Wei and Jin cooks

Chapter 1237 Meat, meat

Fu Chang opened the curtain and came in. Seeing a pile of materials on his table, he couldn't help but said, "Aren't you going to rest now?"

He felt that Fu Tinghan was not like his eldest brother's son, but more like him. Even he was ashamed of his work intensity.

Fu Tinghan sorted out the information on the case and said, "It's almost time. How are the preparations for the Second Battalion's New Year's Eve dinner?"

The Second Battalion is under the management of Fu Chang. It is thirty miles away from here. It takes half an hour to ride a horse. It sounds not far away, but riding a horse in such a cold weather...

Fu Chang said: "We are almost ready. I will leave the rest to County Magistrate Lin. I want our family to have a New Year's Eve dinner together tonight."

In fact, he felt that it would be too miserable for Fu Tinghan to celebrate the New Year alone, so he brought his two sons over to have a meal with him.

Fu Chang is a person who cares very much about family ties.

But Fu Tinghan really feels that he is quite comfortable celebrating the New Year alone. Moreover, he is not really alone. There are more than 10,000 people in this battalion. He is surrounded by comrades, subordinates, and close friends like Fu An. exist.

As the leader, he has a lot to do, and he won't feel sad just because he is not spending the New Year with his family.

Fu Chang didn't notice it at first, but after seeing them coming, Fu Tinghan could only say a few words with them, and then started to meet people from each camp who came to talk.

They are all people sent by Fu Tinghan to check the supplies of each camp to ensure that everyone has a full and comfortable New Year.

Then there is the need to receive various data. Even during the Chinese New Year, the detection of ground temperature, water temperature, and air temperature cannot stop.

Finally, there are the soldiers who arrange patrols.

The migrant workers and engineers and soldiers were all given leave, but the soldiers responsible for security were not.

Prevent bandits and foreign enemies from invading, and more importantly, ensure internal security.

There are more than 10,000 people in one camp. Who knows if there will be fights or the like?

Also, it's cold now, and we need to prevent anyone from getting drunk and lying outside to freeze to death, so there must be no shortage of patrol soldiers.

Seeing how busy he was, Fu Chang finally confirmed that Fu Tinghan did not need the warmth and comfort of their family affection.

Fu Yong also felt that his father was stupid and said, "I just said that dad thinks too much. My eldest brother doesn't look like a person who would feel lonely."

Fu Hong nodded, "He has been used to being alone since he was a child. This kind of thing is commonplace, so he won't feel uncomfortable. Dad, you think too much. The eldest brother is not us."

When Fu Chang saw them criticizing his eldest brother and princess, he raised his hand to slap them on the head, but the two of them shrank their heads and ran away.

Fu Chang didn't hit anyone, and he didn't dare to scold too loudly, lest Fu Tinghan would be upset when he heard it, so he could only mutter and scold the two children.

At Shen Shi, everyone started to light a bonfire, and the prepared meals were placed beside the bonfire. There was also a large pot hanging on the bonfire of each team, which contained simmered mutton soup.

Everyone can take their own bowl to hold a bowl of mutton soup. In addition to the mutton soup, tonight there are two dishes with pork and one with mutton.

Pork is the meat of castrated pigs. After several years of promotion and the popularity of newspapers, in addition to breeding pigs, almost all castrated pigs are raised in various places.

Castrated pigs not only have delicious meat, they also grow faster and have more meat.

Therefore, in less than three years, most common people could no longer find breeding pigs in their homes. Except for sows that wanted to give birth to piglets, they were castrated pigs.

By the way, both boars and sows need to be castrated. Only breeding pigs need to be kept.

Of the two types of breeding pigs, most people like to keep sows. Boars... are difficult to raise, have a strong taste, and have a bad temper. They don't like them.

This makes it difficult for people to breed boars.

At the beginning of this year, in order to solve this problem, Zhao Hanzhang specially ordered all counties and counties to ensure the breeding of breeding pigs, and asked each county and county government to have at least one pig herder to raise breeding pigs to ensure the reproduction of pigs in the county.

In addition, she also wrote many pork-based recipes in various newspapers. For this reason, not only did she eat pork for three months without eating a sheep, but even the palace added pork. purchase.

You know, in the past, pork was not allowed in the palace.

For the powerful and aristocratic families, pork is a lowly meat that smells bad and is far inferior to beef and mutton.

At that time, she asked the palace to purchase pork. At one point, some courtiers violently criticized her in the court, thinking that she was humiliating the emperor.

This was also one of the turning points that made everyone's impression of her worse. Zhao Hanzhang was not as loyal as she showed.

In order to sell the pork and let the people raise pigs, she actually forced the emperor to eat pork. Is this still a loyal minister?

If she hadn't taken the lead in eating pork for three consecutive months, and the general's mansion didn't have a sheep or a piece of beef, her reputation would have been even worse.

Even so, many old ministers who originally thought she would not replace the young emperor began to have doubts and no longer believed that she would be respectful to the emperor.

But let’s not forget that although this method has been criticized, the price of pork in the private sector has increased, the demand for pork has increased, and more people are raising pigs.

In a village, almost half of the families will raise one or two pigs. They start raising them in the spring and raise them until the Chinese New Year. They kill one at home, keep some of the meat for themselves, and sell the rest.

The other end is sold as a whole, and you can actually make a lot of money.

Fu Tinghan sent people from the logistics department to collect pigs everywhere. The total number of migrant workers and soldiers in the Yellow River was more than 200,000. The meat during this period was all pork, and only part of the mutton was used tonight.

The migrant workers and soldiers had seen it in the past two days. There were at least 500 large fat pigs newly arrived from the logistics department. They were kept in an open space not far from the kitchen and surrounded by fences.

Early this morning, they kept hearing the screams of pigs. They took a peek when they were leaving work and saw that the soldiers in the kitchen had killed at least fifty pigs with one knife.

God, I feel excited just thinking about it.

Rumors have begun to spread in the camp, "I heard that after eating these five hundred pigs, our work will be done and we can go home."

"Really or not? Fifty heads a day..."

"What are you dreaming about? I killed so many pigs today because of the Chinese New Year. Normally I can eat ten pigs a day, which is pretty good."

"Ask the people in the kitchen to find out how many people are killed every day."

"I've asked before. It used to range from fifteen to twenty head a day, depending on what was being done that day. If it was a big job, the person doing the big job would have to eat more meat. The minister would have two more heads killed."

Smelling the aroma of meat in the air, pots of vegetables were brought out. There were ten pots of each kind of dish, one pot was placed in front of each other, and they were placed in a circle around the outside of the bonfire.

There was a pot of meat inside that attracted the most attention. It was a pot of soybean stew. The meat was cut into square pieces. Each piece of meat was as thick and square as a thumb!

It was stewed with soybeans. When the basin was brought over and placed on the ground, the person sitting with the bowl could clearly see the meat in the basin trembling. It was obviously stewed so soft and delicious that it would fall apart when pinched.

Sister Feng wiped her hands and stood in the middle and said proudly: "I made this dish according to the recipe that the general put in the newspaper, called Sifang Reunion! I did the calculations when cutting the meat. Twenty pieces of ten pieces, two pieces of meat per person, no one is allowed to snatch it, and no one is allowed to eat more!"

Although Sister Feng is from the kitchen, her status in the kitchen is not low now, and no one dares to offend her. As soon as she finished speaking, everyone immediately shouted in agreement.

Special thanks to a book friend for reminding me that the bug in the debate about the double roundness of the earth in Chapters 1234 and 1235 has been corrected. Woohoo, I originally wanted to write the name of the book friend, but I went to the book review area and it took a long time. I couldn't find them, and I don't know where they went. Maybe I missed them because my eyesight was not good, because midnight was approaching, so I went up first.

I feel like updating is like giving blood, one after another. Oh, no, I will update more tomorrow.

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