Weird Regulator

Chapter 229 The reversal of humans and ghosts

Mei Sheng's conjecture pushed the matter to another unforeseen extreme.

"Seven ghosts? Are you...are you kidding me?"

Su Liu didn't believe it. Although she was just a newcomer, she tried her best to study with Tongguan and others after entering the hotel.

Now it's just a two-star hotel, how could there be so many ghosts?

"Plural ghosts will appear, but there should never be seven as exaggerated..." Dai Yingqi frowned on the side. He didn't say it clearly, but he was also expressing his denial.

But Mei Sheng still didn't care whether they believed it or not, but continued to give examples.

“From the very beginning of the script, only the murderer can see the ghosts of the deceased, but they do not commit murder.

This also means that in fact, these ghosts do not have the ability to directly take action, at least most of them do not.

For example, the He Lan, Jiang Lin, Su Liu and Dai Yingqi we met, no...

They should be Lin He, Jiang Xian, Liusu and Dai Yi respectively, because they are the characters in the script.

And now the script ends abruptly for some reason, and we're no longer playing these ghosts, so... they're real. "

Mei Sheng's eloquent talk pushed this conjecture to an even more irrefutable level.

At the same time, Su Liu still didn't want to believe this idea. In her opinion, if this was really the calculation, then the task would not be possible.

"So, according to you, what does the conversation between Lin He and Jiang Xian we heard in the corridor today mean?"

What the two ghosts were talking about in the corridor at that time is still vivid in my mind.

"There are only a few of us left, should this be over?"

"Of course, we will be free as soon as daybreak comes!"

"Yes, I have been waiting for this day for a long time!"

But now, if Mei Sheng's inference is followed, this conversation that has never been understood has an answer.

Again, this answer is bizarre!

"That's because the voting session in the third act is actually a ghost-turned-human act!"

Mei Sheng breathed a long sigh of relief, and finally figured everything out, and this logical idea completely corresponded.

But what happened was that Su Liu and Dai Yingqi were stunned and speechless for a long time.

This conclusion is too shocking!

In a script killing, the role played by a living person turned out to be a ghost, and in the final vote, the ghost turned out to vote for a living person? !


Su Liu's brain was spinning rapidly. She had always thought that she was smarter than the average person, but at this time she was still unable to digest this conclusion.

But I searched every point in my memory, but couldn't find any evidence to refute it.

"So that means that as soon as it gets dark, those ghosts will start voting. The reason why they observed, searched, and tested our real names before was actually..."

"That's right, they just want to use voting to eliminate us, that is, to death!"

Mei Sheng put her loose hair behind her ears and said calmly. There was no anxiety on her face.

But Su Liu couldn't sit still. Now there were only three of them alive, but only her name had fallen into the hands of the ghost.

In other words, she will die first in tomorrow's vote!

"What should we do? How should we act? There are less than five hours until dawn!"

But at this moment, no one could respond to her. Dai Yingqi looked at her with regret and self-blame, but could do nothing.

Even if Mei Sheng raised this conjecture, she could not find a way to deal with it.

On the contrary, in these last five hours, what she had to do was not just keep her name completely.

Mei Sheng once again took the handkerchief left by Ji Li and looked at it carefully. The crooked word "Ji" on it was already blurred.

She always felt that things would not be so simple. The ghost vote was a final conclusion, but they still didn't know the identity of the other ghost until now.

That ghost in the ventilation duct, who is it?

Ji Li was "killed" by it, and until now he has never seen anyone alive or dead. At the same time, Dai Yingqi's experience also means that it is actually the real murderer in this mission.

In other words, it seems that the ghosts in the script cannot kill everyone.

Then the remaining living people will be handed over to the murderous ghost for slaughter.

Looking at it now, it is the real ghost of this mission...

"Ji Li...what is the purpose of leaving this thing behind..."

For the remaining hours, the three clerks crowded into Su Liu's bedroom on the third floor, making sure that everyone was within sight of the other.

Ever since a woman who looked exactly like Mei Sheng appeared not long ago, no one has questioned the conclusion of the ghost vote.

Mei Sheng's idea is that there is not much they can do now, so it is better to ensure that no more names will be exposed, so as to preserve more fire for the next voting stage.

When the voting begins, they need to adapt to how this format will be conducted and how it will be conducted.

You can only deal with it when it starts.

As for the script that Mei Sheng has been thinking about, she has given up thinking about it now. She knows that it is impossible to obtain it through searching.

These scripts are either in the hands of character ghosts or in the hands of murderers.

The sleepy dawn is approaching after a long wait, and there are footsteps at the door from time to time, sometimes more than one.

Dai Yingqi's brain gradually regained most of its clarity, but the sequelae were still obvious, including dizziness and blurred symptoms when he was highly concentrated for a long time.

Mei Sheng placed Ji Li's crutches in front of him, with his eyes closed and his back leaning against the wall in the corner of the room, as if he was recharging his energy.

Only Su Liu kept pacing in the room. She was very anxious and looked at her watch every few minutes.

It was now half past eight, and the opening of the third act was getting closer and closer. There was only one hour left, and this might also be her last hour.

She looked at Dai Yingqi, who was huddled in the corner of the sofa, and the hatred in her heart became deeper and deeper. If it weren't for this man, she would never have fallen into such a passive situation.

Gradually, a vicious thought came to her. The moment the thought came to her, she turned her head and temporarily put away the thought in her heart.

The sounds outside the door became more and more chaotic, and then dissipated in a short period of time, and the ghosts left.

The time has also arrived.

"Act 3 voting begins in five minutes!"

A cold call appeared in the minds of the three clerks, and when the sun shone on their faces, the end came.

Mei Sheng stood up first, as if in a hurry, and immediately walked towards the door, saying as he walked:

“If we want to turn defeat into victory, we must figure out what the voting format will be, so hurry up!”

The voting place, the restaurant on the first floor, is like everything has a beginning and an end. The dinner starts and ends here.

The first thing Mei Sheng saw was a woman who looked exactly like her. She should be called Mei Wusheng.

The seating arrangement of the character ghosts was exactly the same as the original dinner party, but the three ghosts Lin He, Jiang Xian and Murong looked extremely relaxed.

It seems that because three clerks have died, they have achieved a certain goal, and voting is not important to them.

On the other hand, the three ghosts Mei Wusheng, Liusu and Dai Yi stood ready, with a piece of paper and a pen placed in front of them, which should be used for voting.

When the three clerks appeared in the restaurant, these three ghosts immediately cast their eyes on them, their greedy nature revealed in their eyes.

People and ghosts look at each other, people act, and ghosts vote, which is weird enough in itself.

However, what caught Mei Sheng even more off guard was that she suddenly discovered an even weirder situation.

There is no ghost of Mr. Ji on this dining table!

Ji Li disappeared, and Mr. Ji disappeared too!

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