Wei and Jin cooks

Chapter 833 Arrangement

The Jie people are brave and ferocious. They are better at farming than the Huns and better at riding and shooting than the Central Plains people, but they are more ferocious than the two tribes.

When he learned that the county seat of Mengxian County was under attack, Taobao, who was guarding the border, went crazy and led the army to attack desperately, hoping to take advantage of the situation to invade Suixian County and capture the Zhao family in one fell swoop.

Their desperate fighting style frightened the Xun family army, and Jiehu was already brave. Xun Xiu's attack again still failed to gain any benefits. Not only did they not advance an inch, but they also lost more than 800 people.

There were more than 2,000 injured.

Xun Xiu looked very ugly and had to pay gold to withdraw his troops and avoid them temporarily.

As soon as he retreated, Jiehu took advantage of the victory and pursued them, almost attacking their camp stationed in Sui County. At that moment, Zhao Ming was the closest to Jiehu's soldiers, and the bloody smell coming from the pavement made his face stern and angry.

He didn't expect Xun Xiu to be so useless and Jie Hu to be so brave.

When Qiu Wu saw this, he couldn't help but said: "Guardian, please use gunpowder. Otherwise, let alone cooperating with the governor, I'm afraid we won't even be able to defend Sui County."

Zhao Ming pondered for a moment, shook his head and said, "I will order Xun Xiu to attack again tomorrow. If it still fails, I will not use it again."

He said: "There is not much gunpowder. We have to use it sparingly and hope that it will break through the south gate of Meng County."

Qiu Wu responded.

Xun Xiu retreated, Zhao Ming's face softened, and he tried to be gentle to him, "Peach leopard is so ferocious, does General Xun have any good plans?"

Xun Xiu said: "Meng County is too open to set up an ambush. We can only confront them head-on. It will be difficult for the general to find a better strategy."

Zhao Ming frowned, "We suffered a defeat on the battlefield today. Although Jiehu has temporarily retreated, will there be a night attack later?"

Xun Xiu thought for a while and then said: "Probably not. Although the general has led his army back, they are still not in trouble. There will be no spare power for a night attack tonight."

Zhao Ming said: "You should still be careful. That Shi Le is a madman. Taobao started out as a bandit with him. He has killed many people and done all kinds of evil things. He is also a madman and should not be treated with common sense."

Xun Xiu pursed his lips, feeling that Zhao Ming obviously didn't understand military affairs, but he still intervened. He was the main commander of this east counterattack.

However, Zhao Ming is the county guard, and this time he is equivalent to the supervisor of the army. Even though Xun Xiu was not happy, he still said: "General, I will send more people to patrol now, and if any enemy troops approach, I will warn you immediately."

Zhao Ming stared at his face, nodded slightly, and said with a smile: "Okay, General Xun, go down and rest."

Xun Xiu retreated, and the faint smile on Zhao Ming's face disappeared, his eyes darkened and he said nothing.

They glanced at him from side to side and lowered their heads, all terrified.

Xun Xiu was really bold and dared to show his dissatisfaction with Zhao Ming. You know, even the governor was very obedient in front of him.

Zhao Ming lowered his eyes and thought for a moment, then waved to his confidants and said, "Go and call Chen Siniang and Qiu Wu."

Compared to Xun Xiu, Chen Siniang and Qiu Wu were much more obedient, and they came over quickly.

Zhao Ming said to Chen Siniang: "Separate your people from the army and hand them over to Qiu Wu."

Chen Siniang agreed.

Zhao Ming said: "Including Chen Siniang's people, our Zhao family army can have 20,000 people here. All 20,000 people will be handed over to you. From now on, you will only obey my orders."

Qiu Wu agreed without thinking.

Zhao Ming said: "You sent a team of scouts out to investigate, beware of the peach leopard's night attack tonight; leave two thousand people with me, and take all the remaining eight thousand with you. Now bury the pot and make rice and sleep. As long as there is an enemy attack, you will immediately take them with you." Two thousand cavalry will go to the enemy camp, and I must disperse the enemy camp. The remaining 6,000 people will lie in ambush on the road, just waiting for them to retreat."

Qiu Wu asked: "If the enemy attacks, then our main camp will be ours."

"You don't have to worry about it. No matter whether the camp loses or wins, you don't care. Just follow this plan."

Qiu Wu hesitated, "Guardian, although attacking the city is important, your safety is more important."

"This is what your governor means."

Qiu Wu looked unbelieving.

Zhao Ming glanced at him lightly, turned around to get a letter, and pulled out one of the papers to show him.

Qiu Wu lowered his head and his eyes widened slightly. This was really Zhao Hanzhang's arrangement.

This was the last letter Zhao Hanzhang wrote to Zhao Ming, in which he agreed on the time for the general counterattack. At the end of the letter, Zhao Hanzhang mentioned the difficulty of this general attack.

She was not worried about Xiayi County, where Zhao Ju was. Although Shi Le almost captured Xiayi County several times, Zhao Ju was able to recapture it and defend it again, which showed that Zhao Ju was capable of facing off against Shi Le.

She was worried about Xun Xiu.

Mi Ce's talent is mediocre, but his character is calm, and he focuses on stability in battle. He may not be able to defeat Ningling when he counterattacks, but he will never advance rashly, allowing Shi's army to go further;

The ones attacking Ningling on the outside were Zhao Erlang and Xie Shi. Zhao Erlang was brave and Xie Shi was talented. No matter whether they could attack Ningling or not, they could protect themselves;

On the contrary, Xun Xiu, who has always been more famous than Mi Ce, came from a noble family, was conceited and proud, but had mediocre talents. In Yuzhou, only Zhao Hanzhang could suppress him.

Not only did he hold a large army, he was also the governor of Yingchuan County, with the same official position as Zhao Ming.

But he became an official earlier than Zhao Ming, and Zhao Ming was still in charge. He was one of the powerful generals in Yuzhou and was a confidant of the former governor.

He has always been a little dissatisfied with Zhao Ming, thinking that he relied solely on Zhao Hanzhang's relatives to be able to surpass him as the governor of Chen County and take charge of Yuzhou affairs.

Although Zhao Hanzhang never spoke out, she always saw it. She wrote in her letter: "The vast territory of Meng County is a good terrain for cavalry to charge into battle, and the Xun family army is famous for its infantry. Taobao is one of the eight cavalrymen in Shile. He came from Shile I followed him when he was still a bandit, and he has a cruel and ferocious personality. If he gets ruthless, Xun Xiu is no match for him."

"If Xun Xiu is unable to attack for a long time, he will be resentful and impetuous, and he will inevitably make mistakes. At this time, my uncle must be wary of the peach leopard's night attack."

Zhao Hanzhang taught him how to deal with night attacks.

Jiehu's night attacks were mainly based on cavalry. They basically stormed the camp, killed them all, burned them all and then left.

Xun Xiu may not be able to defeat Taobao, but he can still save the camp if he is prepared (if you can't save it, run away quickly). Zhao Hanzhang suggested that he send troops to counterattack the enemy camp and ambush the leaving Taobao on the road.

Regardless of whether Taobao Night Raid wins or loses, he must have been relaxed when he left halfway, because Xun Xiu would definitely not chase after him.

This may be their only chance to break up the Taobao army. If necessary, they can use gunpowder.

Zhao Hanzhang also suggested that they mainly use gunpowder on the opponent's cavalry.

The explosive formula left by Fu Tinghan was actually not that lethal. The drawings he gave only changed the device for loading gunpowder and the layout of the leads.

He didn't write them the recipe for refining gunpowder and increasing its lethality, so their gunpowder wasn't lethal enough to blow down the city wall.

At this time, it is more effective when used in cavalry. The loud sound, coupled with the flying iron fragments during the explosion, can make the horse crazy. If the opponent forms a cavalry formation, the formation can be broken.

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