Dragon Country Raiders Group.

Long Yun before, when he heard the words "murderer", he immediately went to check the other live broadcast room videos.

"Sure enough... So it was. "

In the past two days, Bai Lu has spent a lot of time going out. He didn't spend much time at home and missed some TV news.

Long Yun collected the news and finally sorted out the intelligence of the "murderer".

He pulled up a file from his computer —

name: none.

Age: 21 years.

Gender: Male.

Occupation: College student.

Physical characteristics 1: An otaku of ordinary height and body type, often sallow complexion.

Appearance feature 2: The hair color is obvious, dyed with colorful, fancy hair, all colors, I can't wait to dye it.

Incident: A few days ago, this person slashed and injured a number of dormitory classmates in a row, killing the dormitory teacher. After many pursuits, he was finally arrested and temporarily detained in the "Southern Suburbs Comprehensive Psychiatric Hospital".

These news, but after piecing together a lot of news, finally got the clues.

"Such an otaku actually committed murder at will in college?"

"White road, but be careful."


Bai Lu standing in front of the door of the ward.

Just now, after a little observation, this room has no windows except for the door.

If you want to pass, you can only consider it from the gate.

Bai Lu pondered, now knock on the door first, or look for clues again?

While thinking about this, he heard a voice from inside the door.

A young man said, "Who's outside? Is it Miss Nurse? "

The voice sounds a little flat, and the intonation does not fluctuate much.

White Road: "? "

Was it discovered?

When the door was pulled just now, there was a slight noise. Is this all heard by the other party?

Without having time to think about it, he immediately replied

: using a soft female voice, he said: "Well, I am a nurse who has just changed shifts. Are you feeling better? "

The tone was natural.

The cliché still has to be set, what if it works?

The people inside did not speak. There was silence for a while before the other person continued,

"You're not a nurse here."

"I remember the voice of every nurse here. Who are you? Are they other patients here? "

White Road:"? "

Unexpectedly, before I started to set the words, the other party was counter-set!

That's not okay.

Bai Lu doesn't want to be talked about by others. Especially, in front of such strangers.

There is not enough intelligence, and it is difficult to analyze the advantages and disadvantages of this situation.

Thinking of this, Bai Lu slowly stepped back, intending to leave from here.

The people in the room seemed to hear footsteps. "

I guess you're looking for a safe house, right?"

"I have the key to the safe house, I can take you!"

White Road: "? Two

words, successfully made Bai Lu stop.

"What do you say? What do you mean? "

The people in the room, after hearing the question, were not in a hurry.

"First of all, I want to congratulate you, you have found the right person."

"The news of the safe house was indeed deliberately spread by me."

The man's flat voice was tinged with some smugness. It's like I'm very proud of this.

"Will you take me away?"

"Just take me out of here. I'll take you to the safe house! "

The other party's voice sounds very inflammatory.

However, Bai Lu does not eat this set.

If you save someone, there is an unknown risk. Moreover, there is no way to save it.

In my hand, I don't have the key to the metal door....

Wait, keys?

Bai Lu suddenly thought that he had knocked out a nurse just now.

In hospitals like this, medical staff have special lounges. Well, in the lounge, maybe there is a key here.

Sure enough, the people in the room continued:

"I know how to get out. Here in the room of the nurse on duty, there is a key.

"Just grab the house key and get me out!"


In the live broadcast room of the Dragon Kingdom, the audience is frantically brushing the screen:

"Don't go!" It sounds normal, but what if it's fake?

"Don't go, don't go, it's too risky!"

"Sister Lu, hold steady, you must be careful about this."

The audience has not forgotten that this is the inner world! In the inner world, there is no safe statement.

Especially like this, inexplicably saying that they want to save people, they feel a little bad.

In the Dragon Country Raiders group, Long Yun also pinched a sweat.

From the news, he already knows intelligence about the "murderer".

The problem is, the Chosen One doesn't know.

"At this time, do you want to remind the Chosen? Remind him, absolutely be careful..." Long

Yun looked at the only opportunity to prompt, and always felt that he was a little useless.

Yes, he is greedy. The Chosen, all along, has performed too well. This made him reluctant to use this opportunity.

He put his hand on the hint button, ready to go....

"Well, wait a minute, let's see how it goes."


Bai Lu stood in front of the door and left in no hurry.

Changed the "sharp girly voice" and asked: "

Tell me the information." If what you say is valuable, I will consider your request. The

sharp voice sounded with a sense of majesty.

The people in the room froze for another moment, as if they were thinking about something.

After thinking about it, he slowly:

"I can tell you some information in exchange, information about 'capabilities' and 'safe houses'."

"Do you want to know?"

Bai Lu said: "Less nonsense. Only

to hear the people inside, sighed and said,

"Okay." Well, being able to find me here means that you are definitely a 'capable person'. Do you want to know about the intelligence of 'capabilities'?

Bai Lu: "..."

stood quietly, not wanting to answer.

The people inside, hearing that there was no movement outside, hurriedly said:

"I am also a capable person. My ability is to distinguish between 'safety' and 'danger'.

"I don't know if you found out. The world, it seems, has been eroded by something. I don't know what it is, but I can tell 'danger'.

"A few days ago, I sensed extreme danger, so I came out of my bedroom overnight, all the way out with a fruit knife."

"Unfortunately, I was still caught."

"However, because of my ability, I found a special item - the key to the safe house when I was caught."

"As long as you take me away. I promise, I can take you to the safe house..."

the people in the room lobbied, and went around the rescue again.

Bai Lu listened in his heart, calculating the gains and losses.

This time, the other party provided many details, as well as intelligence.

However, it is still impossible to judge whether it is true or false.

There is a lack of criteria for judgment in hand. It can only be what the person inside says, he listens.

"This feeling... It's really passive.

"No rush, I need to think about it again."

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