Weird World of Immortality

Chapter 715: ask for help

After Zhou Fan returned to the inn with the silver ticket, he sat in the room and carefully read the rules of the cross-country test again.

"First, each candidate is allowed to bring two squires, and the squire's realm is not limited, which means that it is very likely that a very powerful warrior will appear. At that time, this warrior's squire will hunt or block other competitors for their own candidates. "Zhou Fan's face was solemn.

"But doing this is a double-edged sword, because no one is sure whether a more powerful warrior will appear and hunt him down."

"The second rule is that you can carry a large amount of materials, but now that the destination is unknown, you can only prepare some materials that may be used... It does not mean that the destination is unknown. Even if it is a cross-country test, it is likely that the location will not be. It's too far from Gaoxiang City."

"The map of Gaoxiang City will also be obtained. You can first estimate the possible destinations. Unfortunately, the academy did not disclose how many days this cross-country test will take. destination……"

"The third rule is that the number of people in the team should not exceed three. This number even includes the squires. There is nothing to say about this. You can only try to choose a strong squatter instead of candidates."

"The fourth rule is that any form of combat can occur between the two teams, including killing opponents..." Zhou Fan raised his eyebrows slightly, "I don't understand, the candidates who can participate in the Class A class are all talented young people. , but the academy allowed to kill the opponent, wouldn't this be too cruel?"

"The dean said that there is no point in growing up a genius, but this kind of internal friction is too serious..." Zhou Fan was puzzled, but he still shook his head: "You can't take chances, since you can kill your opponent, then The level of competition will be fierce and cruel.”

"A strong squire is the key. After all, the fourth rule says that a team is not allowed to intervene in the battle between the two teams. The decisive factor is often how strong the squires brought by the candidates are!"

"Fifth, any form of help cannot be provided between teams, so to speak, but this cannot prevent the alliance between teams. Some teams can secretly unite and make transactions that cannot be monitored on the surface, unless the academy Using ghost oaths to limit the secret union of candidates before the cross-country test..."

Zhou Fan pondered the deeper meaning of the rules of the cross-country test one by one, to see which loopholes could be drilled, and which rules should be avoided. Before he knew it, it was noon.

He shook the copper bell and asked Xiao Er to bring him and Xiao Ling's lunch.

After eating a sumptuous lunch, Zhou Fan left the inn and came to Gao Xiangyi Luan Sifu.

He didn't lie to Li Chongniang, he did have certain ideas in his mind when facing the squires, and the Gao Xiangyi Luan Sifu was the first place he wanted to come.

Just like last time, Zhou Fan soon met Yuan Liwei, the general staff member of Yiluan Sizheng in Gaoxiang County.

"Inspector Zhou, congratulations and congratulations." Yuan Liwei laughed loudly: "I heard that you were the first in the class A class this time. It's really amazing. It seems that you are one step closer to the class A class."

"I was lucky, and I happened to write the last poem title before..." Zhou Fan said modestly.

Yuan Liwei sighed a little in his heart. He originally thought that Zhou Fan had little hope of entering Class A, but he didn't expect Zhou Fan to pass the literary test all of a sudden. .

As for the three top students who Gao Xiangyi had placed high hopes on, the one with the best score in the literary test was only twenty-seventh, far worse than Zhou Fan.

Zhou Fan deliberately came here at this time, also in the name that Yuan Liwei should receive the news of the literary test, so that he could implement the plan in his heart.

After the two chatted for a while, Zhou Fancai coughed lightly: "I wonder if Sir Yuan has heard about the cross-country test of the martial arts class A class?"

"This matter has already aroused heated discussions in the whole city, how could I have not heard of it?" Yuan Liwei said with a smile.

"The adults also know that I come from a poor family." Zhou Fan said with a bitter face: "The key to the cross-country test is two powerful squires. I wonder if the Yiluan government can solve it for me?"

Yuan Liwei was not surprised by Zhou Fan's words, he had already vaguely guessed Zhou Fan's intention, and he pondered for a while: "Zhou Inspector is a member of the Yiluan Division, and now we have achieved such a result in the literary test, our Yiluan Of course, the Secretary will fully support, the matter of the servants..."

"Then thank you sir." Zhou Fan quickly interrupted with a smile.

Yuan Liwei snorted: "Inspector Zhou, listen to me first, it's like this, in our Gao Xiangyi Luan Office, including you this time, there are actually four people who participated in the Class A exam, and those three people also Come to me and ask Yiluan Division to find powerful warriors for them to be their squires for this cross-country test."

Having said this, Yuan Liwei showed a look of embarrassment: "You also know that the Yiluan government has a heavy responsibility, and it is not easy to free up manpower."

"Master Yuan, those three people's literary test scores are not as good as mine, right?" Zhou Fan raised his eyebrows and asked.

"It's far worse." Yuan Liwei said frankly.

"At the moment, I have the best chance of being admitted to Class A, the first in the literary test, do you think that's right?" Zhou Fan asked again.

"Of course." Yuan Liwei nodded again.

"When the Yiluan Division is looking for a powerful entourage, doesn't it give priority to me, and also consider those three people? How can there be such a reason?" Zhou Fan pretended to be displeased.

At this time, one can only die as a fellow Daoist and not as a poor Daoist.

Yuan Liwei was silent for a while and said, "That's right, but after all, only 30% of the score in the literary test will be taken. Once you are eliminated in the martial arts test, your score will also be invalidated. No one knows what the next two tests are, so we are in the When resources are inclined, we can only tend to candidates with stronger cultivation realm.”

"Zhou According to the information passed to us from Luoshui Township, you only have Qi orifice section, but of the three people on our side, two of them are in the same realm as you are Qi orifice section, there is one But even the pulse segment!"

Zhou Fan chuckled lightly: "Master Yuan, your news may be a little behind, I've already entered the connection stage."

"You have already connected the pulse segment?" Yuan Liwei was surprised at first, and then his face showed joy.

"Master Yuan, if you don't believe me, you can try me." Zhou Fan said calmly.

"It's not that I don't believe in Inspector Zhou, but this matter is of great importance, and we still need to find out. Otherwise, I will not explain it to the four envoys of the four towns, and I ask Inspector Zhou to be considerate." Yuan Liwei pondered for a while.

Soon, Yuan Liwei went out and let someone bring in a square copper box. He took out a copper key and inserted it into the key hole of the copper box, with a click.

The copper box was torn apart, and inside was a small frog-shaped brass beast. Its protruding eyes were tightly closed, and its jaw bulged and shrank, as if it was about to come to life.

"This is a black swim-level copper frog, I think you should recognize it."

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