Weird World of Immortality

Chapter 208: decisive battle

Zhou Fan was worried that he would turn around and run away, but when he saw that he was coming down immediately, Zhou Fan raised his eyebrows.

It seems that this semi-focus is very confident in his own strength.

Zhou Fan glanced at the bloodless giant sword, the golden charm on the giant sword dimmed a little, but he didn't need to change it yet.

He dragged the giant knife forward slowly, and the front blade cut a stalk of grass.

Ban Jiao took off his black robe. He was wearing black soft armor, and his eight-foot-high body looked even bigger than Lu Kui, revealing a fierce taste.

His half-scorched **** face added a touch of ferocity to him.

Having given up and leaving, he has taken out two talismans from his talisman bag, which are the middle-grade ice talismans of the yellow rank.

The ice bullet was attached to the handle of the axe, and the dark blue rune extended out, completely covering the long axe, and frost appeared on the axe's front.

Zhou Fan walked faster and faster until he started running.

Ban Jiao suddenly laughed, he hadn't been so excited for a long time, it was the feeling of a rivalry.

His body suddenly swelled up and continued to rise, and the black soft armor of his body swelled with it. The blood-colored aerosol was faintly leaking from his body, and the blood-colored aerosol condensed into blood armor.

He's a fighter!

There is nothing to be afraid of in the resistance stage of human leg thieves, even in the speed stage of Yiluansi!

He looked at Zhou Fan, who was running like the wind, and rushed out with his feet.

Zhou Fan let out a loud shout, his hands and feet suddenly swelled, the charcoal-red qiu knotted muscles were steaming with white mist, and the giant knife in his hand slashed out towards the half-focus that was rushing towards him.

The giant knife and the long axe collided, and the sharp golden shattering awns intertwined with the frost and freezing air, bursting out.

Zhou Fan's expression changed slightly, the strength of this man's leg thief was tens of thousands of pounds, and he blocked his attack abruptly.

Half-focus blushed, Zhou Fan's strength was stronger than he imagined, he was originally the kind of person who was born with divine power, but now he was blocked.

Ban Jiao let out a loud shout, and the two quickly swung their weapons down again, and the giant knife and the long axe collided dozens of times in an instant.

Due to the huge force trampling around, there were soil pits of different sizes, and the white grass was hit by the collision air, and it flew up layer after layer.

"Do you only have this strength? If you don't hurry up, all the people in the three villages will be killed by my subordinates." Half-burnt blood-red eyes bulged, and he shouted with laughter while swinging his axe.

Just the moment his words fell, Zhou Fan's torso swelled up with a thud, and all the five internal organs exploded. He was 10 feet tall and completely overwhelmed the body.

The whole body is charcoal red, and the muscles are full of qiu knots, and Zhou Fan, who is shrouded in white mist, looks like a demon.

Nine furnaces erupted!

The semi-focus pupils shrank suddenly, and the long axe in his hand slashed out with all his strength.

It's just that this time the long axe completely bent and flew towards the sky at the moment of contact with the giant knife in Zhou Fan's hand.

The half-focus right palm was shaken and twisted, and the whole person was thrown to the left by an unimaginable force.

Before he landed, Zhou Fan stepped on his foot, his body quickly moved to keep up with the semi-focus, and the giant knife in his hand slashed out.

There was a loud bang, and the whole person was thrown out like a ball, and cracks appeared in the blood armor covering the chest and abdomen.

Zhou Fan stomped his feet, and his body appeared like a phantom next to Ban Jiao, who had not yet landed, and slapped it down with the back of a thick knife.

There was a loud bang, and the half-focus fell into the ground, smashed a pit, and a circle of white hairs flew up from the pit.

Ban Jiao just looked at the huge figure that enveloped him, black blood spurted from his nose and mouth, and his eyes were full of fear.

"Wrong." The giant knife in Zhou Fan's hand was raised again and photographed.

The thick back of the knife smashed between the half-charred chest and abdomen. With a bang, the huge impact force caused the pit to sink an inch again and spread to the surroundings. The half-charred blood armor was broken, and the whole person had fallen into the black soil. It sank completely, and the black blood squeezed out along the flesh and bones.

His eyes were wide open, staring at Zhou Fan, as if asking what was wrong?

Is he supposed to run away and not fight?


Ban Jiao suddenly realized that Zhou Fan was wrong when he said what he said, and he was the only one with a little strength, and his eyes completely dimmed.

Zhou Fan glanced at the giant sword. The golden rune on the sword was so faded that it was almost invisible, and because the rune was weakened, it was impossible to cut the half-burned blood armor, otherwise he would not switch to slashing. .

Even if the half-burnt blood armor just now wasn't broken, it would have been shattered by his enormous strength.

Zhou Fan's body shrank, and his loose clothes had been squeezed into openings by his huge size. He frowned slightly, and the full explosion of his body made him feel a pain. This is the aftermath of the complete explosion of strength.

Zhou Fan didn't think much, he cut off the half-scorched head.

After jumping out of the pit, he saw the dead soul horse approaching, and he slashed again, beheading the dead soul horse's head.

Zhou Fan began to run back towards the migration team, and he wanted to go back to see what was going on there.

It was a very short period of time from when Zhou Fan came out and when he returned from killing Banjiao.

The battle between the migration team and the leg thieves continues.

The talisman warriors need to concentrate when participating in the battle, and they are not sure whether Zhou Fan's beheading plan is successful.

Zhou Fan is very strong in their hearts, but they must know that it is a half-burned human leg, which is defined as a black hatred.

Until some of them saw Zhou Fan come back with a human head.

That man was Ah Hui from Mangniu Village. He used to be Zhou Fan's defeated general, but now he just felt a rush of electricity running through his back. He was all excited, and he shouted loudly: "Half focus was killed!"

The rest of the martial artist and talisman were stunned for a and then their faces showed ecstasy and shouted loudly.

The thieves who were fighting the crowd looked back in disbelief, and then they found that the twelve thieves who had been supervising the battle behind them disappeared from their sight. They only saw Zhou Fan coming back with a head, their A look of despair appeared on his face.

Such a scene made them shattered with courage. Without the thief's head as the backbone, they were unable to break through the defenses of the three villages. Some thieves began to ride their dead horses and fled to the white-haired grassland.

This was like a chain reaction of dominoes, and the thieves began to flee.

The warriors and talismans took the opportunity to chase after them on horseback. Coupled with Zhou Fan, who came back to help, they killed dozens of leg thieves.

In the end, there were only a few dozen thieves who escaped.

The Martial Artists and Talismans stopped chasing, because the dead soul horses galloped fast and it was difficult for ordinary horses to catch up, but these dozens of legged thieves could hardly survive without the protection of the Thirteen Thieves in the wild.

Three villages achieved an unimaginable victory!

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