Wei and Jin cooks

Chapter 1163 Picking a Name

Fang Ming disagreed: "So, isn't farming the most important thing to take the test? The general attaches great importance to farming. On the second day of February, he personally went to the fields to plow, and ordered officials from all over the country to teach farmers about mulberry farming and reduce or exempt land rent and taxes. , this year the focus has been on farming, so it’s time to take the exam.”

"The country is based on agriculture. This is known to everyone in the world. Do we still need to take the exam?" Xi Lan said: "The exam naturally has to test the things that officials are confused about or have disputes about before they can ask for good advice."

Fang Ming: "It's a joke. The exam tests the candidates' talent and their moral character. Only those with both talent and moral character are qualified to stand in the court and assist the king in managing the country."

The two people arguing did not know that Zhao Hanzhang and Ji Yuanming were sitting in the private room on the second floor, looking down through the half-open window facing the lobby.

Zhao Hu opened the door swinging the folding fan and came in. The boy who followed him immediately bent down and put the wine jar in his arms on the table. Zhao Hu closed the fan with a snap, then sat down opposite Zhao Hanzhang and ordered He ordered the wine jar and said, "This is the newly brewed wine in my restaurant. Please give it a good name."

As he spoke, he opened the folding fan with a snap and swung it gently under Zhao Hanzhang's gaze.

Zhao Hanzhang slowly moved his eyes from the wine jar to the fan he was shaking, and said: "Seventh Uncle, it's getting cold, so I still use my fan to be careful of catching cold at this time."

The development of the paper industry and technological progress also made the paper fan appear in advance. Oh, by the way, before the paper fan, there were stacked fans made of silk. They were the favorites of the upper-class literati in summer, but the people who used them were very noble. , but the workmanship is still very rough.

Until the paper mill sent a lot of new paper to Zhao Hanzhang and Fu Tinghan.

Each paper mill will send a sample to Zhao Hanzhang and Fu Tinghan each for every new product. Because they are always unexpected about how to use each new paper, the paper mill is eager to listen to their opinions.

For example, when the craftsmen made the soft straw paper according to the recipe, they found that the ink was very blurred, it was not easy to write on, and the paper was soft. They felt that they had made a mistake.

Therefore, he repeatedly compared the recipe and made it several times. He found that there was only a slight difference in the paper produced, but it was still the same and could not be written on, so he apologized to Zhao Hanzhang in fear.

Then they unlocked the use of this fluffy papyrus.

Zhao Hanzhang encouraged them to make their own comparisons and make paper for different uses.

The paper mill was inspired and started research and development. The craftsmen of each paper mill had different ideas, and the new papers they developed were also different, and one of them was a very tough paper.

It was a hot day and Fu Tinghan was doing crafts. There were bamboo strips nearby, so he polished them and made a bamboo fan for her.

She worked on it for several days. When Zhao Hu came to see it, he turned around and had someone make a bunch of paper fans and hang them in his bookstore for sale.

As a result, paper fans quickly became popular in Luoyang. When Zhao Hanzhang took to the streets again, he could see a man holding a paper fan within three steps.

For the first time, she knew what it felt like to lead fashion.

She glanced at the jar of wine and asked, "If I give it a name, how much do you plan to sell it for?"

Zhao Hu stretched out three fingers and said: "Three hundred coins."

Seeing Zhao Hanzhang frowning, he paused and said hesitantly: "Then two hundred and sixty articles?"

Zhao Hanzhang: "No, it's too cheap. It's five hundred yuan per jar, and it's more expensive."

As soon as these words came out, not only Zhao Hu, but also Ji Yuan and Ming Yu couldn't help but look at her.

Zhao Hu looked at her face to see if she was speaking sarcastically and taunting her, "Are you serious?"

Zhao Hanzhang: "Of course, with so little food now, how can we make a lot of wine?"

Zhao Hu exhaled and began to think seriously, "Five hundred coins will do."

Zhao Hanzhang looked at the wine he poured out, smelled the aroma, and sighed: "The wine has a mellow aroma, which shows that it uses good grain. It is all fat. Let's call this wine Qiongfu."

Zhao Hu felt that the name she chose was not very good, and suggested: "Let's stop thinking of another one and think of a more meaningful name, such as something to unify the world, dominate the world, or something like that."

In this way, he can publicize that it was Zhao Hanzhang who named him, so that everyone can believe it.

Zhao Hanzhang: "...In the eyes of the Seventh Uncle, will I only take this kind of name?"

"No, isn't this for the sake of being easy to understand? Or what you said, even official documents must be written in vernacular. Look at the names you gave to the objects in the Treasure Pavilion. They are not as good as those given by illiterate craftsmen. Woolen cloth."

Zhao Hanzhang: "...I am making it easy to understand. A jar of your wine costs 500 yuan. Who among ordinary people can afford to drink it? The Zhenbao Pavilion is called Zhenbao Pavilion, but most of the things in it are things that ordinary people can afford. Can't you give me a lighter name?"

She didn't want to listen to Zhao Hu's nonsense, so she waved her hand and said, "It's just this name, can you tell me whether you want it or not?"

What do you mean by dominating the world?

Being too ostentatious will cause trouble, don't you know that being low-key is the way to go?

There was still no news in the south. With such a name openly used, King Langya thought she was going to send troops to attack him.

Zhao Hu had great confidence in her, and thought she was too meek, saying, "If you ask me, you should pursue the victory. Last year you defeated the Huns, and this year you should advance to the south of the Yangtze River and unify the world directly?"

Zhao Hanzhang said earnestly: "Seventh Uncle, don't always think about fighting and killing. The main thing in governing the world should be peace."

Ji Yuan explained: "The army has no food and grass, and the people have just experienced military disasters and locust plagues, and they need to recuperate. Therefore, this year we should focus on recuperation. If we raise troops, many people will die."

"These are all excuses. How can there be no casualties in a war?" Zhao Hu sneered: "Will there be no casualties in fighting Jiangnan in the future? Since you are willing to use Hu people as officials, you should have captured the Huns and subdued them at that time." Shi Le's army rushed to the south of the Yangtze River to fight, and Zhao's army supported them from the side. Even if they die, they will be the first to die."

Zhao Hanzhang's face turned cold, "The Xiongnu and Jie tribe have surrendered, and they are also from Jin. In this case, Seventh Uncle, don't talk about it anymore."

Zhao Hanzhang felt cold. After so many years, Zhao Hu still had not changed his disregard for human life. He did not regard the Huns and Jie people as human beings, nor did he regard the common people as the same person.

Zhao Hanzhang endured his displeasure and said to him, "Just go about your business and talk less about matters in court."

"Okay, you look down on me just like Zitu. You are noble and merciful." Zhao Hu stood up and led the boy away, "But our ancestors are right in what they said. People who are not of my race must have different hearts. What do you think? Will these gangs of barbarians always submit to you?"

Zhao Hanzhang: "At least they didn't dare to rebel while I was alive."

See you tomorrow

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