Weird World of Immortality

Chapter 205: negotiate

Thirteen smiling Falcons with weird smiles swirled above the horses. The leader just raised his right hand, and in his right hand there was a ball of bright red meatballs.

A smiling falcon flew over, took the meatball away, swallowed it, and flew up again.

Thirteen Laughing Falcons are the eyeliners of human leg thieves.

Notify Tianliangli with a message sign?

"So what?" The leader retracted his hand and said in a hoarse voice, "We would have already run away when Secretary Yiluan came. They tried to exterminate us several times, and I just wanted them to know the fate of going against us! "

The bloodshot eyes of the human leg thieves suddenly expanded, and they licked their mouths excitedly, the boss is going to declare war on Yiluan Si!

The three of Huang Fushi came back on horseback, and the remaining ten martial artist Fushi of the three villages quickly gathered with them.

The three of Huang Fushi told the ten people what they said about stealing their legs, and the faces of the ten people instantly became very ugly.

"This is a scheming plan. They want us to be in strife because of this. Even if we really hand over a thousand human legs to them, who can guarantee that they will let us go?" Zhou Fan looked at the twelve and said solemnly. .

The other twelve people just pondered for a while, and felt that Zhou Fan was right.

"We all understand this. Human leg thieves are cruel and vicious, so what is the credibility? The question now is how to deal with this crisis. They only gave us half a column of incense time." Master Di Fu from Yinfu Village anxiously.

The thirteen people all fell silent. The thief was riding a horse, and they couldn't outrun the thief at all.

And the **** team is less than 200 people. If the human leg thief riding on the 300 dead soul horses launches a frontal attack, they will not be able to resist, let alone if the human leg stealer uses the detour flanking tactics to rush into the crowd. , that would be a one-sided slaughter.

Yan Long said: "We are seriously short of manpower, and we need to organize all the adult men in the three villages."

Soon, three warriors rushed out and went back to gather the staff.

"Only medium and long-range weapons such as bows, spears, and spears can deal with the impact of cavalry. We should count all these weapons and try to keep them in the hands of strong **** members, so that they can maximize their combat effectiveness." Song of Mangniu Village Master Fu said.

Another warrior returned to the crowd to prepare for this.

"It's a pity that trying to dig a trench to protect 4,000 people is too noisy, and it will take too long to be discovered by the other party. Otherwise, this is a good way." Someone sighed.

Once the trench is dug, the dead soul horse falls into the trench when it hits, which is equivalent to losing the most advantageous mobility.

"The trenches won't work, but the bursting flame talisman can be used to deal with their first wave. How many bursting flame talismans do we have?" Huang Fushi looked at the other five talismans.

Soon, their explosive flame talismans were counted, and there were only eleven explosive flame talismans.

The explosive flame talisman is a middle-grade talisman in the yellow rank, but the cost of drawing a talisman is very high, even faintly similar to the high-grade talisman of the yellow rank. No one can draw too much of such a talisman, and can only draw one or two spares, which are already consumed on the way. part.

"The eleven paths are a little less, so look at the timing and don't waste it." Master Zhang Fu from Yinfu Village said slowly.

They negotiated the timing of the use of the explosive flame talisman. Zhou Fan saw that they had almost discussed it, and then said: "I want to know the specific situation of human leg thieves, such as their strength? Who is the leader? What is the ability? what?"

The talismans thought about it, and it was really necessary for Zhou Fan and the others to have a mental preparation.

Master Mao Fu said: "Most of them have the strength of the Black Tournament, and thirteen of them are the leaders. Twelve of the thirteen may have the strength of the Blood Tournament. The most terrifying thing is his leader Banjiao. According to rumors, he has the strength of black hatred."

"Human leg thieves are somewhat similar to our warriors. They paid the price of only eating human legs and obtained the talent of warriors. They are like us with great strength. The thirteen most powerful human leg thieves can even make their bodies explode in an instant! "

Many people have changed their expressions, which is equivalent to the fact that they are facing a group of monsters led by the black resentment level, which is not weaker than the cocoon tree.

The cocoon tree was accompanied by a master like Yan Return.

"Blood Tournament... Black Resentment... Why didn't Weigu respond to them? Is it because they used to be human?" Someone couldn't help but ask.

Zhang Fushi nodded with a cold face: "It is precisely because they used to be human that they can step into the protective range of Weigu, but you don't have to worry too much, they will eventually degenerate into a strange, ten-zhang is already The limit of the twelve **** robbers, as for the black hatred robber, he can only stay thirty feet away, he dare not approach any more, otherwise it will definitely cause the rebound of the Weigu."

"That is to say, what we have to face is only the group of hundreds of thieves of the black tour class. Their first goal must be to destroy the Weigu for the Thirteen Thieves. The three Weigu are also the places we want to protect. ."

Hearing this, some people breathed a sigh of relief, at least they didn't have to face the Thirteen Thieves, that was the existence of the Blood Tournament and Black Resentment.

Zhou Fan looked at the group of stationary thieves in the distance, and he asked a few more details about the Thirteen Thieves.

The masters also answered one by one, even if they thought that if the Thirteen Thieves failed, they would retreat, and there was no possibility for them to fight, but Zhou Fan asked, there must be his thoughts, and they answered seriously.

"I have already notified the Secretary of Yiluan with the message sign, it only takes half a day to get here from Tianliang City, I believe that the thieves also know that as long as we can defend their impact, they will not be besieged and not attacked. It's a stupid thing." Liu Fushi from Yinfu Village said slowly.

"If there is nothing to do, then let's get ready now. This battle can only be won but not allowed to lose. If we then we will all die!"

"Wait, I still have something to say." Zhou Fan's face became serious.

After the rain and blood moth incident, all the warriors were in awe of Zhou Fan, and they all looked at Zhou Fan.

It's just that Zhou Fan's words made their eyes show a burst of horror, because this kind of idea is too bold and too crazy.

"Are you really sure about doing this?" Master Huang Fu took a breath and asked in disbelief.

The warriors of Sanqiu Village are most familiar with Zhou Fan, but they feel very strange when they look at Zhou Fan.

"I want to try, but Shoutai is passive. Even if we can defend, I'm afraid many people will die." Zhou Fan was silent for a while, his eyes firmly said.

He still has some confidence in his plan.

Everyone looked at each other in dismay, and finally nodded in agreement. Master Mao Fu said solemnly: "We will try our best to delay time for you."

"Then please." Zhou Fan said softly.

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