Wei and Jin cooks

Chapter 267 Aiming at Aoyang

Successfully cooperating with Shangcai County took a key step for the great cause of the future. Zhao Hanzhang returned to Xiping happily.

As soon as he returned to Xiping, Zhao Hanzhang went to find Zhao Kuan.

So many talented people cannot stay in Xiping, it would be too wasteful.

Now that the two sisters Zhao Yunying have entered the school, many girls in the Zhao family are worried and are begging to go to the school at home.

So Zhao Hanzhang wanted to send a few relatively stable and capable people from Zhao Kuan to Shangcai. Of course, he couldn't say send, because so far she and Zhao had a cooperative relationship.

Zhao Kuan and others are not under her direct management, so at this time, she is only persuading.

Zhao Kuan was surprised, "Going to Shangcai?"

Zhao Hanzhang nodded.

Zhao Kuan wondered, "What can we do if we go to Shangcai?"

"Do everything I am doing in Xiping now," Zhao Hanzhang said: "Didn't Brother Kuan also say that people's livelihood is a trivial matter? But after all, it is all just talk on paper. I want my brothers to truly feel what people's livelihood is. The county magistrate wants How can I be called a parent official?"

Zhao Kuan opened his mouth half-opened, and after a while he asked tangledly: "You...you want to replace him with County Magistrate Chai?"

Zhao Hanzhang: "...Brother Kuan is overthinking. Am I that kind of person?"

She said: "Now Shangcai and Xiping are brother counties, and Magistrate Chai and I are brothers! Oh, no, we are brothers and sisters!"

Zhao Kuan looked at her suspiciously, and in the end he didn't know whether he believed it or not. He thought for a long time and did not give an answer immediately, "I have to think about it."

Zhao Hanzhang: "Think about it. I'll give you two days. If you don't want to, that's okay. I'll find someone else."

She sighed: "Xiping also needs my brother very much. Xia Houren's drawings and manuscripts are still in need, and the school cannot do without you..."

The balance in Zhao Kuan's heart was tilted towards Shangcai County.

It's not that he hates these two jobs in Xiping County, it's just that a young man of eighteen or nineteen years old will always want to change his job after working at one job for a long time.

Although he said he was thinking about it, Zhao Kuan did not think about it alone. Instead, he went directly to Zhao Cheng and told him about the matter.

Zhao Cheng was stunned for a moment and then asked: "Have you ever thought about becoming an official in the future?"

Zhao Kuan clasped his hands and said, "Yes, I want to make some achievements."

He said: "I don't want to be ranked as one of the three princes like my great grandfather, and I want to be granted the title of marquis or prime minister, but at least I want to leave something in this world and do something good."

Zhao Cheng nodded and said: "Then go."

He said: "Since you have decided to become an official, you should start from scratch in a down-to-earth manner. Don't imitate Wang Yan and others in the dynasty, who occupy official positions but despise practical work."

Zhao Cheng said with a stern face: "If you do something like this that harms the country in the future, not only I, but also the Zhao family will never tolerate you."

Zhao Kuan solemnly agreed.

Zhao Cheng sighed and said, "Listen more to Hanzhang. Although your third sister is glib and doesn't speak the truth, when it comes to practical matters concerning people's livelihood, I don't think there are many people in the court who can compare with her."

Zhao Kuan responded one by one.

After getting Zhao Cheng's consent, Zhao Kuan thought about it and went to find Zhao Ming.

Zhao Ming said without thinking: "Do it well and don't let down your Uncle Cheng's years of teachings."

Zhao Kuan couldn't help but talk to the actual leader of the family: "Isn't Uncle Ming afraid that Sanniang will make too many enemies outside?"

Zhao Ming sighed and said, "Do you think she intends to go to Cai?"

Zhao Kuan was confused, "Isn't it?"

Zhao Ming shook his head and said: "Although Magistrate Chai of Shangcai is not very smart, has soft ears, and is like a grassroots, swaying left and right, without any sense of responsibility, he has two advantages."

This is already the case, what are the advantages?

"One is that he still has compassion for the people;" Zhao Ming said: "He would rather risk the county government riots and use all the officials' salaries to buy grain. He is not bad, but he is not smart."

Zhao Kuan automatically translated into what Zhao Ming wanted to say deep down in his heart - stupid!

"The other is that he is willing to listen to others' advice," Zhao Ming said with a smile: "This means that his ears are soft. In this way, what kind of people are around him will determine what kind of person he will become. ."

So when Chang Ning was by his side, although it was difficult to go to Cai, he lived peacefully for many years;

And he is now surrounded by Ji Yuan, and he also knows that in the future Shangcai County will be an arm of Zhao Hanzhang, only listening to her orders.

"So why did Hanzhang replace Magistrate Chai, who was obedient and compassionate towards the people, with your clan brother who has little management experience and is not very obedient?"

Zhao Kuan was stunned, his eyes widened, and after a long time he asked: "Then, what should I do in Shangcai?"

Zhao Ming turned the chess piece in his hand, and suddenly a white chess piece fell in the middle of the south of the two adjacent black chess pieces.

Zhao Kuan looked and saw that the chess piece was not on the point, but landed crookedly on the edge of a grid. It didn't look like it had fallen into the wrong position. That position was...

His eyes moved back and forth between the two black chess pieces. When he landed on the white chess piece, Zhao Kuan's eyes widened instantly and he murmured: "Hao Yang..."

Zhao Ming heard his whisper, raised the corner of his mouth slightly, and said to him: "Go to Shangcai and work hard, be more attentive. You have no experience, you can listen to Ji Yuan's opinion more."

"He is a great strategist. He can work in court with your great grandfather, and he can also live in the countryside with Hanzhang. Whether it is knowledge or broadmindedness, he is far ahead of you and others."

Zhao Kuan responded seriously.

Zhao Ming then waved his hand and said: "Let's go and say goodbye to your parents. You just need to know about the chess pieces yourself. Don't publicize it before it's done."

Zhao Kuan agreed and stepped back respectfully.

But he was very confused in his heart. Aoyang was a Shangxian county. How could Zhao Hanzhang obtain the position of county magistrate of Aoyang for him?

She is just a county magistrate, right?

Oh, there is still no publicly recognized county magistrate, but only the private approval of the Yuzhou governor.

Zhao Kuan agreed, and several clan brothers who followed Zhao Kuan on a daily basis took a look and followed him.

So Zhao Hanzhang packed them up and sent them to Shangcai Manor and asked them to work with Ji Yuan.

Zhao Hanzhang paid for it, and Magistrate Chai took the initiative to contact the grain merchants and some big gentry he knew, and bought a lot of grain with them.

When the first batch of shipments arrived in Shangcai, Shangcai County, which had been as quiet as a dead water, suddenly came to life. Every village in Lili was notified that every household took their grain bags and went to the county government office to receive this spring's relief grain and supplies. The grains produced.

There is not a lot of food for the relief, but it is there after all. If you save some food, you can last for about ten days based on the food stored at home.

Before they could arrange the food, the county government suddenly announced another service order. This time, the service order was not free like before, but paid.

I heard that it was a work-for-relief program, adhering to the voluntary principle, to build water canals, and those who cleared wasteland and weeded were paid every day, and with the money, they could buy low-priced grain from the county government.

Although the price of food is said to be low, it is actually only two or three cents less than in the food store.

But these two or three coins are too big for them.

Zhao Hanzhang held Zhao Ming's hand: "A close friend"

Zhao Ming shook his hand vigorously: Get out!

Good night really, see you tomorrow

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