Weird World of Immortality

Chapter 707: Mutation

Everyone in the manor was stunned for a moment. They didn't understand why this man named Zhang An suddenly confided about the scandal in his family at the beginning of the rope show.

Zhang An's wife steals. What does a man have to do with acting?

Zhang An continued to say with a bitter face: "Because of this, I beat the **** hard, gentlemen, do you think I'm doing too much?"

"It's not too much to kill a woman like this." A man sneered.

"I don't dare to kill her, but I don't want to." Zhang An sighed: "After I beat her up, she ran away. Before I came here, I searched for her for a long time and couldn't find her."

"Then do you want to perform rope skills? Or do you want to find your own mother-in-law?" The young man surnamed Zhu said impatiently.

"Don't worry about this noble person." Zhang An said with a bitter face: "Of course I came to perform rope skills, but I have been thinking about where my mother-in-law is hiding? I really thought I had searched all over Just now..."

Zhang An paused for a moment and said, "Just when I was about to come in, I suddenly remembered that there was a place I didn't look for."

He pointed up with his hand: "That is the sky, my mother-in-law might be hiding in the sky."

He said his mother-in-law was hiding in the sky?

Everyone was startled again, how is this possible? How do people hide in the sky?

"You nobles must not believe it, but I still want to try it to see if I can find her back in the sky." Zhang An smiled and untied the bundle of ropes on his shoulders, grabbed the rope and lifted it to the sky. One toss.

The rope quickly pulled up with a snap, as if someone was hiding in the air and pulling the rope up. When the whole bundle of ropes was lifted into the air, Zhang An shouted, "Stop!"

The rope that was pulled up stopped, and a rope end hung down in a straight volley.

"Ladies and gentlemen, I'm going to see if the woman is really hiding in the sky?" After Zhang An finished speaking, he grabbed the hanging rope with both hands and quickly climbed up.

He climbed higher and higher, and soon disappeared to the height where the manor's luminous beads could shine, and entered the dark place shrouded in darkness.

Everyone looked up slightly, with curious expressions on their faces.

Soon, the sound of arguing and scolding Zhang An and the woman suddenly came from the rope, which seemed to have no external force, and it was vaguely heard that the two seemed to be fighting.

Later, the woman burst into tears, and Zhang An scolded: "I said that you are hiding in the sky, and the nobles on the ground don't believe it. You can go down to me now, and go back and clean up your unruly bitch!"

"Xianggong, I understand, I'll go down now." The woman replied with a cry.

There was silence in the manor, and then everyone quickly saw a woman slipping down from the rope.

After seeing the woman's appearance, there was an uproar in the crowd. This woman was the first performer, the petite dancer surnamed Qin.

Some people couldn't help applauding, because there was nothing to climb over the manor, so how did this woman float in the air for a long time?

This alone surprised many people.

The dancer surnamed Qin greeted everyone with a smile on her face.

The young man surnamed Zhu suddenly laughed wildly and said, "You are the same person who came from Zhang An in disguise. If you have the ability, you call that Zhang An to come down to this young master now?"

After the young man surnamed Zhu finished speaking, he quickly stretched out his hand to the dancer, because he still suspected that the dancer was just an illusion created by the deceitful talent Ziyan.

No one could have imagined that the youth surnamed Zhu would stretch out his hand so suddenly, his hand grabbed the dancer's long sleeve, and when he pulled it, the dancer was pulled to the ground.

"Brother Zhu, don't..." Bai Xuanyu showed an angry look, but he stopped halfway through his words.

Because of the white smoke rising from the dancer surnamed Qin who was dragged to the ground, the dancer turned into a white skeleton.

Everyone in the field was surprised by this change, and they quickly took a few steps back, watching the skeleton vigilantly.

Zhou Fan raised his eyebrows slightly, he felt that this did not seem to be part of the performance, and things became a little unusual.

The young man surnamed Zhu also followed the crowd back, and he said with an ugly face: "Brother Bai, is this a performance? If so, your joke is too much."

A look of astonishment appeared on Bai Xuanyu's face, his pupils shrank, he looked over the rope and shouted, "Zhang An, come down and explain what's going on?"

There was no response from the sky above the rope. At this time, the rising white smoke quickly shrank back towards the corpse, and a sinister aura spread out from the corpse.

The corpse that fell on the ground slowly stood up, and its skeleton wearing a long-sleeved shirt was growing, and soon two people were tall, and white smoke lingered around its body.

Except for the servants, all of them were excellent candidates from the Class A. They all retreated when they knew that they had come across something strange.

"It's a **** fog ghost bone." Someone recognized the fog ghost bone at a glance.

Many people showed fear and retreated faster. They all pulled out their weapons and took out the talisman. How many casualties.

At this moment, the Leisha puppy that had been crouching in the beast cage also made a sound of thunder, its body was constantly growing, and dazzling purple thunder light burst out on its body.

Its orange-red eyes looked at the humans outside the cage, and the whole body scattered into countless thunder lights, which were thrown out of the huge beast cage.

"No, the Leisha puppy has become a Leisha dog, run away!" Someone shouted in horror.

The Lei Shah dog is more terrifying than the fog ghost bone, which is a strange delusion of the Bai Sha level.

Things were changing so fast, the manor was chaotic, and those with insufficient strength had already used their physical skills, jumped up one after another, and left over the wall.

Zhou Fan was protecting Insect Lady back, he had already pulled out the rusty knife, "Insect Lady, you go out with them first."

Before Insect Lady could speak, Zhang Li Xiaohu snorted coldly: "What are you running away from, let's kill these two monsters together."

Zhang Li Xiaohu was covered in bright red flames, and he rushed towards the Lei Sha dog who had just come out of the cage and landed.

Lightning and flames intertwined The violent hurricane swept wildly, the tables in the tea party fell over, the teacups and other utensils fell to the ground, and the water in the small pond rippled.

The fog ghost bone rushed towards Zhang Li Xiaohu who was in a ball with the Leisha dog.

Bai Xuanyu snorted coldly and stepped forward to stop the fog ghost bone.

Yelaitianxiang, who was standing in the corner, smiled slightly, Zhu.'s lips parted slightly, and the crisp and melodious voice echoed in the manor.

The movements of the Mist Ghost Bone and Leisha Dog slowly slowed down, and this sound could actually affect the strange actions.

Yelaitianxiang is still singing.

Listening to the song, Zhou Fan realized that his blood seemed to be boiling, he raised his eyebrows slightly, pressing down the boiling blood.

The warriors who had not left in the manor saw the fog ghost bone and the Lei Sha dog fell into a disadvantage, so they rushed forward to help Bai Xuanyu and Zhang Li Xiaohu.

Under the siege of the powerful warriors, the fog ghost bone and the thunder dog were quickly killed by the siege.

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