Weird World of Immortality

Chapter 731: Exam question announcement

The square quickly became quiet.

Because Zhong Tian, ​​the vice president of the academy, took two people to the white jade platform.

On Zhongtian's left is an old man, leaning on a fox-headed cane, with an old fox face wrinkled into an old orange peel, his eyes narrowed slightly.

On the right is a fat-headed and big-eared monk wearing a kapok cassock and holding a string of black wooden rosary in his hand.

Zhongtian looked at the crowd in the audience. He opened his mouth to speak, and his voice spread into the square. "Ten candidates are absent today. No matter what the reason, they are absent, so they should be disqualified."

"First of all, I would like to introduce the examiners who will invigilate the martial arts exam with me." Zhong Tian had a faint smile on his face. He looked sideways at the old man on the left and said, "This is Mrs. Zhang Li from the Zhang Li family."

Zhongtian looked at the monk on the right again and said with a smile: "This is Master Yuanhai, the presiding officer of the White Elephant Temple. In previous years, the three of us were the main examiners for the A-class exam."

Yuan Hai and Mrs. Zhang Li both nodded slightly to everyone in the arena and did not speak.

Whether it is the candidates or the servants in the square, they all understand that one of the three is the vice president of the academy, the other is the chair of the White Elephant Temple, and the other is the head of the first family in Gaoxiang County. Doubtful.

Zhou Fan glanced at Huang Bujue next to him, even if it was Huang Bujue, he was much worse than the three of them.

Gaoxiang Yiluan's Mansion is located at the bottom of three mountains, namely the Academy, the White Elephant Temple and the Aristocratic Family. It seems that life is not easy. Unlike the Yiluan Mansion in Luoshui Township and Tianliangli, there is no pressure from the aristocratic family, Buddhist temple and academy. on.

After Zhongtian introduced the two people beside him, he continued: "Let's gossip, the first item of the martial arts test is the cross-country test, and now the candidates will receive the Xuanguang Jade Talisman first."

The students of the academy quickly came over with wooden trays, and on the wooden trays were blocks of sapphire tokens three-finger wide.

The candidates all lined up to receive the sapphire token.

Zhou Fan looked at the Xuanguang jade talisman in his hand, and there were faint runes on the jade talisman.

"Now please take out the exam cards you have received." Zhongtian said again.

The academy once reminded that you must bring your test card. When you checked the candidates’ identities just now, they would also check the test card, so there was no case where a candidate did not bring the test card.

The candidates all took out their exam cards.

"Print your exam card on the Xuanguang Jade Talisman, and your name will be automatically engraved into the jade amulet." Zhong Tian said slowly again.

Zhou Fan acted according to his words. He stacked the wooden examination card inside the Xuanguang Jade Talisman, and the Xuanguang Jade Talisman exuded a faint blue light. Soon he found that the word 'Zhou Fan' appeared on the inner layer of the blue light jade amulet.

"Everyone's jade talisman is unique, and there are special restrictions set by our academy on it. Candidates who are interested in imitation can try it boldly." Zhongtian explained with a smile: "You must keep your Xuanguang jade talisman, Xuanguangyu. If the talisman is lost or damaged, it will be treated as elimination."

Zhou Fan and the others carefully put away the Xuanguang Jade Talisman.

"Now, please go and make a ghost oath. During the cross-country test, you must not violate the announced cross-country test rules, otherwise the Xuanguang jade talisman you carry will shatter." Zhongtian said again.

The scope of the cross-country test is too large. Only by passing the ghost oath can you ensure that the candidates will not violate the rules of the cross-country test. Otherwise, it will be difficult to monitor one by one.

Sure enough, it was through the ghost oath, which closed most of the possible loopholes... Zhou Fan sighed inwardly, he had imagined a lot, in fact, he had also considered that the academy might pass the ghost oath. To circumvent the rules of cross-country test by candidates.

The candidates were lining up again, and under the watchful eyes of the academy teachers, they made a ghost oath.

Fortunately, the academy was well-staffed, and the candidates lined up in ten teams. In less than half an hour, all the more than 200 candidates made a ghost oath.

After confirming that all the candidates had made the ghost oath, Zhongtian took out an envelope with the prohibition inscribed on it. These were the exam questions sent on it.

In order to show fairness, Zhongtian gave the envelope to Yuan Hai and Mrs. Zhang Li to check first.

Yuan Hai and Mrs. Zhang both checked it out very seriously and confirmed that there was no sign of opening or re-sealing the above prohibition before they nodded and handed the envelope back to Zhongtian.

This was an A-class exam involving huge cultivation resources, and even Zhongtian had to be careful to avoid being criticized.

Only then did Zhongtian take out the seal on his body and stamp it on the envelope. The prohibition was quickly eliminated. He took out the letter inside, and his face was shaking after reading it.

In the Great Wei Dynasty, all the academies in the 105 counties of the 21 prefectures and the 105 counties of all the academies had a martial arts examination method that was personally confirmed by the sages of the academies. The content of the test questions is confirmed by the sage of the academy.

If the sage of the academy is not satisfied with the content of the test questions, it can also be rejected, and then the question-setting team will re-form it until the sage of the academy is satisfied.

This question is like this, I am afraid it has a lot to do with the teacher of the academy sage.

Zhongtian handed the letter to Yuanhai. After Yuanhai read it, he proclaimed Amitabha and gave the letter to Mrs. Zhang Li.

Mrs. Zhang Li had already noticed the abnormality of Zhongtian and Yuanhai. He glanced at the letter paper, his slightly narrowed eyes suddenly opened, and his face became solemn.

"You two, no matter what, this is the destination of this cross-country test, and this is not something we can change." Nakata said solemnly.

"Amitabha, candidates are only afraid that this trip is extremely dangerous." Yuanhai sighed.

"If that's the case, why do you say so much?" Mrs. Zhang Li's face recovered, and he sneered: "The above has already been approved, which means that it can only be done in this way. Let's announce it."

Zhongtian was silent for a moment, he looked at the eyes gathered from the high platform, and then let his voice amplify: "This cross-country test destination Qianhuan Snow Mountain will last for ten days, and the candidate who climbs the highest will score first, and so on~ Now you can go on your own."

Thousand Magic Snow Mountain?

There was an uproar in the square, not only the candidates, but even the powerful entourage brought by the candidates, were all excited.

Not to mention Gaoxiang County, even the neighboring Juxiong and Feihe counties have heard the name of Qianhuan Snow Mountain.

That is the famous first dangerous place in Gaoxiang County!

It is said that there are many powerful monsters in it, not to mention brutal monsters, there are rumors that there is an unknown monster there!

If it weren't for some purpose, the warriors would not be willing to set foot in the Thousand Illusionary Snow Mountain.

"Isn't this asking us to die?" Some candidates shouted in disbelief with anger on their faces.

The candidates of Class A may be geniuses in martial arts, but they are too young after all, and this kind of danger is too dangerous for them.

Before the test, many candidates had guessed where the end of the cross-country test would be, but they never thought that the destination would be Qianhuan Snow Mountain!

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