Weird World of Immortality

Chapter 278: behind the scenes

As Li Jiuyue left the room, Yan returned to look at Zhou Fan and said with a smile, "I haven't congratulated you yet on becoming a Bronze Seal."

"Thank you." Zhou Fan replied with a smile.

Yan returned to joke with Zhou Fan again, and his face became serious: "What do you think of this honey pear incident?"

Zhou Fan was silent for a while and said: "Reminds me of what Ren Mei Wuyan once said when he was crusade against the cocoon tree. He said that a man wearing a red evil ghost mask planted the cocoon tree on Dongqiu Mountain. Now that I think about it, he It's not necessarily a lie."

In fact, Zhou Fan didn't think it was necessary to make up such a lie.

"My opinion is similar to yours." Yan returned with a cold face, "Human Mei Wuyan said that the masked man planted a cocoon tree on Dongqiu Mountain. At first I believed it, but after I came back, I asked some people and checked it out. There is a lot of information, but none of them mention that cocoon trees can be transplanted."

"It's the same with honey pears today, but whether it's a cocoon tree or a honey pear in the cool weather, it all shows one thing. That masked man has mastered a strange technique for transplanting trees."

Zhou Fan listened in silence. He also knew that the cocoon tree had an extraordinary origin and was differentiated from the ancient cocoon tree, but he couldn't say it.

"I think the masked man planted cocoon trees and honey pears in Tianliang, which may be a test, and their technology is not yet mature." Yan returned and said slowly, "Tianliangli is remote, even if it really goes out. No matter what the big event, the officials couldn’t react for a while, so it was the most suitable place for them.”

"They?" Zhou Fan was stunned, he looked up at Yan Guihui.

"It's them." Yan Guilai said with a sneer on his face, "I'm not blind, I don't know anything about them, this is an organization that walks on the edge of people and weirdness. This kind of research Organizations that disregard ordinary life and death will always emerge from time to time, and there have been countless such organizations in history."

Yan Guilai, as the An Dong envoy of the Department of Yiluan, of course has his own sources of information, Zhou Fan's face became solemn, if it is really as Yan Gui said, the masked organization is staring at Tianliangli, There's bound to be bigger things going on.

"I'm telling you so much because you participated in the crusade against the cocoon tree after all, so I think you should know about it." Yan returned with a calmer expression, "I've already sent someone to check their tracks, once I find them …”

"I can't forgive them." Yan returned and said in a deep voice. He was very annoyed that Yiluan Si suffered such a big loss in Tianliang.

Zhou Fan was silent for a while, and Yan returned to say so, but the masked force was not easy to deal with.

"How is your partner Li Jiuyue?" Yan returned to change the subject with a smile.

"He's... okay." Zhou Fan answered truthfully.

Yan Guilai nodded slightly: "After all, he is the son of a merchant, and he was brought by Eunuch Ao. You should be careful when dealing with him..."

After Zhou Fan withdrew from the room where Yan returned, he rushed out of the Sifu.

"Where are you going?" Li Jiuyue asked out of nowhere.

"Go and see the honey pears." Zhou Fan quickened his pace and said urgently.

"Isn't this handed over to the masters to handle it?" Li Jiuyue asked a little puzzled.

Zhou Fan didn't answer, but flew with Li Jiuyue and his brother all the way, and finally arrived at the house.

The talisman masters moved very quickly. In this short period of time, they had already built enough boxes, picked the pears one by one, and put them into the boxes.

After confirming that there was no omission, the box was sealed again. When Zhou Fan and the others rushed to the house, a talisman was swinging an axe to cut off the blood-remorious honey pear tree.

"No, wait, let me come." Zhou Fan shouted.

The Master Fu was stunned, but still handed the axe to Zhou Fan.

Zhou Fan didn't answer, but directly pulled out his Star Frost Rusted Knife and slashed it.

The pear tree was chopped down with the force of the knife, and it was directly broken into two pieces.

The flying insects in the boxes buzzed and slammed, causing all the boxes to shake, but they could no longer save the pear tree.

The leaves of the pear tree turned yellow at a speed visible to the naked eye, and completely lost their vitality.

The catchers took the boxes, and they were going to throw them into the wild, lest they really break open the boxes and bring disaster to the city.

The talismans once said that when the pear tree died, the flying insects that the pears turned into lost their coordinates and could not be found again.

Zhou Fan put the knife into the sheath, he breathed a sigh of relief, he thought he couldn't catch up, there was a **** grudge, and that was the eight big gray worms.

"You came here in such a hurry to kill this strange honeybee?" Li Jiuyue looked at Zhou Fan speechlessly.

Zhou Fan was very keen on killing monsters before, but Li Jiuyue didn't expect Zhou Fan to be so keen.

"You don't know, there is something wrong with me. If I encounter strange things that I can deal with, I will feel uncomfortable if I don't kill them myself." Zhou Fan said with a serious face.

Li Jiuyue snorted: "Your fault is so strange."

"I feel so too."



When he returned home at night, Zhou Fan practiced regularly as usual. His resistance to the high stage had gradually stabilized. He did not hesitate any more and took out the third Blood Dragon Pill to refine it.

The growing blood continuously strengthens the skin of his body.

Fighting against the high section also quickly reached its limit.

Zhou Fan stopped and continued to practice, the practice of fighting against the section went more smoothly than he thought, and the next step was the speed section.

However, if he wanted to catch the top speed technique, he needed thirty-two giant grey worms as bait, and he only had twenty-eight giant grey worms, including today's honey income.

And the thirty-two big gray worms only have a chance, and the chance is still too small.

To be sure, you still have to accumulate more gray worms.

Zhou Fan's head was aching, and Rouge couldn't hope for it anymore, he still had to find a way by himself.

The gray worms came from Wei Jing, and Wei Jing was not Chinese cabbage. He wanted to get the gray worms faster, unless he ventured into the wild to hunt them.

But firstly, his duty is on Second, he goes to the wild to hunt monsters. If he encounters serious monsters, he may lose his life.

It seems a little difficult to go to the wild to hunt monsters.

After thinking about it, Zhou Fan didn't think of a good solution for a while, so he could only put this matter down temporarily.

When it was time to fall asleep, Zhou Fan entered the wooden boat again.

Tonight's Rouge was on the boat. She was wearing a light gauze white dress and her face was facing the sky. She looked beautiful and elegant. She didn't look at Zhou Fan, but danced on the other side of the boat.

Her delicate figure was shrouded in mist, and her dance was full of loneliness.

Zhou Fan didn't have any pity in his heart. This woman is just being hypocritical. If you want to talk about suffering, he is suffering. His life span is only a few years old.

Zhou Fan just snorted coldly in his heart and started practicing the sword.

One dances and one practice swordsmanship.

The ship is safe and sound.

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