Weird World of Immortality

Chapter 218: village grievance


Since it was decided to build a new village site in the same place, there are fewer places to choose from, and the village site must have enough open terrain.

"Why don't we rebuild it in Yegu Village?" Yan Longji suggested, "The place there is big enough."

"It's not right." Several Talismans said at the same time.

"Why?" Zhou Fan asked in surprise. He also felt that the location was good.

"Firstly, there are monsters haunting there at night, and secondly, it is unlucky." Zhang Fushi from Mangniu Village shook his head.

Several other talismans also disagreed.

The talismans objected a bit strangely, but they were unanimously opposed, and Zhou Fan and the others did not persist.

After discussions come and go, the location of the village site is determined.

After it was confirmed, it was already dark, and they planned to continue their discussions tomorrow morning.

After all, the three villages have already arrived at the Burning Valley, so there is no need to worry too much. Building new villages is a time-consuming task, and there is no need to rush it for a while.

The warriors went back to their camps in their villages, patrolling the patrols, and eating dinner.

It was only after the sky was completely darkened that there were bursts of crying in the distance.

There were cries of men, women and children, and the voices were sad and desolate.

"Where are so many people crying?" Thin Monkey froze for a moment.

"Maybe it's a trick." Zhou Fan looked into the distance, he frowned slightly, and the direction seemed to be Nogu Village.

The dogs in the camp barked in unison.

But the sound of mourning and crying continued for a long time, such as weeping and complaining.

Zhou Fan took Xiao Liu towards the outside of the camp, and he stopped when he reached the outermost periphery.

It was night time, and of course Zhou Fan didn't dare to leave the range shrouded by Weigu. He just came over to see what was going on?

Huang Mao's two talismans, Lu Kui and others also came.

The two talisman masters Huang Mao looked at each other with shock in their eyes, and then sighed in unison.

"Two bosses, do you know what kind of weirdness this is?" Luo Haetian's face changed slightly, and these cries made him panic.

Otherwise, the three villages will suffer again.

Just as the two talisman masters Huang Mao were about to explain, everyone saw wisps of white light rising in the distance. Judging from the position where the white light rose, it should be Yegu Village.

Straws of white light rose up like smoke, and then gathered together to push, turning into a man in white clothes with hair more than ten feet tall.

The man in white radiated a hazy white light, and he couldn't tell whether it was a man or a woman. It was crying, but the sound of crying was the voice of men, women, young and old, and spread out to the surrounding, as if there were echoes between heaven and earth.

It wandered and wandered along the old site of Nogu Village while weeping.

Zhou Fan and the others watched the man in white wandering in the air in silence, with vigilance in their eyes.

"I didn't expect it to take shape after so many years." Master Mao Fu whispered to himself.

The four of Zhou Fan looked at Master Mao Fu, hoping that Master Mao Fu would explain what the strangeness was?

"You don't have to be nervous, that is the village grievance of Yegu Village. It is imprisoned in Yegu Village. It only appears at night. Even if it passes through Yegu Village during the day, it will not be in danger. Judging from its height, it is estimated that it is a village of black grievance level. Resentment." Master Mao Fu explained.

"The whole village of Yegu Village was punished, and the grievances were boiling. After such a long time, the village grievances formed." Huang Fushi frowned, "But it has little effect on us, anyway, we will not go to the wild at night. Go, just ignore it."

"It turns out that it can't leave Yegu Village." Luo Haetian's face became much more relaxed, as long as it couldn't come out, even if it was a blood-hate-level weirdness, he wasn't afraid.

Zhou Fan's eyes showed eagerness to try, if it was just a black hatred, it would be sixteen little gray worms to him, but when he looked at Xiao Liu, who was now inseparable from him, his heart became cold again.

Before Xiaoliu's problem is properly resolved, he doesn't have to think about killing the village grievance.

Another problem is that the village grievances only appear at night, and it would be very difficult for him to walk in the dark, unless he stayed there during the day and waited for dark...

But fighting against the village grudges in the dark night may also attract those strange things hidden in the dark shadows.

It seems that killing this village grievance is not an easy task.

Zhou Fan shook his head and temporarily gave up the idea.

The village complained for half an hour before it stopped, and its figure dissipated in the dark night.

After Zhou Fan finished patrolling, he returned to the tent with Xiao Liu, who was a little sleepy.

Xiao Liu quickly fell asleep.

Like last night, Xiao Liu, who was sleeping soundly, would occasionally exhale to give birth to golden flowers like bubbles in the air.

Zhou Fan sighed, if Xiao Liu's sleeping position was spread out, he didn't know what kind of trouble it would cause.

After nearly two days of getting along, Zhou Fan confirmed that Xiaoliu would not be a threat to others, but Zhou Fan didn't even dare to tell Daliu and his wife about this abnormality while sleeping.

When Zhou Fan was thinking like this, the straw mat that was already lying on the ground slowly closed his eyes. He had to ask Wu Wu what was going on?

In the wafting gray mist, after hearing Zhou Fan's description, a look of emotion appeared on his face. He thought silently for a moment and said, "She has a third rare change."

"You didn't tell me before that Xiaoliu would either get better or become weird, why is there a third change?" Zhou Fan said with a cold face, "You bad old man is very bad, you shouldn't be in the pit. me?"

He didn't expect the fog to be so unreliable this time.

Wu's accusation to Zhou Fan, he just frowned slightly: "I didn't lie to you, do as I do, there are really only two changes, she should complete the life leap to remove the curse, or turn into a weirdo. , not a third variation."

"The method I told I even considered your bloodline factors in detail, there should be no such changes."

"But it still appeared, how to explain it?" Zhou Fan said with anger.

Wu shook his head with some doubts, but he quickly realized, "There is absolutely no problem with my method, the problem can only appear in the cocooned heart you got!"

"Is there something wrong with the cocoon heart?" Zhou Fan was stunned for a moment, he suddenly remembered Wuyan once said that the cocoon tree was brought by a person and planted in Dongqiu Mountain...

Zhou Fan quickly told Wu about this.

After listening to the fog, he smiled and said, "That's none of my business. There is something wrong with the cocoon heart. Please describe the cocoon tree and the cocoon heart to me in detail, and see if I can explain it for you."

Zhou Fan calmly explained the changes in the shape and appearance of the cocoon tree and the cocoon heart in detail.

After hearing this, Wu sneered, "Some people are really daring and dare to touch this kind of thing, it's not an ordinary cocoon tree, naturally it's not an ordinary cocoon heart, this is a branch transplanted from an ancient cocoon tree, The cocoon heart has the breath of the ancient cocoon tree, so the person you want to save will have such a change."

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