Wei and Jin cooks

Chapter 891 Arranging Veterans

The soldiers below slowly reacted. A veteran with a gray beard and ragged clothes came out. His cloudy eyes stared at Joining the Army. "Does Joining the Army really want to let us go, or do you want to clean up the troops?"

Clearance is a policy that has emerged in the military in recent years to clean up veterans and wounded soldiers. Of course, there is no explicit policy, it is just a private consensus.

There are always some old remnants in the army. Their role is not great anymore, but they consume food every day. Some armies don't want to support such people, so they will drive them to the front lines to die through war;

Or simply unite people and discard them to reduce consumption, which is commonly known as clearing out personnel.

When Zu Ti counted the veterans and remnants, he really didn't want to raise them because it was of little significance, but he also didn't want them to go to the front lines to die, or to abandon them directly, so he wrote to Zhao Hanzhang and told her the number of remnants and veterans he counted. I want to ask her to allocate a sum of money to release them.

But Zhao Hanzhang really had no money.

Now that the whole country is at war, and there is a serious drought and locust plague, people from all over the country are asking her for money. How can she spare the money to release veterans and wounded soldiers?

But she couldn't ignore it.

She didn't know how to deal with it. Now that she knew it, she naturally wouldn't allow the army to drive them away to die.

So after weighing it, she made this arrangement.

Arrange veterans and wounded soldiers on the spot.

At the same time, she also ordered Fan Ying, Chen Siniang and others to allocate some people from all over Yuzhou to Qingzhou to help with construction, mainly to open workshops and accommodate orphans, widows, veterans and wounded soldiers there.

Joining the army knew what they were thinking, and suspected that Zhaojun would abandon them just like the previous generals. His face sank and he said: "Zhaoshijun cares about the people and is kind-hearted. He is different from those old generals. This is not abandonment." , but Fangliang, to arrange a way out for you!"

He raised his chin and said: "Zhao Jun has sent people over. By then there will be masonry workshops, glaze workshops, bookstores and paper workshops in Qingzhou. These places need people, and you have priority to enter the workshops. "

"In addition, retired veterans and wounded soldiers can all be allocated twenty acres of Yongye farmland. When farming is busy, the army will try its best to help with farming," Junjun said, "I know it's difficult for you, but the world is in chaos now. Natural disasters occur frequently, the country is also very difficult, and Ambassador Zhao is also very difficult. At such a difficult time, she is still thinking of us, and we must do our best to solve her problems."

The veterans were still dubious. The main reason was that they were not the Zhao family army, or even Zu Ti's soldiers, but the former Qingzhou soldiers and Youzhou soldiers. Would the Zhao envoy be so kind?

Facts have proved that Zhao Hanzhang is really so kind.

When they joined the army, they were given land when they were told to do so. The county magistrates from various counties came to collect them honestly with a booklet, and the booklet showed fields.

It was up to the people who joined the army to make the decision, and they directly selected a few plots of land from those books to arrange for them. The land of the veterans and remnants was arranged in one place. Each family had 20 acres, with fields and land. It sounded like there were alternating between fat and thin, and there were even more fat fields and thin ones. Land is scarce.

The county magistrate and the bookkeepers he brought transferred their registrations on the spot, and from then on they became good citizens from soldiers.

Not only that, the army also negotiated with the county magistrates on their behalf and won many settlement policies for them.

For example, the county government has to support them with some supplies. They need to build houses and eat and drink...

The new soldier who joined the army was tender-faced but fierce. He even asked some people from the county government to lay foundations and build houses for them.

While they were negotiating, the veterans and wounded soldiers were lining up to settle down and claim their fields. After listening to the whole audience, their hearts jumped up and down, but they became nervous.

Those county magistrates seemed to be a little afraid of the new soldier. Although they didn't look good, they still agreed to most of his requests.

So, they have land, wood, and thatch to build a house?

Zuo Min saw this and couldn't help but go to Zu Ti, "General, that Zhao Shi has gone too far. It has only been two days, and the generals in the army have returned home, especially the veterans and wounded soldiers. They only know Zhao Hanzhang, how can they know the general?"

Zu Ti raised his eyes and looked at him and said: "In a few days, the talents transferred by Zhao Shijun from various counties in Yuzhou will arrive. These are the people who support Qingzhou."

"Zuo Min, you have to remember that although Shi Jun only holds the official position of governor of Yuzhou now, she is not only the governor, but I, the new governor of Qingzhou, am just the governor." Zu Ti said: "You don't want her to be the governor of Yuzhou." If you look at it as a governor, if you change your identity, you can figure it out."

Zu Ti said meaningfully: "The world only needs one king."

If Zhao Hanzhang was placed in the position of the governor of Yuzhou, they would naturally feel unbalanced. After all, they were all governors. Why did Zhao Hanzhang interfere in Qingzhou's affairs?

She also made the soldiers and civilians only know about her, but not Zu Ti, the governor of Qingzhou.

But what if we change the angle?

Zhao Hanzhang is the king, and he is the minister. Isn't it normal for the people to know the king but not the minister?

Zuo Min was startled and stammered, "She, she, she wants to rebel?"

Zu Ti glanced at him sternly and said in a deep voice: "Don't talk nonsense, the young master is still the emperor now, but the ancestor does not recognize the Sima family and only recognizes Zhao Hanzhang as the master."

Zuo Min understood.

Zu Ti didn't like the Sima family at all. He originally wanted to go to Yuzhou to join Zhao Hanzhang, but now he just strengthened his idea.

Zuo Min no longer cares about Zhao Shi.

Although Zhao Shi is young, he has been trained for a long time. He has felt the changes in the atmosphere in the military. Zuo Min, who he has always been difficult to deal with, has been very friendly to him recently, so friendly that he has goosebumps.

So he wrote letters to Zhao Kuan, Zhao Xin and other brothers and sisters, telling them his troubles. After writing, he felt that he had to send letters. It was a waste of manpower to only send so many letters, and the brothers and sisters may not be so smart to solve his troubles.

So he took out the letter paper and wrote to Zhao Cheng and Zhao Ming, hoping that the elders could give him some advice.

Oops, the elders all asked, and it seemed bad not to ask the third sister about such a thing, so Zhao Shi also wrote a letter to Zhao Hanzhang.

The next day, one of his servants went out to deliver the message with one of his soldiers carrying a package.

Zuo Min saw it in his eyes. Although he had done some psychological construction, he still couldn't help being jealous. It was good to have connections, and he could talk to his boss's boss directly.

It was still a long time before Zhao Hanzhang received the letter. At this time, she had just followed the army and entered Anping Country.

Shi Le was also in the army. He was seriously injured and was not suitable for big movements for the time being, so Zhao Hanzhang took him with him wherever he went.

As for Shunyang County, Zhao Hanzhang asked Fan Ying to pick up the surrender. Zhao Kuan set out from Luoyang and led officials and troops to respond.

When the time comes, Shi Le's counselor Zhang Bin will bring people to see Zhao Hanzhang and Shi Le.

To be honest, Zhao Hanzhang has been coveting Zhang Bin for a long time.

Just as he was talking, Ting He came in and loudly announced: "Girl, Mr. Ming is back."

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