Wei and Jin cooks

Chapter 1243 It’s figured out

Most of the soldiers had met Zhao Hanzhang and were friendly and respectful to her. Some of them were young and lively and wanted to invite her to dance together.

Zhao Hanzhang smiled and refused, letting them play by themselves.

She chose a soldier who was not too old or too young and asked, "After repairing the Yellow River and returning to camp, do you still want to fight?"

The soldier was simple and didn't think too much. He immediately shook his head and said, "No, I want to go back to camp and farm."

He likes farming.

Zhao Hanzhang smiled and asked: "What happens after planting the land?"

The soldier lowered his head and smiled sheepishly, but said nothing.

The comrade next to him said for him, "General, he wants to get a wife."

Zhao Hanzhang laughed loudly and said: "It's good to marry a wife. Then I will buy a few more acres of land and have two or three children. This life will be considered complete."

The soldier hurriedly said: "I'm humble. I just have nothing to do with them and don't dare to realize it. The youngest person in the army who retires is only thirty-five. I don't know if I can survive until then."

Thirty-five years old, the current average life span is less than forty. She asked the hospital before, and he reported that according to current statistics, the country's average life expectancy is thirty-seven, so thirty-nine and above is considered a long life.

This average life span is mainly caused by constant wars and natural disasters.

As long as it can be ensured that large-scale wars will no longer occur, natural disasters can be promptly provided, and man-made disasters like the drought and locust plague of the year before last will no longer occur, resulting in the loss of life, the average life expectancy can be greatly improved.

Zhao Hanzhang looked at the soldier's dark and thin cheeks and said seriously: "You can definitely do it."

She turned to look at the other soldiers and asked, "What about you?"

They also expressed similar wishes.

No one wants to fight, except generals who are eager to make meritorious deeds.

The smallest wish of the soldiers is to work in the fields and not fight; the medium wish is to receive military pay and grain in time, to eat enough and not go hungry; the biggest wish is to retire from the army, go home, marry a wife, and have two children.

Zhao Hanzhang has been releasing veterans one after another in the past two years. Thirty-five years old is a hurdle.

The minimum age limit for discharge is thirty-five, so a group of soldiers aged 17 or 18 are already looking forward to the age of 35 in 17 or 18 years, hoping to come soon.

Zhao Hanzhang led Chen Shenjiang around and asked several soldiers around the campfire. After collecting almost all their opinions, she took Chen Shenjiang back.

General Chen Shen said nothing, but his eyes were still a little unconvinced. How could any soldier like to fight?

This matter should not be asked to the soldiers, but to the generals and courtiers.

Do we have to ask the soldiers if they are willing to fight every time we send out troops?

Naturally, the soldiers will carry out the orders as the general gives them.

Zhao Hanzhang glanced at his face and said: "Famous generals have always loved their soldiers as their own children. If you want to achieve success on the battlefield, you must learn to think about what the soldiers think."

"Some wars have to be fought, but some wars don't have to be fought. If you want the soldiers to fight with their lives, you have to tell them the reason why they have to fight." Zhao Hanzhang stared into his eyes and said, "Yes For the country, for the people, for the king, or just for your military exploits."

Chen Shen changed his expression and became thoughtful and silent.

Zhao Hanzhang withdrew his gaze and said, "Let's repair the river first. If you can lead them to repair the Yellow River, it will be considered a great achievement. If you still want to go to the battlefield, I will satisfy you."

She looked far away, towards the stars in the northwest, and whispered: "Our land has not been fully recovered, has it?"

When Chen Shenjiang heard this, his blood started to boil. He was about to say "yes" loudly, but suddenly realized something, so he lowered his voice and said: "Yes!"

Zhao Hanzhang returned to the campfire, and Fu Tinghan roasted a leg of lamb for her, "Have a taste."

Zhao Hanzhang ate a little and gave it to everyone. He stood up and said, "It's getting late. Let's go and rest first."

She had been working hard all day and all night, so she relied on her youth. From last night to now, she had only slept for two hours in total, and tomorrow she would have to rush back overnight.

Fu Tinghan returned to the tent with her and did not rest immediately. Instead, he took out the draft in his arms and read it.

Zhao Hanzhang yawned and said, "I'm too tired today. Go to sleep first. Don't do the math until I leave tomorrow. Just send me a telegram after you've done the math."

Fu Tinghan responded, but he didn't move, "You go to sleep first, I'll watch for a while."

It's time for the rooster to crow.

The chickens raised in the barracks kitchen crow.

Zhao Hanzhang woke up a little and heard a rustling sound before he opened his eyes.

She thought vaguely, the sound was like the sound of pen falling on paper.

She opened her eyes suddenly, turned over and looked, and sure enough she saw Fu Tinghan still writing and drawing under the lamp.

Zhao Hanzhang sighed and was about to stand up. Fu Tinghan suddenly stiffened, then put down his pen and looked at the manuscript paper in silence.

Zhao Hanzhang grabbed his clothes and stood up and walked over. Only then did Fu Tinghan hear the sound and turned around.

Zhao Hanzhang understood as soon as he saw his face, "Have you figured it out?"

"Well," Fu Tinghan handed her the manuscript paper to read, "If the data observed by Guo Pu is correct, it will be the first day of February."

Zhao Hanzhang looked at the manuscript and asked, "Isn't it wrong?"

Fu Tinghan shook his head, "No."

He emphasized: "The premise is that the observed data is correct."

Zhao Hanzhang read them one by one, then dried the manuscript paper, carefully put it into an envelope and said: "Now that you have delivered the formula, I will hand it back to Guo Pu and let him continue to observe and calculate it again."

But she believed in him, so she couldn't help but let out a sigh of relief at this moment, and her whole body relaxed a lot, "This is a good thing."

Natural disasters will always come, but if they come at a better time, that's a good thing.

Sure enough, God did not abandon her or make it more difficult for her.

Zhao Hanzhang pulled him up and said, "It's almost dawn, hurry up and take a nap."

Fu Tinghan nodded in agreement and fell asleep as soon as his head hit the pillow.

Zhao Hanzhang couldn't fall asleep. After lying down for a while, she simply got up and sat down where Fu Tinghan had been, and started writing a disaster relief plan.

In fact, she started to make preparations when she realized that there would be heavy rains this spring, but now that there is an additional solar eclipse, the preparations are not enough, and she has to add a few more.

Zhao Hanzhang wrote until dawn. She sealed what she had written into an envelope, then twisted her neck, put on her clothes, and went out for morning exercises with her sword in hand.

When Fu Chang and his son came out, Zhao Hanzhang had already practiced for the second time. Each move was a combination of hardness and softness, just like a dragon dancing.

Seeing the three of them, Zhao Hanzhang gradually retreated. He glanced at the energetic Fu Chang, then at Fu Yong, who was standing respectfully, and finally at Fu Yong, who was still sleepy a moment ago, but now looked at her in admiration with wide eyes. Hong couldn't help but smile and asked: "Did my second uncle and two younger brothers sleep well last night?"

Fu Chang stroked his beard and smiled: "Okay!"

Fu Hong said at the same time: "Not good!"

Zhao Hanzhang looked at Fu Hong and said with a smile: "I see, third brother is sleepy. Why not go back to the camp first? I will leave this afternoon. You really don't have to run with me."

Fu Chang patted Fu Hong's head and said, "Why are you tired? He can't use up all his energy every day. If the general has something to do, just ask him to do it. If nothing happens, let him follow him and see. If you can learn from his elder brother and you, If you have two skills, you won’t have to worry about anything in this life.”

Seeing his persistence, Zhao Hanzhang stopped mentioning letting them return to the camp first.

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