Wei and Jin cooks

Chapter 1140 An ordinary day

Zhao Hanzhang went back with an armful of edamame. After picking the leaves, he put them into the cauldron together with the poles, put just enough water to cover them, and boiled them on the stove.

She wanted to put a lot of things, star anise, Sichuan peppercorns, chili and salt, and preferably a little soy sauce, but... there was none.

Just boil the edamame in water. After cooking, pour it out and let it dry. Zhao Hanzhang peeled it and gave it to Fu Zhi to eat.

Fu Zhi also ate with gusto. Princess Hongnong’s chicken soup was still simmering, so he smiled and invited them to eat together.

"Let's have a snack."

The family of five sat on a small bench and peeled edamame to eat.

It was the first time for Princess Hongnong to eat something like this. She looked at Zhao Hanzhang and imitated her awkwardly by putting the whole edamame in her mouth. However, she failed to take out the complete shell and instead bit off the shell directly. half.

It tastes so bad!

It tastes worse than beans and rice. Why do they eat uncooked soybeans? Can't you wait until it's cooked before eating it?

Fu Xuan, who was sitting next to her, saw the edamame in her hand and peeled two of them for her. "You don't know how to peel the edamame with your mouth, but you don't know how to use your hands?"

Princess Hongnong's face turned red and she turned to glare at him.

When Fu Tinghan saw that his parents were about to quarrel again, he stopped talking and raised his head to see Fu Zhi.

Fu Zhi pretended not to see it, waved his hand to Zhao Hanzhang, and peeled it off to eat himself.

He had a good appetite and ate a lot with relish, and then said with a smile: "I won't dare to be so extravagant in the future. The edamame beans I have today, if they mature and peel off, can feed a family of five for three days."

But now, because of their appetite, it is only enough for their family of five as a pre-dinner snack, which is really a sin.

Zhao Hanzhang smiled and said: "I don't think so. In the future, it is best that every household is willing to eat these edamame. You can also add some salt and seasoning when cooking."

Rice and noodles can’t be done as they please in the past two or three years, so shouldn’t edamame be the best?

Hearing this, Fu Zhi laughed and said, "General, you have to work hard. This will not be accomplished in a day."

Zhao Hanzhang smiled and agreed.

Princess Hongnong looked at Zhao Hanzhang, then at Fu Zhi, silently lowering her eyes and eating edamame.

By the afternoon, Fu Zhi had eaten the chicken noodle soup that the three of them had made together, and he was very satisfied.

He smiled and said to Zhao Hanzhang: "Hanzhang, you and Ting Han go outside to play. The princess and I have something to say."

Zhao Hanzhang agreed, took Fu Tinghan out, and took away all the servants and soldiers.

At this time, the sun was still in the western sky and was very bright. She walked around for a while and had nothing to do, so she asked Yi Cheng, "I see there are only three people working in the post including you. Where are the others?"

Yi Cheng said hurriedly: "They all went to the fields to pull weeds and catch insects."

There are no herbicides or pesticides. Weeding and catching insects all rely on human power. When Zhao Hanzhang heard this, he immediately rolled up his sleeves and said, "Let's go. We're bored. Let's go too."

Zhao Hanzhang left enough people to guard the inn, and took everyone else to the fields.

Hoes are limited and can only be used for dry pulling.

Fu Tinghan pulled it out three times and cut off the roots twice. He stood silently for a while and looked at Zhao Hanzhang. The land was still dry, and he didn't know how she pulled it out. She was able to uproot the weeds every time.

When Zhao Hanzhang saw him looking at her, he stopped, looked at a large section of weeds that had been broken off in his hand, and said, "When you pull it out, use skillful force. Shake it a bit and then apply force upwards, and you can pull it out by the roots."

Fu Tinghan observed her movements and tried to pull it out. This time it was worse, a long part was cut off in the ground.

Zhao Hanzhang couldn't help laughing.

Fu Tinghan clapped his hands and stood up, "Where's your knife? I'll cut a branch."

How dare Zhao Hanzhang let him cut the branches by himself? She goes with him.

Zhao Hanzhang picked up a knife and followed him to the small woods on the edge of the field. He watched him patting and picking in the woods. Then he picked a branch as thick as a baby's arm and said, "This is it."

Zhao Hanzhang chopped it off for him, and then whittled it into a flat point for him.

"Isn't a round tip bad? Why should it be sharpened into a flat tip?"

Fu Tinghan took the branch to the ground, kept it some distance away from the grass roots, and pushed it down directly. He pushed it back and forth for a long time, then pulled out the loose weeds with his hands, shook them, and removed the soil. Shake it off, and this section of the ridge will be clean, and not even a single weed will be seen.

The weeds clinging to the bean roots are also easy to get rid of. Once he inserts them and tilts them outward, the weeds can be easily pulled out.

This speed is much faster than her pulling it out by force. Zhao Hanzhang said thoughtfully, "I remember there is a farm tool specially used for weeding in the countryside. I don't know what it is called. It is just like yours. It has only two tips and is like a hoe. It is long and short. The sizes are different and they can be used in different places.”

She had only seen it when she was playing in the countryside when she was a child, and her memory was not deep. She only remembered it after seeing him use it in this way.

Regarding farm tools, both of them only had impressions from history textbooks and political textbooks, and they probably didn't know as much as Shen Ruhui.

Fu Tinghan looked down at his own branches, frowned slightly and said: "If you want to save more effort, you can indeed make it like a hoe. For weeding, it is better to make it like a claw."

Isn’t weeding done by hand?

Then make it look like a claw. Well, you can also make it look like it only uses two fingers. This can save materials.

Would it be too expensive if they were all made of iron?

Besides iron, what else is suitable?


However, the wear rate of ordinary wood will be very high, and I am afraid it will not last long, or use special wood?

Otherwise, design an iron finger cot, just like a nail that can be covered. Only the hoe part is made of iron, and the rest can be made of wood. What should be the length, width, and gap between the iron fingers?

When Zhao Hanzhang came back from pulling the weeds, Fu Tinghan was still in a daze holding the branch. She turned around and glanced at the sunset behind her. She estimated that it would be completely dark in two quarters of an hour, so she squatted in front of him and stood in front of him. Waved.

Fu Tinghan came to his senses and said, "I'll pull it out right now."

"Stop pulling it out, it's getting dark, let's go back." Zhao Hanzhang pulled him up.

As soon as Fu Tinghan stood up, the pain below his knees, especially the soles of his feet, felt like needle pricks, and then numbness, numbness and pain at the same time.

Zhao Hanzhang rubbed his legs, and Fu Tinghan also bent down, blocking her hand while rubbing his legs with a grin on his face, "I'll do it myself, I'll do it myself."

Don't ask anyone to help rub your legs when they are numb, it really hurts.

When the kneading was finally done, the two of them walked back hand in hand, carrying the branches.

Most of the soldiers had gone back. When those who stayed saw that they had finally left, they followed them at a short distance.

Fu Zhi was sitting at the door of the inn, with Princess Hongnong and Fu Xuan beside him. He saw Zhao Hanzhang and Fu Tinghan coming back hand in hand in the distance. Because of their work, their clothes were stained with mud, their sleeves were rolled up above their elbows, and their shoes were It was dirty, but both of them were calm and not in any embarrassment.

Fu Zhi couldn't help but smile and said softly: "Princess, have you seen it? She is different from others. With her here, the world will be peaceful."

Princess Hongnong stared blankly at Zhao Hanzhang, who was approaching them. The great general of a country and the veritable regent of the Jin Dynasty actually rolled up his sleeves and went down to the ground to pull weeds, leaving dirt under his fingernails.

The King of Donghai would not do such a thing, nor would Gou Xi, not even a down-and-out princess like her.

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