Wei and Jin cooks

Chapter 1234 Face to Face (Happy Birthday to Moyan)

Zhao Cheng thought so too, and he felt that Yuan Li looked more pleasing to the eye with the scar on his face. He was not an imperial doctor, so he spoke frankly and said so.

Because Zhao Cheng's surname was Zhao, Yuan Li was particularly fond of him, so he explained Wen Sheng: "I don't think the scar on my face is ugly, it's just that Zhao Shilang said it would ruin his appearance and ruin his wealth, so he wanted to repair it."

Yuan Li has recently been setting up the Yi Chengsi, and it has just begun. He is really short of money everywhere, and he is not only short of money in public, but also in private.

The Chinese New Year is coming, the war is over, and my colleagues and colleagues are all keen on getting married recently.

At the busiest time, he had three wedding banquets a day, especially these two days. Because of the imperial seal, everyone scheduled the wedding banquet during this time. Now the wedding invitations he received have been scheduled for the sixteenth day of the first lunar month.

It's scary to think about it. For a meal of wine, he would have to pay at least two thousand yuan.

If it weren't for the spoils of war that could be used as some money, he would have become a pauper just by receiving gifts from the court.

He didn't think it was a matter of timing, but firmly believed that it was the reason why he lost his appearance.

Zhao Shen still has some abilities.

So he desperately wanted to heal the scars on his face.

When Guo Pu heard this, he raised his head and looked at his face again. He wanted to remain silent, but when he saw that Yuan Li looked like he was taking Zhao Shen's words as his guide, he couldn't help but said: "He is not good at learning skills."

These words were so sudden that the three people present were silent for a moment. Zhao Hanzhang was the first to react and called Yuan Li, "Why don't you thank Mr. Guo for your advice?"

Yuan Li quickly stood up and turned to Guo Pu to bow deeply.

Guo Pu sat down and accepted it, and after he finished praying, he said: "This scar on your face will indeed ruin your fortune, but it will make you live a long and valuable life."

"You are full of tyranny between your brows. You have never been broken, and your life palace is full of grooves. It can be seen that you will die from torture injuries in the future." Guo Pu paused and then said: "This is consistent with your status. Your methods Violence results from torture, and you may die from torture. This is called karma."

"But the scar on your face looks like one, but it's actually two wounds. This one hurts your relationship with wealth, and this one breaks your predicament," Guo Pu said, "If I were you, I would definitely not repair it. , although money is good, it is not as important as life.”

"And you can still enjoy honors with this scar. Apart from having less money, you have no regrets."

Zhao Hanzhang was curious, "What are the benefits of losing one's appearance?"

Guo Pu said: "Everything in this world has advantages and disadvantages. Nothing is perfect and has only advantages and no disadvantages, and nothing is full of disadvantages and no benefits."

"Like him, it seems that his destiny is not good at first glance. If he does not meet the Ming Lord, he will be a slave for the rest of his life and have no descendants. But once he meets the Ming Lord, he can gain power. But if you rise high, you will fall. He was also ruthless, so Fugui lost his head and body for a while, but he was lucky, with these two scratches on his face, his own life was ruined, but it was a little more balanced."

"Although there is no sudden rise in wealth, you can live a long and prosperous life. Isn't it better than the ups and downs?"

There was no fool present, and he immediately thought of the origin of the scar on his face.

With this scar, Zhao Hanzhang would have to be soft-hearted before he wanted to kill him, right?

The court officials may have to tolerate him a little more.

This is not a scar, this is just a medal of merit stuck on the face.

Yuan Li's mind raced and he immediately made a decision, he died!

He thinks this scar is quite handsome. How can a man treat it?

Isn't it just a lack of money? Since he said he would be rich all his life, he wouldn't be short of anything. At most, he just wasn't as rich as his colleagues.

Yuan Li thought a lot for a moment, but he didn't show it on his face. Instead, he said, "I'm afraid it will be difficult to find a wife because of this scar, so I asked a girl to be a matchmaker for me and choose a virtuous woman as my wife."

Even if he loses money, he still has to get back some of his money, and getting married is a good way to get back his money.

Zhao Hanzhang was stunned. Where could she find a wife for him? She is not familiar with this business.

"Do you have someone you like?"

Yuan Li lowered his eyes and thought for a moment and said: "The girl Tinghe next to me is very good. I wonder how lucky I am..."

Zhao Hanzhang: "You are quite good at choosing, but don't have too much hope. Tinghe's taste is up to me. Things like marriage should be consensual."

Yuan Li responded: "Yes, if Miss Tinghe doesn't like her, so can the other people around her. I think that the people around her are always more knowledgeable than others. Even if they only learn a little bit from her, they are still very virtuous people." ”

Zhao Hanzhang felt very proud when he heard this, but he said modestly: "I'm not good at it, but the people around me are indeed virtuous."

Zhao Cheng turned his head and looked aside, not bothering to look at the two of them anymore. When he looked at it, he saw a picture with most of the algorithms on it that he couldn't understand.

Although he didn't understand the algorithm, there were four groups of figures drawn on the picture. A group of square figures had a semicircle on it, and there were three spheres in a row. One of the spheres also had a circle inside it. The reason why he recognized it , because the two sets of pictures with circles on the squares and big circles on the small circles are too obvious. Isn't this the round sky and the muddy sky that have been debated?

When Zhao Cheng saw it being thrown away casually among a pile of papers, he thought it was unimportant, so he took it out and asked Guo Pu, "Mr. Guo, what does this mean?"

Guo Pu was shocked when he saw what he pulled out, and quickly pulled it away to put it away, "This is not settled yet, don't take it."

Zhao Hanzhang glanced at the familiar algorithms and frowned slightly, "There will be a solar eclipse?"

Guo Pu was stunned, his eyes widened, "Can the general also count?"

Zhao Hanzhang reached out and took it, looked at it and said, "I saw Ting Han doing it, so I followed it and learned a bit. What I learned from studying before... is pretty much the same."

When she was a music teacher, she mostly read books on music and literature and history. When she became a librarian, she read more books on literature, history and philosophy, and occasionally some economic books, like this one that used a lot of geometric algorithms. Astronomy, she barely touched.

Although she had almost forgotten about it, Zhao Hanzhang could roughly understand the graphics placed here, and the familiar algorithm next to it. She frowned slightly, "Solar eclipse?"

She quickly recalled in her mind the books she had "read" in the Wei and Jin Dynasties. At this time, history was very different from what was in the history books, but humanities could change, while astronomy and natural climate should not change much.

She only knows that there will be heavy rains in March next year, which will have a great impact. If the late emperor is still alive, next year will be the sixth year of Yongjia...

The sixth year of Yongjia, the sixth year of Yongjia...

"Can you figure out when the solar eclipse is?"

Guo Pu: "It's just speculation, not confirmed yet. This algorithm was calculated by Fu Shangshu before he left home, but we had different opinions, so we broke up. Now I calculate it myself without using his algorithm."

Zhao Hanzhang was curious: "Why did they break up?"

Guo Pu: "He insists that the earth's stars are single circles. We have different ways, so we don't want to conspire against each other."

Zhao Hanzhang humbly asked, "So what do you think, sir?"

Guo Pu sighed, "Of course I hold the same views as my late teacher Zhang Pingzi, otherwise I wouldn't have made this armillary sphere with Fu Tinghan. However, the theory of a round sky and a square earth has never been extinguished and is still the mainstream today."

"Originally, when we said that the earth was round, we were living in the cracks, but he also said that the outer layer of the circle was a layer of air, not a real shell, so we broke up."

See you at 11pm

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