Wei and Jin cooks

Chapter 987 Hope

Sansheng thought what he said was reasonable, so he immediately finished the porridge in his bowl and followed him to carry the person.

One after another, people turned around and went back to various small villages to carry people, carrying all the people in the village who were still breathing but unable to walk.

After the change of ownership in Youzhou, the Yamen distributed relief food, giving a chance to those who could not leave their homeland to flee, but that was more than a month ago, and the food was not enough to eat. At this time, everyone Very hungry.

The grain sent from Yuzhou was quickly distributed by Shi Le to the counties, and then from county to county, and then from county to county, faster than he expected.

The surviving people in various villages in Youzhou staggered to receive relief food, and the silent land regained a little vitality.

Shi Le couldn't help but said: "At this time, I know why Zhao Hanzhang sent at least one person who came out of the school in every county. Their disaster relief is orderly and upright, and they are very experienced."

Notify the villages and towns, organize manpower to transport food, distribute food, and even cook porridge on site, and do not give too much relief. Things such as this have been taken into consideration.

What surprised Shi Le most was that when making porridge in various counties, they either added bran or soybeans, or directly cooked it with half rice and half millet. Some made whole wheat porridge or millet porridge, both of which were used. It's in the shell, not to mention, the cooked food is not delicious, but... it is very effective, and it directly makes people who still have the energy to live give up occupying the living space of the poor.

In the eyes of some honest officials and scribes, these students' dirty tricks were suspected of being corrupt. Someone immediately reported to Shi Le, suspecting that the counties were withholding relief food and lining their own pockets. They requested Shi Le to send officials to inspect and strictly enforce the law. Check local accounts.

"General, you have worked so hard to send these relief grains. Please be careful and don't make the people of Youzhou sad."

Shi Le felt that what they said was right and wanted to agree immediately, but in the end he still wanted to ask Zhang Bin for advice, so he suppressed his thoughts and let people go down first.

He ran to Zhang Bin and said, "I know how to replace Zhao Hanzhang's people. This disaster relief is an opportunity. Let these informants investigate, and we will definitely find out what's wrong with them."

Zhang Bin asked, "What good does it do to my lord to be picky?"

Shi Le frowned.

Zhang Bin said: "These people left by General Zhao are currently the most suitable. If we take them away, will the lord have replacements? If the replacements can't do better than these students, won't it be the lord and the students who will suffer in the end?" The people of Youzhou?”

He said: "You are now the governor of Youzhou. The people of Youzhou are all your subjects. You should think about them."

Shi Le frowned and said: "It is true that I have not found anyone who can completely replace him, but Zhao Hanzhang has retained people from every county, and they are all so capable. I am really uncomfortable sitting in charge of Youzhou."

Zhang Bin smiled and comforted him and said: "This is because my lord has been wandering around for the first half of his life and was used to being harmed by others. However, I believe that Zhao Hanzhang values ​​​​love and righteousness and is not someone who easily trusts and breaks promises. He also appreciates and tolerates his lord very much. She relies on you as a monarch, why don't you respond as a good minister?"

Shi Le's heart moved, and his heartstrings, which were often stirred by Zhang Bin and Wei Jie, vibrated heavily, and his breathing became a little quick, "You mean, to be a minister of the Jin Dynasty who will leave a name in history?"

Zhang Bin knew what Shi Le was thinking about and smiled and said: "Zhao Hanzhang has mastered martial arts. Looking at it today, his martial arts is not bad. How could the mere Jin Kingdom be able to match her talent?"

Shi Le's eyes sparkled, he didn't mind having a girl named Zhao Hanzhang as his master, even a slave like him wanted to dominate, let alone Zhao Hanzhang?

He is now hoping that Zhao Hanzhang will kill Emperor Jin and ascend the throne. Otherwise, he will not be able to live in peace for a day while Emperor Jin is around. Shi Le and Jin State have a big feud!

Seeing that he had listened, Zhang Bin advised again, "Lord, why don't you manage Youzhou well? Once the big thing is accomplished, you can go to Bingzhou, Jizhou, or even Sizhou. You may not return to the new dynasty in the future, but you can still be ranked among the three princes and have meritorious titles." Princes."

Shi Le just fantasized about it and couldn't help laughing, and then said cruelly: "When the time comes, let the royal family and dignitaries of the Jin Kingdom kneel at my feet and let them worship me, a slave of the Jie tribe!"

Zhang Bin lowered his eyes and bowed silently in return.

Shi Le was very polite to him, quickly helped him up, and said to him: "Thank you sir for reminding me that it is really not appropriate to provoke Zhao Hanzhang at this time. That's all. I will wait and see if she can really stabilize the world."

If she really has this ability, why shouldn't he be loyal to her?

Zhang Bin breathed a sigh of relief quietly. Shi Le is a person who is good at listening to advice, but also likes to think over and over again. When Zhao Hanzhang left, he still focused on doing a good job in Youzhou and established a firm foothold in Youzhou. It has only been more than a month. Why did you think of seizing power with Zhao Hanzhang?

Zhang Bin left and returned to his office. After calling his attendant, he whispered: "Go and check. Who came to see the envoy yesterday and today?"

Chang Sui responded and retreated quietly.

Just after the chief left, a scribe came in and said: "Chang Shi, the governor of the county guard is here."

Zhang Bin's mouth twitched slightly, but he still asked him to invite Wei Jie in.

The county guard who would come to the governor's house to find him was Wei Jie from the county guard's house next door.

Zhang Bin let out a long sigh, and before he could even breathe out the sigh, Wei Jie appeared at the door.

Seeing Zhang Bin, Wei Jie smiled.

Zhang Bin felt that the room suddenly became brighter, and even the dim light through the window lattice became bright and dazzling. Zhang Bin's breath disappeared halfway.

Although helpless, who has the heart to refuse an invitation from a beautiful woman?

Zhang Bin... is still very willing to be in the same room with Wei Jie.

He smiled and asked Wei Jie to sit down.

Wei Jie also sat down opposite him and smiled with him: "I came to see Chang Shi to report on the progress of Fanyang County's disaster relief."

He said: "The hunger of the people has subsided slightly, but at this time, it is difficult to manage the distribution of relief grains blindly, so I think we should use work instead of relief, and the people in Youzhou should also use it."

Zhang Bin smiled and nodded, "The envoy will soon issue an order, ordering all counties and counties to use work as relief, and the remaining relief grain will be bought with money. This time, in addition to grain, the general also sent a large amount of food." relief money."

It was all new money minted by the Zhao family. To be honest, although the court said it was collected money, Zhang Bin suspected that it was the money minted by Zhao Hanzhang himself.

The treasury is so short of money, can she really endure it and not mint more money at all?

In addition to the relief money sent by Yuzhou, there is also the money collected by them themselves. Youzhou is now poor, but there are still many rich people.

Wang Jun was defeated so quickly that many nobles did not have time to run away, including those who came from Jizhou because of the war, and the levy was quite a lot of money.

The money was sent to counties in the name of financial expenditures and relief funds, and then they organized the victims to work in exchange for wages, and then used the money to buy food from the government offices.

The remaining relief food was placed in the Yamen.

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