Wei and Jin cooks

Chapter 1211 Meeting

Zhao Zheng asked the government officials and soldiers to organize the people to line up and receive rice relief.

Luoyang is still short of people, and there is still a lot of vacant farmland in the vast land outside the city, waiting for them to cultivate it. As the magistrate of Luoyang County, Zhao Zheng welcomes their arrival.

Director Wang and Zhou Qi were filled with admiration when they saw the people happily running to register before going to receive the porridge. If Zhao Hanzhang could have such a reputation, what chance did they have of winning?

The two of them looked at King Langya together.

King Langya was comforted by his son along the way, and he could keep a calm expression on his face, so he pretended not to see their eyes and went straight into the city with Xin Zhao.

However, the free men and household heads following them had to register before they could enter the city.

After Zhao Jiajun crossed the river, Zhao Hanzhang was assassinated twice in the city, both of which happened on the street. Although she was not harmed, Luoyang's access control was still much stricter.

There were three other assassinations that did not occur in the street, two of which were uncovered only during the planning stage.

The imperial court has been a little nervous recently. It was learned from the Ministry of Punishment and Dali Temple that the person behind the several assassinations was not the same person.

One of the main messengers was undoubtedly Wang Dun, but who were the other assassins?

The little emperor was very scared, Xun Fan and others were also very scared, and many of the courtiers were waiting with concern.

However, Zhao Hanzhang did not expand the assassination incident, and even took the initiative to suppress the matter and prevent the news from being reported to the Di Di newspaper. He only sent Song Xin, the Ministry of Punishment, and Dali Temple to review the case and find out the person behind it.

King Langya entered the palace with his wife, children, and Wang Dao Zhou Qi. When he entered the palace, he couldn't help but look up at the palace that was once beyond his reach.

Although he was a clan member of the royal family, Sima Rui was a distant relative and was not taken seriously. When he was studying in Luoyang, he was often looked down upon. Other princes who were also clan members often bullied him. Many celebrities thought he was too gentle and gentle, and they If he doesn't like him, Director Wang has always been his friend.

The imperial city walls and palace walls in Luoyang look dilapidated. This year, ministers from the DPRK and Central Government mentioned several times to repair the imperial city and palace walls, but Zhao Hanzhang vetoed them on the grounds that the treasury was empty.

So what King Langya saw at this time was still the imperial city that had been roasted by fire, the palace city that had been slashed by arrows and swords, and even some bloodstains on the walls that were difficult to remove.

King Langya looked away, lowered his eyes and followed Xin Zhao inside.

He didn't realize until he reached the main hall that his wife had been following him. He couldn't help but turn around and hold his wife's hand, and looked at Xin Zhao anxiously.

Xin Zhao glanced at her and invited them in, "The general also wants to meet Princess Langya."

Princess Yu Mengmu couldn't help but glance at her husband nervously. Seeing that he was also nervous, she suppressed her violently beating heart, comforted him in turn, and walked into the palace with him.

The moment she entered, she let go of Sima Rui's hand and walked forward side by side with him. She raised her eyes slightly and quickly scanned the hall.

The main hall was spacious and the atmosphere was solemn. There were rows of banquet tables on both sides. There were several people sitting behind the banquet tables. She did not dare to count them in detail. After a quick glance, she looked upward slightly.

She saw a young man about the same size as her two sons sitting directly above the main hall, wearing a dragon robe. There was another high table and high chair on the high platform under the dragon chair, and a beautiful girl was sitting on it. As soon as she looked over, she met the other person's eyes. Yu Mengmu was stunned and couldn't avoid it for a moment. Her eyes were caught by her, and she saw the other person smiling at her.

Mother Yu Meng immediately came to her senses and stood with her eyes lowered.

Sima Rui took the lead and knelt down to salute the emperor. When facing Zhao Hanzhang, he hesitated for a while and stood up before bending down again to salute.

King Langya felt that he had to have some backbone.

His wife, children, Director Wang, Zhou Qi and others followed him to salute.

The little emperor raised his hand with a majestic look: "No courtesy!"

Sima Rui was one generation senior to the little emperor, so he should be called the emperor's uncle, but the superiority of the emperor and his ministers came first. The little emperor was not very smart, but he was not stupid either. He knew the reason why Sima Rui separatized Jiangnan.

It's nothing more than waiting for him to inherit the Jin Dynasty with good name after his death.

Although Sima Rui had never done anything to directly harm him, the little emperor would not have a good impression of a person who expected him to die soon, so he had a very cold attitude and had only mediocre interest in both Sima Rui and Director Wang.

Because Sima Rui is a member of the royal family, Sima Duan, the king of Yuzhang who rarely had the opportunity to come to the main hall to attend the court meeting, also sat in disinterest. He did not know this so-called uncle at all, not to mention that there were three generations of blood between them. , and we have never met each other, how can we be close to each other?

So he only glanced at Sima Rui and then looked at the two teenagers following him.

Is this the son of King Langya?

Sui is about the same age as them, and I wonder if I can go into the palace and study with him and the emperor.

Thinking of his studies with the emperor, Sima Duan's shoulders slumped and he felt extremely uncomfortable.

He wanted to call himself sick and go home to rest. He was really tired from studying with the emperor.

Sima Duan shrank in his position and was immersed in his own world. In the palace, the adults had already begun to communicate.

Zhao Hanzhang had three tables placed on the left and right sides and asked six people to sit down.

The palace servants then stepped forward to guide them. King Langya and his concubine sat together on the first table on the left hand side, with their two sons sitting below them. Director Wang and Zhou Qi sat on the table at the back. It's Ji Yuan and others.

When Director Wang and others entered the hall, they saw three empty tables in front of them. They thought that some important people had not arrived, but they did not expect that they were all arranged for them.

All six people sat down nervously.

Zhao Hanzhang was quite gentle and asked with a smile: "Is the journey going smoothly?"

Zhao Xin had also sat down in his seat. After King Langya said "very smooth", he stood up and said: "General, I have the talent to be a general. On the way, Wang Dun sent an assassin to assassinate King Langya, trying to frame the fault on the general. .”

Zhao Hanzhang looked at King Langya and said, "So you have also encountered assassins. Don't be afraid. I, Zhao Jiajun, have experience in dealing with these. I have been assassinated many times this month, and I have escaped every time."

King Langya began to sweat on his forehead, and the little emperor sitting on him became nervous. Before King Langya and others could speak, he hurriedly said: "Everyone can punish evildoers like Wang Dun."

He said: "While I am still here, he is causing trouble in Jiangnan, which shows that he has never taken the imperial court seriously."

Upon hearing this, Director Wang quickly looked at Zhao Hanzhang, immediately stood up, walked to the center of the hall, knelt down and apologized.

Zhao Hanzhang seemed to be touched. He stood up and walked down to help Director Wang up. He sighed: "What does this have to do with Mr. Wang? Wang Dun is an adult and he is your cousin. No matter how hard you try to persuade him, it will be in vain if he doesn't listen."

He also said: "I know that there are only a few people in your Wang family who are willing to follow Wang Dun to do mischief. I knew when he murdered Wang Cheng that he was not a benevolent and kind person, and it has been proven today. Don't worry, I only ask the person who is the leader. , does not implicate his clan."

In other words, the Wang family can rest assured that she will not let the entire Wang family be buried together because of Wang Dun's mistakes.

Director Wang received a clear commitment and breathed a sigh of relief. He thanked Zhao Hanzhang with red eyes.

Good night

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