Wei and Jin cooks

Chapter 1182 The core of discord

Zhou Wei was very obedient, but Zhou Chong was very angry. He couldn't help complaining: "When you were in Luoyang, you were as famous as Zhao Changyu. Why are you hanging out with Wang Bin and others now?"

Zhou Yi disagreed.

Zhou Chong became even more angry and asked: "Do we have to save Wang Ying? He holds a banquet and drinks during his father's filial period, and he also kills officials. How dare such a person call himself a filial son? Although Liu Wei is a villain, Wang Ying should not save him. .”

Zhou Wei then sighed and said: "Zhongzhi, I'm not saving Wang Ying, I'm saving the king. Save us. Don't you see? Wang Dun was left out because of Mao Hong, and the relationship with the king was at war. He won't come out again." To take charge of the overall situation, there is no need for Zhao Hanzhang to fight across the Yangtze River, Jiangnan will be in chaos first."

Zhou Chong stopped and frowned, "Does Wang Dun still dare to rebel?"

Zhou Wei: "What else is impossible in this world?"

After experiencing so much, Zhou Yi felt that it was possible for heaven and earth to unite again and turn into chaos. Wang Dun raised an army to rebel. What was impossible?

"Wang Dun is headstrong and fierce. If he is not comforted and controlled, he will definitely rebel," Zhou Wei said, "and the only person who can control him is Director Wang."

He paused and then said: "If we delay any longer, he will become more and more powerful and dissatisfied with the king. By then, even Director Wang will not be able to control him."

In the past few months when Director Wang was silent, Wang Dunke became active and won over many people.

When Director Wang wanted to resign, those short-sighted people lost their way and wandered around like headless flies. Wang Dun just waved and they followed.

It's really stupid. There are not only two places in the world, Jiangnan and Jiangdong. Zhao Hanzhang in the north of the Yangtze River is more powerful than anyone else and has the support of the people. Believe it or not, if Jiangnan is in chaos, she can reap the benefits.

Did Wang Dun really think that he could become the king and hegemon here by rebelling against King Langya, and rule across the river with Zhao Hanzhang?

Don't forget, Jingzhou is also in Zhao Hanzhang's hands.

No, that's not right. The governor of Jingzhou is Wang Siniang and she is also from the Wang family. If she rebels against Zhao Hanzhang, Jingzhou will belong to Wang Dun...

Zhou Wei's heart trembled. This was really possible.

Zhou Wei became a little nervous. He didn't want Wang Dun and Zhao Hanzhang to rule across the river. The world should be unified, otherwise the people in the world would suffer.

Zhou Chong seemed to know what his brother was thinking, and couldn't help but ask, "Brother, do you think King Langya can rule the world?"

Zhou Wei said: "King Langya may not be able to do it, but the Crown Prince can definitely do it."

Sima Shao, the eldest son of King Langya, was only one year older than the young emperor, but he was very smart, kind, and far-sighted. Although he was young, Zhou Wei felt that he was already stronger than his father, King Langya.

Zhou Chong is a good at fighting, and he especially loves fighting with his brother. Hearing this, he asked: "What about Zhao Hanzhang? Can't she do it?"

Zhou Chong may not think Zhao Hanzhang is good, but when he heard that his brother was optimistic about Sima Shao, he couldn't help but oppose him.

Zhou Wei was silent for a long time this time, so long that he almost thought he wouldn't answer, "It depends on whether Zhao Hanzhang will become arrogant or not."

How many heroes are just short of this last step, and feel complacent after realizing that they have the power, and no one can restrain them. By then, no matter how much credit they have achieved, they will lose it.

Therefore, Zhou Wei still felt that the foreign surname was too dangerous and he needed to change his country name. On the contrary, Sima Shao's surname was Sima, and the transition to him was much less dangerous.

Zhou Chong didn't think Zhao Hanzhang could do it, but seeing his brother supporting Sima Shao so much, his brain started to work quickly, and then he said: "The prince is too young, and Jiangbei has been settled. It can take as short as two years or as long as five years. Zhao Hanzhang will definitely be able to go south." .”

The two brothers walked back side by side. Before they could argue, they heard an urgent call, "Emergency military information, urgent military information——"

Zhou Wei and Zhou Chong stepped aside, and a flying horse galloped past them, flying towards the Jiankang Palace.

The two brothers looked at each other, panicked, turned around and walked towards the palace. Could it be that Zhao Hanzhang couldn't wait for two years and started fighting now?

Zhou Wei secretly thought that she was still proud and complacent after all. Jiangbei had just experienced such a tragic war and locust plague. Have the people breathed their last this year?

Zhou Yi could enter the palace, but Zhou Chong did not have an official position that could allow him to enter the palace. Seeing his younger brother looking at him eagerly, he talked nicely to the palace guards and brought his younger brother in.

King Langya still liked Zhou Wei very much, and the military report he had just received shocked him greatly, so he let the brothers in directly.

Then Brother Zhou Yi also knew the contents of the military report.

Oh my God - Zhao Hanzhang finally couldn't bear it and took action?

But why only fight from Jingzhou? Shouldn't it be an attack from the north, west, and east?

Zhou Wei narrowed his eyes, and his intuition was wrong. If Zhao Hanzhang had the intention to use troops against Yangzhou, why would he not do so?

Although Wang Xuan attacked four cities in Wuchang County, only Wang Xuan sent troops. Although Yuzhou and Xuzhou were separated by a river from them, there was no movement at all.

No matter how bad it is, you can attack from Jingzhou by waterway. You must know that it is upstream, the gateway to Yangzhou. If you go down the waterway and attack Huanglong, who can stop it suddenly?

Zhou Wei immediately asked his soldiers, "Why did Jingzhou attack Yangzhou?"

It was not written in the military newspaper, but the soldiers really knew about it. He said: "Jingzhou said that the king's army was robbing tax grains."

Brother Zhou Yi:......

Zhou Chong glared and asked, "So, did the Yangzhou Army really rob it?"

The ordering soldier nodded honestly, "I stole it, but the Jingzhou Army provided rapid support, and in the end only half of it was stolen."

Zhou Chong: Woohoo, he still wants to rob them all.

He turned to look at his brother, that's it, who would he hit if he didn't hit him?

Zhou Yi had nothing to say and looked at King Langya who was sitting on top.

King Langya was filled with grief and anger. He was completely unaware of this matter. Ever since Wang Han failed to alienate him, King Langya had been hiding in hiding. He was afraid that Zhao Hanzhang would settle accounts with him, so he only went to provoke her when he was full.

Zhou Wei and King Langya said: "Your Majesty, please Mao Hong to come forward to persuade Wang Dun, and then explain clearly to Luoyang that we are willing to pay for the lost tax and grain," after a pause, he said: "Twice as much."

King Langya suddenly became suspicious. Could it be that Wang Dun's move was just to let Wang Dao come out and take the lead again?

Even if it is so what, can King Langya refuse at this time?

Thinking of Wang Dun's lack of control, King Langya's heart burned like fire, and he could only force himself to calmly say: "I would also like to ask Boren to go for the lonely king and ask Mao Hong to return to the court."

Zhou Wei sighed. The result seemed to be good, but the gap between the two seemed to be even greater. Can the Wang family and King Langya really still coexist?

Zhou Yi accepted the order, bowed and stepped down.

Zhou Chong came to his senses and quickly caught up with his brother and left the palace together.

When there was no one around, he asked: "Brother, do you think the Wang Xuan brother and sister can still reconcile with Wang Dun?"

Zhou Yi remained silent. (End of chapter)

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