Let's go, don't stay here, it's boring."



Zhou Fan and Huang Bujue chatted for a while, and then began to discuss their duty tonight.

According to their habit of getting along in the past few days, Zhou Fan will be on duty in the first half of the night tonight, and the second half will be handed over to Gu Yan. As for Huang Bujue, he will not be on duty tonight, and he will not be on duty until the second night.

Outside the wilderness, it is very common for a warrior to be on duty at night.

Huang Bujue and Gu Yan easily dug two and a half meters deep snow pits, then put moisture-proof butter paper on the bottom of the pits, and lay directly in.

The snow pits are dug to prevent the cold wind from the icy forest, which will make it much more comfortable to sleep.

The cold won't make the body temperature of the warriors lose, but even the wind and snow weakened by the icy forest still makes it difficult for people to fall asleep, so this is the only way to do it.

After Huang Bujue and Gu Yan slept, Zhou Fan began to work alone at night.

He glanced at the ghost burial coffin not far away, and looked away to pay attention to the movement around him.

The icy forest made a rustling sound, like a group of demons dancing wildly, this is the movement of the cold wind blowing on the icy tree.

Zhou Fan didn't dare to be careless, he concentrated on alert.

Because the ghost burial coffin has been following him, that danger may come at any time.

Listening to the rustling sound and the subtle sounds of the woods roaring alone, there seems to be nothing else between heaven and earth.

In the very distance of the woods, there was a little silver light flickering.

At the beginning, Zhou Fan didn't care much. He was on duty at night in the wilderness. Occasionally, he saw some strange lights, which were emitted by some strange things. As long as he didn't get close, he didn't care.

Such light often flashes away and disappears into the dark night.

But soon he found that the silver light did not disappear, but was expanding, with a silver halo spreading out.

Zhou Fan's face changed slightly, and as the silver light expanded, what he saw was a wooden house.

The house is shrouded in a silver halo, giving it a vague and unreal feel.

But it happened to appear in Zhou Fan's field of vision.

Zhou Fan didn't blink, he first calmly glanced at the talisman attached to his body, and after confirming that the talisman was complete, he mobilized the infuriating energy in his body, boiling the blood of the dragon, and also did not feel any abnormality.

"I wasn't attacked by any curse or poison, so the house wouldn't be a hallucination because of my eye problem."

"But it's not ruled out that this is a strange illusion." Zhou Fan glanced at the ghost burial coffin as he looked at the silver-glowing house.

But the ghost burial coffin didn't react at all, and it still stood there. The gray shadow woman and the two gray shadow children were still staring at Zhou Fan. Their eyes seemed to have gone through countless years.

What are you looking at, have you never seen a handsome guy or I owe you money... Zhou Fan thought angrily.

Zhou Fan refocused on the wooden house in the distance, and he could even clearly see the outline of the closed wooden door in front of the wooden house.

After the wooden house appeared, there was no more movement, emitting a dreamy silver light, giving people a strange feeling in the dark night.

Zhou Fan also noticed that the surroundings seemed to have become a little quieter, and it seemed that the monsters nearby were moving away.

This made Zhou Fan's face slightly congeal, and he quickly recalled to see if he had seen records of a phenomenon similar to a wooden house anywhere.

But he did not recall any useful information.

Zhou Fan hesitated for a while, he was not considering whether to check it out, but whether to wake up Gu Yan and Huang Bujue.

In the end, he decided to wake up Huang Bujue.

Because the appearance of the wooden house is too weird, and because he is afraid of the danger of life and death in the ghost burial coffin, Zhou Fan has to pay attention to it.

If something really happened, it might be too late to call again.

After Huang Bujue and Gu Yan were awakened, they immediately looked at Zhou Fan vigilantly, and Huang Bujue asked, "What happened?"

Zhou Fan pointed at the wooden house emitting silver light: "Look there."

Huang Bujue and Gu Yan looked in the direction Zhou Fan pointed, and they saw a wooden house emitting silver light.

Both fell silent, then looked at each other and shook their heads.

Zhou Fan's face became more and more Huang Bujue and Gu Yanlun were familiar with the strange, I don't know how much more than him, but obviously they didn't recognize the origin of the wooden house.

"When did it appear? What was it like when it appeared?" Huang Bujue looked at the wooden house and asked in a deep voice.

Zhou Fan explained in detail what happened when he discovered the wooden house.

After Gu Yan and Huang Bujue listened, they were silent and did not speak in a hurry, but thought.

"A wooden house that emits silver light? I have no impression at all. It's like a strange house. I know several types, but after careful comparison, they don't look like them at all." Gu Yan took a sip from the wine gourd. Wine Road.

"Me too." Huang Bujue has never seen any similar mischief.

"Could it be a new monster that formed recently?" Zhou Fan said slowly.

Every year, there are a lot of new and strange things, and it is not surprising that they are new and strange.

Is it just a new quirk?

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