Wei and Jin Cooks

Chapter 1368: Extra growth (5)

Zhao Mingming and Fu Jingjing have been aware that their mother is very rich, but they cannot use money arbitrarily. Even if it is their own money, they must spend it appropriately. This is what they have been taught since childhood.

So when they grew older and began to allocate some properties from their parents to run their own businesses, an old man lamented, "Your Majesty was in a difficult situation back then. A piece of copper plate wanted to be broken into four parts. Fu Shangshu spent all night in order to make money for His Majesty. He doesn't sleep, and leads people to think about various things that can make money."

Zhao Mingming and Fu Jingjing both looked in disbelief, "Will my mother be short of money?"

 impossible, absolutely impossible!

The old people laughed and told the two young highnesses, "One year, in order to save some lamp oil, His Majesty asked someone to light a fire and process the official documents by light of the fire. As a result, the wind was strong at night and the flying sparks almost burned the official documents on the case. ”

"Furthermore, reading under firelight is not good for your eyes. Your Majesty now suffers from eye problems, which probably happened at that time." The old man smiled and said: "Your Highnesses were born in a good time, so they only saw the prosperity."

Fu was shocked and speechless, but Zhao Mingming remembered the Battle of Liaodong.

Liaodong is very poor, and there are many poverty-stricken places along the way from Luoyang to Liaodong, places that she could not even see at a glance.

Aniang said that just because she can’t see a place doesn’t mean it doesn’t exist.

 Others can pretend they don't see it if they can't see it, but she can't, because she is the crown princess and she has responsibilities to this country.

 Seeing is her most basic responsibility!

Zhao Mingming asked: "Are there any families who can't afford lamp oil now?"

 The old man smiled and said: "Of course there are, there are a lot of them."

 Fu was surprised: "Then they don't use electric lights?"

From the motors needed for radio stations to the mining and use of coal mines, steam technology developed rapidly, and Luoyang had electricity a few years ago.

 But this is in Luoyang, there is still little electricity in other places, and it is still under construction.

Fu Jingjing spent most of his study and life in Luoyang. He and his sister had different education methods. Everything he came into contact with was the most advanced and best. He could draw electrical diagrams and even independently design the power supply for a factory. system, but he couldn't start a fire with matches.

As for Zhao Mingming, she not only had to be able to stand next to her father and listen to him explain how the car's steam was produced and make the car move, but she also had to be able to stand in the court and understand the ministers' wits, and she also had to squat among a group of poor people. , and they made a fire with flint and steel, breaking up the dried cow dung with their hands and throwing it into the fire to keep warm...

 So Zhao Mingming patted his younger brother's head and said, "When I take you to a place where there is no lamp oil, even if you don't have to worry about these things, you can't learn from Emperor Hui who doesn't eat minced meat."

 The people developed rapidly. Zhao Hanzhang's authority was profound and the people were convinced, so the policies could be implemented among the people.

 The combination of talent recruitment examinations and schools, coupled with the development of literacy campaigns, allows her to continuously draw talents from the private sector, allowing policies to reach the grassroots through these talents.

Jiuzhou under heaven is functioning like her arms. Infrastructure construction is rapidly spreading, agriculture and handicrafts are developing rapidly, and the people's lives are much better than before.

 At least the vast majority of the people are satisfied.

 But this comparison is with the most difficult time in the past. Zhao Mingming doesn't understand, why should we compare with the most difficult time?

“We should compare ourselves with happy people, or at least with average people. Only when everyone feels happy compared with average people, can we be considered to have achieved political achievements, right?”

The old man smiled and said: "People's desires are hard to satisfy. How can Your Highness determine political achievements based on the happiness in people's hearts?"

"That's because you define the majority of the people with a small number of people," Zhao Mingming said: "Having clothes, food, shelter, and not being hungry or cold is the most basic thing. There are books to read, old people are old, young people are young. , this is the second level, and being able to reach this level is considered happiness.”

“My grandma said that as long as she can reach the first level in her life, she will be fine, and what I want to do is reach the second level.”

The old man was excited when he heard that, and said quickly: "Your Majesty, Your Majesty has reached the second level. It's true. Nowadays, private schools are widely established. Children who are over seven years old can attend school for five years. Every child will be able to read and write in the future." "We are already young." Last year, the imperial court issued a new decree extending compulsory education from three years to five years.

 Children after reaching the age of seven are required to attend school for five years, and tuition and school fees are free of charge.

The old man felt that their great emperor had already reached the second level, but Zhao Mingming knew that it was far from enough.

She saw some data from her mother more than once. Her mother pointed at the data and said to her: "Behind each number is an individual. As long as there is a number, it means that there is still one person who cannot go to school or cannot go to school." It is wrong to learn how to make a living from the public affairs of the imperial court."

 “And some people are not yet among the numbers.”

Mother told Zhao Mingming that the relationship between a country and its people is like that between parents and children.

 Parents who love their children have far-reaching plans.

 Teach them morality and the ability to make a living, and make them strong, healthy, long-lived and happy. This is the wish of parents in their lives, and it is also the wish of the country.

 As the leader of the country, it is his duty to achieve what he wishes.

 So Zhao Mingming always knew what his responsibilities were.

At this moment, she made up her mind to avoid people. She and Fu Jing said, "When I go back, I will take the talent recruitment exam."

Fu was stunned and asked, "You want to take the top exam?"

Zhao Mingming: "Although I want to, I know that I will definitely not be able to take the exam at my age. Moreover, if I take the exam with this face, the results will not be real."

Fu Jingjing: "You want to change your face to take the test? How to change it?"

Of course, Fu Jingjing would not suspect that his sister was undergoing surgery, so his eyes immediately lit up and he asked whimsically, "Human skin mask?"

Zhao Mingming: "...You should read less miscellaneous books. That is a pigskin mask, but I don't need a mask. I just need to take the state exam, not the national exam."

As long as she is not in Luoyang and not many people know Zhao Mingming, it is still easy for her to conceal her identity, not to mention her mother's help.

As soon as Zhao Hanzhang heard that she thought of grassroots experience, he immediately arranged it for her personally.

“Guangzhou, Yangzhou, Jingzhou, Xuzhou, Qingzhou, as well as Jizhou, Youzhou, and Bingzhou, there are twenty-one states in the world. Take your pick. Which state do you want to go to?”

Zhao Mingming didn’t expect her mother to be so resolute, so she was stunned for a moment before tentatively asking: “Yuzhou?”

“Oh, not in Yuzhou,” Zhao Hanzhang looked at her face and said, “There are too many acquaintances in Yuzhou, and you can’t hide them if you go there.”

Zhao Mingming pointed at the map and said, "Let's just pick a place."

Zhao Hanzhang looked at it and smiled slightly, "Xuzhou, it's a good place, let's go."

Zhao Mingming became a student in a poor county under the jurisdiction of Xuzhou. She and her friends rushed to Xuzhou to participate in the state recruitment examination.

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