Weird World of Immortality

Chapter 252: strange school child

Zhou Fan and Li Jiuyue quickly walked out of the house and saw a middle-aged man in a soapy coat and a red tasseled hat.

"This is Ge Zhaotou." The clerk introduced them to them.

The protection force of Tianliang City only needs to be divided into three groups. The first group is the Tianliang City Patrol Team. They are responsible for patrolling outside the city and protecting the peasants. The third part of the strange affairs is the arrest of the yamen in Tianliang, who is responsible for maintaining public order in the city and arresting thieves, criminals and other trivial matters.

However, most of the suspected cases will be reported to Tianliang Liya, and if they find it suspicious, they will come to the clerks of Yiluan Division for help.

"Zhou Lishi, Li Lishi, please come with me." After the introduction, Ge Zhao bowed his hands with a straight face.

Zhou Fan and the others followed this Ge Zhaotou into the Tianliang Liya opposite the Yiluan Sifu.

Ge Zhukuai took them away from the main hall and came to a small dark room. In front of the room also stood a young hunter.

"Is there nothing unusual?" Ge Zhukuai asked the young one.

The young catcher shook his head, "He's very quiet."

Ge Zhao quickly opened the door, Zhou Fan and Li Jiuyue looked over, and there was a little boy around seven or eight years old sitting inside.

The little boy was wearing a Tsing Yi T-shirt. When he saw the door opened, he looked over with a pale face.

Ge Zhukuai asked Zhou Fan and the others to follow him in, and then asked Young Zhukuai to close the door.

"Ge Zhaotou, this is..." Li Jiuyue glanced at Ge Zhaotou strangely.

"You'll find out later." Ge Zhukuai looked at the child, "This is Xiaojia, a student in a school in Tianliang City, Xiaojia, repeat what you told me before."

Xiaojia timidly glanced at Zhou Fan and the two.

"Don't be afraid, these two are the warriors of the Yiluan Division, to protect you." Ge Zhaotou reassured.

"My fellow school Tian Feng is... it's weird..." Xiaojia said hesitantly.

Xiaojia is a child of a family in Tianliang City. His family background is moderate. His parents sent him to a school in the city to study, hoping that he can recognize some characters. Maybe he is lucky and can find a way out by reading.

In Tianliang City, the school was big and small, and his parents sent him to a school near Tianliang Avenue in the East District of Nanxiang.

There were two teachers in the school, and there were about twenty schoolchildren.

A book school is a private school. Generally, the better the book school, the fewer students it accepts. It seems that this kind of book school is mostly chosen by Dongfang families who can barely afford the money to read to their children.

But I was lucky to be able to come in and study.

But Xiaojia didn't like reading, and felt that reading was very hard. The two masters in the school would use the ruler to beat Banxin every time, and every time he beat him to tears.

When Xiaojia was beaten for the first time, he told his parents that they scolded him and told him to study hard.

After that, Xiaojia stopped talking to her parents, but tried her best to endure it. Every day she went to the school, she felt like sitting on pins and needles.

But there was a long, long period of time between going to the court and leaving the court. In addition to trying to avoid the Master's punishment, Xiaojia felt very bored. Every day, he wanted to find something to observe and kill time.

At the beginning, he liked to observe the masters, but after all, there were only two masters, and later he watched more of those same schools.

More than 20 people, each of them watched for a while, and the time will soon pass.

Just today, Tian Feng in the school attracted his interest.

In the past, Tian Feng was an ordinary person. His studies were better than him, and he suffered less from the master's ruler. Other than that, there was nothing too special.

But this morning, Tian Feng came over and covered his face and nose with a jute cloth, and the schoolchildren looked at him curiously.

The master also asked Tian Feng strangely, and Tian Feng said that his face was accidentally cut, so his parents helped him wrap it up so as not to scare others.

Seeing this, the Master didn't ask any further questions, and he didn't allow other schoolchildren to make fun of Tian Feng about it.

Xiaojia has been observing Tian Feng secretly. Thanks to his daily observations, Xiaojia is familiar with every schoolmate. He feels that Tian Feng is very awkward, and he is quieter than before.

Only when the Master asked questions, Tian Feng would answer. When the hall was resting, he did not talk to the people at the next table as he used to.

When others talk to him, they are just casual.

Xiaojia looked at him, as if he had discovered it, and turned his head back several times, but Xiaojia was very experienced.

Perhaps because of the jute scarf around his face, Tian Feng looked a little mysterious in Xiaojia's eyes.

Xiaojia began to suspect that Tian Feng was pretending to be injured, because after he was injured, the master took pity on him, and seldom beat him with a ruler, and he was beaten even more.

Xiaojia can't help but want to reveal Tian Feng's face to see if he is really hurt?

But he couldn't walk like this to lift the scarf on Tian Feng's face. If he did, Tian Feng was indeed injured, and the master must think he was playing a prank and would never forgive him.

So Xiaojia decided to follow Tian Feng after leaving the hall to see if Tian Feng would take off his scarf on the road. If he took off the scarf, he was not injured...

Thinking of this, Xiaojia became very angry, and he would definitely tell the two masters to let the master beat Tian Feng's palm severely.

Finally, when the master announced that the class would be closed, Xiaojia dismissed the get out of class with her classmates.

The school is right next to Tianliang Avenue. No one will be picked up by their parents. They all go home by themselves.

The schoolmates went home by themselves, and Xiaojia kept paying attention to Tian Feng's position. He carefully followed behind Tian Feng when no one was there.

He was afraid that Tian Feng would find out that didn't dare to follow too close, and the figures of adults who were coming and going on the street covered up. When he entered the alley of Dongfang, Xiaojia was even more afraid that Tian Feng would find out.

Because the alleys are twisted and twisted like a maze, if it is not for people who live in Dongfang all the year round, they may not be able to get out when they enter, and there are corners to hide at every bend.

Xiaojia used to play hide-and-seek in Dongfang with the well-played chief characters. He was very good at this. He was careful to hang behind Tian Feng, and he was not afraid of being lost.

Tian Feng didn't live near his house, and Xiaojia didn't know where Tian Feng's house was, but he thought that if Tian Feng pretended to be injured, he would definitely not dare to go home like this, but should remove the mask on his face. Scarf dare to go home to see parents.

Tian Feng walked very slowly, and Xiaojia followed him for a long time.

Suddenly Tian Feng walked into a dead alley and did not come out after a few moments.

Xiaojia had been to this dead alley before. He thought that if he walked to the entrance of this alley, he might be discovered by Tian Feng. He ran into the alley next door and went around to the wall at the end of the dead alley. A gap in the wall with a view of a dead alley.

Xiaojia hurriedly got close to the gap in the wall and looked.

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