Weird World of Immortality

Chapter 214: arrive

When the little girl heard the word Xiaoliu, her eyes lit up, and she said crisply, "Xiao Liu."

Zhou Fan was stunned, he was a little overjoyed, she could speak.

Is this kid Xiao Liu?

The two talismans of Huang Mao and Lu Kui looked at each other, because of Zhou Fan's relationship, they all knew Xiao Liu.

"It looks a bit like Xiao Liu, but how did she become a child?" Lu Kui asked in surprise.

"I don't know." Zhou Fan shook his head. "On the way back with her, she suddenly fainted, and then her body kept shrinking, and she became like this. I suspect she was cursed."

"Curse?" The eyes of the three of Lu Kui showed vigilance.

"But Captain Lu also saw that there was no response to using the test talisman. I think even if it was a curse, it was already a curse in effect. On the way I brought her back, nothing happened." Zhou Fan continued. said.

"Brother Mao, have you heard of this kind of curse?" Master Huang Fu thought for a moment and asked.

"No." Master Mao Fu frowned, "But it's not a strange thing to have such a curse, but since the test talisman didn't respond, let them both come back."

This is entirely for Zhou Fan's face. If there are other people, they will have to consider it.

"Yes." Huang Fushi also nodded, and he looked at Zhou Fan, "But Captain Zhou, you can't let Xiaoliu out of your sight before confirming that Xiaoliu is absolutely safe, can you do it?"

Zhou Fan agreed.

Zhou Fan took Xiao Liu back to the team, and he quickly walked to his parents and others who were following the team.

Daliu and his wife were very happy to see Zhou Fan back, but they didn't see their daughter, and they didn't care about the little girl Zhou Fan was holding. Zhu Chunmei looked at Zhou Fan and asked, "Where's Xiaoliu?"

The Daliu couple had been worried about their daughter along the way.

Zhou Fan looked guilty, he turned to look at Xiao Liu next to him, Xiao Liu also looked up at him, she showed a timid expression to the crowd around her.

"She is Xiao Liu." Zhou Fan pointed at Xiao Liu and whispered.

Whether she is or not, she can only say yes, Zhou Fan can't tell the Daliu couple that Xiaoliu is dead, that would be even more cruel.

Daliu and his wife were stunned, and Zhou Yimu and his wife were also a little stunned, as was the Shouhou family.

They stood foolishly and let the crowd pass by. Zhu Chunmei looked at the little girl. She found that the little girl was very similar to her daughter when she was a child, and the clothes were also her daughter's. She felt that the world was spinning and she couldn't stand.

Daliu hurriedly supported Zhu Chunmei, who was about to faint, and he hurriedly looked at Zhou Fan: "Afan, what's going on?"

"It's not clear yet!" Zhou Yimu's face also became serious.

Zhou Fan gave a wry smile. He could only say the same set of rhetoric he had said before. After speaking, he said apologetically: "I'm sorry, I didn't take good care of Xiaoliu, which made her become like this."

Even though it had nothing to do with him, Zhou Fan still took the responsibility on himself.

After listening, everyone didn't know how to react. They didn't expect that Xiao Liu would be cursed and turned into a child.

"My daughter..." Zhu Chunmei came out crying and wanted to hug Xiao Liu, but Xiao Liu didn't recognize her at all, so scared that Xiao Liu hid behind Zhou Fan's legs and didn't dare to probe.

"Auntie, Xiaoliu doesn't recognize anyone anymore, and she doesn't know what will happen to her curse. You can't approach her." Zhou Fan didn't dare to confirm whether Xiaoliu was in danger. , so there is no fear.

The curse of knowing the death scorpion is not contagious, but maybe this Xiaoliu is no longer human. What if it is strange and hurts someone?

Zhou Fan wants to confirm again.

When Daliu heard Zhou Fan say this, he quickly caught Zhu Chunmei and did not let her go again.

Zhu Chunmei howled, she scolded as she cried, "Zhou Fan, you bastard, you are not human..."

"You made my daughter so miserable..."

Gui Feng and Thin Monkey's mother quickly comforted her.

Zhou Fan didn't say a word and let her scold him.

After a while, seeing the trend of falling away from the team, Gui Feng and the skinny monkey's mother walked forward with the lost Zhu Chunmei.

"Afan, is Xiaoliu still in danger now?" Da Liu looked at his daughter who had turned into a child, and his face showed grief.

"For the time being, there shouldn't be any danger, Uncle Daliu, let her follow me for a while, and I'll take a look." Zhou Fan reassured her.

"Well, take care of Xiaoliu, don't let her have another accident." Daliu thought about it and said, now Zhou Fan knows more about weirdness than them, so I can only ask him.

As for Xiaoliu becoming a child, Daliu didn't blame Zhou Fan very much. After all, there are always various accidents in the wild, and it would be good for Xiaoliu to save his life.

If there is something to regret, that is that Xiao Liu should not have stayed with Zhou Fan at the beginning, but what's the use of talking about it now?

Daliu shook his head, he looked at Xiao Liu next to Zhou Fan, and tried to say a few words to Xiao Liu, but Xiao Liu just listened blankly and did not answer.

Da Liu sighed and left.

After a while, Zhu Chunmei, who had recovered some emotions, came over again. She looked at Xiao Liu and asked, "Xiao Liu, do you still recognize me?"

But Xiao Liu just glanced at Zhou Fan, neither shaking his head nor nodding.

"Xiao Liu, she is your mother, call her mother quickly." Zhou Fan introduced for Xiao Liu, Xiao Liu was not unable to speak, but was taciturn.

Xiao Liu had a hesitant look on her face, and still called Zhu Chunmei a 'mother', but her expression was a little dull, she didn't seem to know the meaning of mother.

Zhu Chunmei's eyes were full of tears, "Xiao Liu, don't be afraid, mother is here, come here and take you home..."

However, Xiaoliu just held Zhou Fan's clothes tightly with her small hands, and was unwilling to go over.

"Auntie, wait for Xiaoliu to be fine..." Zhou Fan couldn't help but said.

"What problems can my daughter have, she has no problems at all." Zhu Chunmei glared at Zhou Fan and shouted Even if she has any problems, I'm not afraid of any curses, you return my daughter to me . "

After Zhu Chunmei finished speaking, she was about to come over and take Xiao Liu away, but Da Liu grabbed her and said solemnly: "Have you had enough trouble? You are not afraid, but what happened to Xiao Liu, do you know how to deal with it? Do you want to kill me? Xiao Liu?"

In the face of her husband's scolding, Zhu Chunmei burst into tears again, and no longer dared to take Xiaoliu away, she turned and left.

Da Liu just glanced at Xiao Liu, and he quickly followed his wife.

Zhou Fan sighed, feeling a little uncomfortable in his heart.

"Afan..." Xiaoliu heard others calling Zhou Fan like this, and she followed suit, "What is a mother?"

Zhou Fan knew that Xiao Liu didn't understand anything now, so he could only explain it to her in a low voice.

At sunset and dusk, the migration team finally reached Chidao successfully, and there were bursts of cheers in the team.

They broke into the saddest place, and they walked straight down the footpath to reach the new village site, Burning Valley.

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