Wei and Jin cooks

Chapter 1144 Father and son talk

After watering all the vegetables, he seemed to see green sprouts in the first patch of land. He squatted down and took a closer look, and found that he had seen it right, so he happily continued to fetch water.

Fu An crouched behind the bushes and was about to go over when he saw it. Shi Hongtu grabbed him by the collar and said, "Why are you going?"

"Mr. Lang has filled the water tank. He must have forgotten something. I will remind him."

"The general does not allow us to interfere with Mr. Lang. The water will not be wasted after carrying it. If you pick up an extra load, it can be stored in a wooden barrel." Shi Hongtu had long thought that Fu Tinghan needed to exercise, but he just didn't like to move. He talked to the big man every morning. The general's health-preserving boxing was already the limit of his exercise. Living in the mountains these days, without the general watching, he did everything except boxing. Shi Hongtu was worried for him.

It just so happens that if you carry a few extra loads of water, you can treat it as exercise.

Fu Tinghan stood by the spring and looked down. It was almost time for dinner, so smoke rose from the mountain.

In fact, the water resources in the north are somewhat scarce, and drinking water has always been a problem. Depending on local conditions, what are the methods to pump water to high places?

At present, drilling a well is very expensive, highly prone to danger, and takes a long time. In places where water is not easy to come out, you need to dig very deep to produce water. It is difficult to complete with current technology.

Fu Tinghan bowed and picked up the water. As soon as he put it down, he got into the thatched cottage, pulled out a piece of white paper, picked up the pen and dipped it in Fu Xuan's ink.

Fu Xuan, who was immersed in writing, didn't pay attention. When both father and son came to their senses, it was still too dark and they couldn't see.

Fu Xuan looked up. He was dazzled for a moment and couldn't see where he was. He said casually: "Let's hold the lamp."

Fu Tinghan came to his senses, took out the lamp and lit it.

Fu Xuan then remembered that they were in the thatched cottage. He touched the itchy behind his ears and asked, "I'm a little hungry. What should I eat tonight?"

Fu Tinghan said: "Eat porridge, I'll cook it."

Only then did Fu Xuan realize that he hadn't cooked dinner yet. He put down his pen and stood up. He glanced at the drawings on his paper, paused and followed him out.

Fu Tinghan quickly dug out the rice, lit a fire, and placed it on a simple stove made of stones.

Fu Xuan followed his example and took a piece of wood, straightened his robe and sat next to him, and asked curiously: "What did you draw?"

"Which one are you asking about? The farm tools I drew today at noon. What I just drew are some things used to dig wells. They may not be usable. Draw them first and then consult the craftsmen who dug the wells for advice before modifying them and trying them out."

Fu Xuan: "Have you always done such craftsmanship in Shangshu Province?"

Fu Tinghan: "Absolutely."

"Do you feel happy?"

Fu Tinghan said: "If something I think of is useful, I will be very happy. If it is not useful, I will feel normal."

"You used to only have some interest in "The Book of Changes", so you were good at arithmetic. I didn't know you were also so fond of and good at engineering." Fu Xuan turned to look at him, "I thought you would be better at Confucianism and Taoism, but you didn't. I want you to delve more into the Mohist family now."

Fu Tinghan: "Isn't the Mohist family bad? They all do things for the people, as long as they achieve results."

Fu Xuan smiled and said: "That's not what you said before. You said that military arts are techniques and means. If you want to govern a country and stabilize troubled times, you must change your mind. So you study Confucianism and Taoism and want to seek The way to crack it.”

"It's also because of this that you have such a big conflict with your mother."

Fu Tinghan was stunned, and searched hard in his memory, and finally found the scene of his quarrel with Princess Hongnong. Although it was very blurry, the thoughts that surged in his heart at that moment were very clear.

The boy and his mother, who are young, brave and caring about their family and country, said that from the perspective of Confucian etiquette, the Jin Kingdom should not exist if it was not in the right position, but it existed. This was against heaven, so the world was in chaos;

From the Taoist perspective of nature, the Jin State should have perished long ago in compliance with the will of the people. But precisely because you have always supported it so hard, it will never be destroyed, and this is why the people have been trapped in a long-term war.

The young man felt that it would be better to give the world a powerful force and let all the decayed things perish, so that new life would be possible.

At that time, the person sitting on the throne was Princess Hongnong's biological father and Fu Changrong's maternal ancestor. In the thirteenth year of the Eight Kings Rebellion, the King of Donghai entered the capital and killed another group of people, taking the whole country with him. Zhongyuan, Yongzhou and Sizhou were all in war.

As long as Fu Changrong goes to the streets, he can see rioters dying of starvation or injuries. When he goes out of the city, he will even starve to death. This makes the young man who has read poetry and books since childhood resent the Jin Dynasty. He really can't find the Jin Dynasty. Reasons to continue.

He is not like Fu Zhi, Zhao Changyu, Wang Dao and other mature people who can look at the world from a larger perspective. Fu Zhi and the others yearn for peace, a peace that will not change and where wars will no longer happen. For this reason, they Be willing to endure some injustices and move forward holding a broken umbrella for the people.

He is more radical and lively. He wants to neither destroy nor establish, to bury everything that is rotten, to re-grow a court that conforms to his will and public opinion, to tear the broken umbrella under his feet, and to make a new one.

Even if you get wet between replacing a broken umbrella and putting up a new one, you will still think that you can just put up a new umbrella so that it can dry slowly.

Fu Tinghan broke away from the memories, lowered his eyes and said nothing. He couldn't tell which of their two methods was right, which was wrong, or both were right and both were wrong.

If a person gets wet, he may get sick when he is allowed to dry, and he may very well die;

Holding a broken umbrella will protect you from getting wet for a while, but if the umbrella cannot be repaired, you will still get wet. It's just a matter of time, or you will catch wind and cold and die.

Fu Xuan asked him, "So have you reconciled with your mother now? I think you two are getting along well recently. She said that to you a few days ago because she was sad that your grandfather passed away, and she didn't really think that you were unfilial."

"I know," Fu Tinghan said, "I'm not angry with her."

Fu Xuan breathed out, and then he and his son stopped talking again.

He scratched behind his ears, worried, why was it so difficult? He thought they had more to say between father and son, but he didn't know that they didn't talk as much in three days as he did with the princess in one day.

Fu Xuan couldn't help but ask him, "Tinghan, do you and Hanzhang get along like this?"

Fu Tinghan looked at his father inexplicably, nodded and said, "Yes."

Fu Xuan's eyes widened, "You have nothing to say?"

Fu Tinghan hesitated and asked, "Do you want to hear me tell you about drilling a well?"

"Forget it, I'm not interested in this."

The father and son became quiet again, waited for the porridge to be cooked, ate in silence, then went to wash up and get ready to go to bed.

By the way, I ate white porridge. I finished eating the pickles at noon, so I only ate white porridge.

Fortunately, Zhao Hanzhang came to see them the next day with a basket of things, including various vegetables, eggs and... pen and ink, as well as manuscript paper and official documents.

Good night

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