Wei and Jin cooks

Chapter 1174 Fight

She knows that it is impossible to prevent powerful officials from looking down on scientists. People in this world are all mixed, and some idiots must always be allowed to exist.

But she can change the climate and make their contempt unworldly.

Therefore, the Academy of Sciences must be established. Well, the culture should start from newspapers.

Not only do we need to care for agriculturists, water conservancy experts, mathematicians and other people who are like seedlings, but we also need to care for Zhao Jiajun who has always protected them from the scourge of war and is now working hard to suppress bandits and build various projects and river embankments. ah.

Oh, now Jin's army is under her jurisdiction, so she regards them as Zhao's army.

The reputation of the profession of soldiers is getting worse and worse. This is not their fault, but the fault of those in power. Just like customs, they change bit by bit, and then the world's morale deteriorates.

The status of soldiers in ancient times was very high. Before the Han Dynasty, not everyone could be a soldier.

In order to unify the six countries, Qin used military merit to recruit common people to join the army. In the Spring and Autumn Period before Qin, those who could enlist in the army were common people with names and surnames. Common people and slaves without surnames were only qualified to work in logistics and even on the battlefield. nothing.

There are various rules and etiquette on the battlefield. Compared with the bizarre and shameless battlefield duels today, many wars at that time were more like etiquette confrontations and military parades.

The early Han Dynasty was fine, and the army still enjoyed a very good reputation and high prestige among the people until the end of the Han Dynasty.

In order to compete for territory, powerful warlords from various places plundered the population and used it as soldiers. They fought back and forth, and the people could not cultivate the land, so they naturally could not pay for the military supplies.

If a person is extremely hungry and can do anything, but there is not enough food to feed the army, what should he do?

Naturally, they robbed people of their property and food. A large number of villages were massacred and looting incidents occurred. Soldiers gradually became equated with bandits. Then, in order to supplement military expenditures, those in power simply sent soldiers to dig graves, and the reputation of soldiers became even worse. broken.

The powerful people, scholars, and wealthy people who gave the order did not suffer much in terms of reputation as a whole class. Those who were criticized were often just individuals, but the same could not be said for the soldiers who carried out the orders.

The reputation of soldiers is getting worse and worse, and because of oppression from top to bottom, soldiers' lives are getting harder and harder, and their promotion paths have been repeatedly compressed. They will recruit soldiers from ordinary people's homes, and they will also recruit idle people from society. When serving as a soldier, criminals from prisons will be recruited into the army. Those who have broken the law and those who have failed in political struggles will be recruited into the army.

Finally, they robbed people directly on the road, ranging from children as young as eleven or twelve to old men in their forties or fifties. As long as they could hold a weapon, they were directly recruited into the army.

As a result, the military's reputation became even worse.

The people's expressions changed almost when they heard about the army. In the eyes of the people, soldiers were equal to bandits. The Zhao family's army had a good reputation because they never robbed the people, and it was also because Zhao Hanzhang played the banner of justice.

Soldiers are heroes who protect the homeland and the country, and they deserve to be evaluated positively.

Thinking of Zhao Jiajun who was being deployed to control the river at this time, Zhao Hanzhang personally wrote an article praising the army and sent it to the Di newspaper.

Zhao Hanzhang said to Ming Yu: "It's time for the Yushitai to be rectified. It should not just hear about things, but should have the responsibility and the right to check. I want you to come up with specific ways to correct it."

The advantage of hearing about an incident is to intimidate all officials. As long as there is a little rumor, officials can be impeached without checking it. However, the disadvantage is more obvious, because there is no need to check it. Some censors can fabricate the rumor, or they can not fabricate it at all and just say that they have heard it. Petition for impeachment.

As a result, the supervisory platform's remonstrances against the officials and the ruling officials were like fire and water. This custom of the Jin Dynasty was passed down. This caused the censor to always have something to do, and subconsciously looked for trouble with the ruling officials. If there was no trouble, he would create trouble;

As for the local officials, they subconsciously felt disgusted when they saw the censor. Before anything was done, they started fighting among themselves.

From last year to now, Zhao Hanzhang has sent many censors to monitor the development of local government affairs. Many faults have been found, and some results have indeed been achieved, but few have been verified. Upon further investigation, seven out of ten things were fabricated rumors. , instead of delaying local work, even her workload has increased a lot.

Zhao Hanzhang did not want the censor and the consul to live in harmony and join forces to deceive her and deceive the people, but he also did not want to increase their conflict and let them waste their energy fighting.

Therefore, she hopes to improve the Supervision Law so that the Yushitai not only has the power to report matters, but also has the power to verify and partially handle the matter, so that there will be less fabrication out of thin air and more verification.

However, changing the law cannot be accomplished in a day. Zhao Hanzhang asked Ming Yu to pay attention to it, but did not let him give an immediate result. "I will try to submit a letter after next spring."

Ming Yu: ...How different is it from now?

But Ming Yu still agreed.

I talked too much today. After finishing my business, Zhao Hanzhang took a cup of hot tea to soothe his throat and chatted with them casually, "Have all the taxes been sent to Luoyang? How much is the national treasury revenue this year?"

Ji Yuan also put down his pen, took a cup of tea and leaned on the chair to chat, "There are people from Jingzhou who have not yet arrived. By the way, Yangzhou also sent taxes to Beijing, although not much."

Zhao Hanzhang was surprised when he heard this, "King Langya actually paid taxes to me?"

She really just tentatively sent an official document to Yangzhou, asking them to pay taxes according to the new tax system issued by the imperial court. She didn't expect him to actually pay.

Ji Yuan smiled and said: "It seems that King Langya is still not thick-skinned enough."

Mingyu glanced up at them and continued to write his stuff with his head down.

Zhao Hanzhang thought of the historical evaluations of King Langya and Director Wang. Although more than a thousand years have passed, those evaluations may not be all correct, but it can be seen from some historical events that King Langya has limited abilities and is not ruthless enough. Although Director Wang is very wise, his personality is too lenient. If this combination did not have Wang Dun and other powerful people who relied on his power to do evil, they might have started well and ended well. It would be a pity.

Although Wang Dao finally assisted King Langya's son to ascend the throne and govern the Eastern Jin Dynasty, King Langya did die in depression, and the final harmony between the king and his ministers was only superficial warmth.

Zhao Hanzhang asked Ji Yuan curiously, "Sir, have you met Director Wang?"

Ji Yuan smiled and nodded, "I've seen it before. In the early years, he and King Langya were in Luoyang, and they visited Master Lang. Both of them had gentle personalities. King Langya was a little weak. With the help of Wang Dao, he was not bad at being a vassal king, but It’s difficult to go further.”

King Langya doesn't have this ability.

The reason why King Langya went to Yangzhou to start a new business was because he listened to Director Wang's advice.

Then can we persuade King Langya to return to Luoyang to become a prince and return Yangzhou to the imperial court?

Just as he was thinking about it, Zhao Hanzhang heard the sound of quick steps and rushed here.

She raised her eyes and looked at the door, but for a moment she lowered her eyes again and lowered her head to take a sip of tea. Only then did she see the tea cup placed on the table. Ji Yuan and Ming Yu also heard the footsteps, so they turned around and the door was pushed open. The Secretary Cheng of the Intelligence Department quickly stepped forward and reported: "General, there is a fight between Jingzhou and Yangzhou." (End of this chapter)

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