Wei and Jin cooks

Chapter 1130 Surprise

Tables were placed on the left and right sides of the hall, and the two of them sat down together. Ting He turned sideways and said, "Mr. Yang, thank you, Mr. Yang, for taking a seat."

Not to mention Lu Wen and others, Xie Jiao himself was surprised. How come he and Yang Yi were sitting in the first place on the left?

Xie Jie is the eldest and once held the highest official position among this group of young people. However, the aristocratic family really doesn’t care about this. What they discuss is the status of the family. Unfortunately, among this group of families, the Xie family currently belongs to the middle and lower classes. Normally, , Yang Yi should sit in the first place on the lower left with Lu Wen.

Zhao Hanzhang made this arrangement because he attached great importance to appreciating Xie Zhen's expression.

Everyone looked at Xie Jie in unison. Could it be that this senior brother who had been accompanying them had outstanding talents that they had not yet seen, and Zhao Hanzhang could already see it across thousands of mountains and rivers?

What Xie Jie was thinking was, could it be that Zhao Hanzhang knew that he had a close relationship with King Langya and therefore suspected him of having ulterior motives?

Thinking of the soft sword and dagger that were confiscated when he entered the house just now, Xie Yao felt a little flustered. Could it be that there was really a misunderstanding?

He panicked for a moment, then quickly regained his composure, that's all, he had already reached this point, Zhao Hanzhang really wanted to harm him because of this, and it was his fate, so struggling was useless.

Thinking of this, Xie Jiao accepted it calmly and walked to the front seat with Yang Yi to sit down.

Others also sat down in the assigned seats.

Tinghe glanced at a maid waiting at the door, then stepped back. After a while, a group of servants filed in carrying trays.

They were all only sixteen or seventeen years old, with nimble postures and light steps. When placing tea and snacks on the table, Lu Wen saw the calluses in their hands, and it seemed that they were made with knives.

Lu Wen's heart trembled, wouldn't this general's mansion be filled with soldiers from top to bottom, inside and out?

Although what Lu Wen thought was not entirely correct, it was almost the same. Except for the servants in the inner courtyard who were sent over after training by the Wang family, everyone in the outer courtyard was selected from the military.

The servants who brought tea and water were not just serving tea and water. They were not slaves, but military. They were more to protect Zhao Hanzhang, so that if there was an accident, they could react more quickly.

After putting down the refreshments, the servants filed out again, leaving only six people standing behind the people on both sides, paying attention to everyone's needs.

Tinghe entertained them to drink some tea first and said that Zhao Hanzhang would be there soon.

Zhao Hanzhang was already waiting for them in the lobby, but he suddenly received news from Shu. After half a year, Zhao Xin finally persuaded the Jin officials who were still resisting Shu tenaciously to hand over those places to Shu for management.

Zhao Hanzhang hurriedly contacted Zhao Xin and asked him to choose trustworthy people to stay in Shu. He brought back all the remaining officials and soldiers, and said to him, "If King Cheng has the talents he wants, the other party will also be happy. No, no." Force them to come back.”

After the New Year, the Chengguo mission returned. Zhao Hanzhang officially issued an edict, naming Li Xiong the King of Chengdu, abolishing his Yanping reign, and naming his prince the Crown Prince of Chengdu. He stayed in Taixue to study and learn the strategies of governing the country. .

Li Xiang took the envoy back by himself.

The reason why it went so smoothly was that Zhao Hanzhang never thought of keeping Li Ban. Keeping him at this time would be suspected of asking him to be a hostage.

Zhao Hanzhang and Li Xiong had just come into contact, and when they were trying to get along with each other, she didn't want to stalemate the relationship.

But Li Ban really wanted to stay, especially after meeting Zhao Cheng. He ran to Zhao Cheng every day and wanted to become his student.

For this reason, he would wait at the door of someone's house before dawn on a cold day. Knowing that Zhao Cheng liked to eat the mutton soup and pancakes from Liushu Lane, he would pick up a portion of mutton soup and pancakes and deliver them to Zhao's house every morning.

Even Zhao Hu couldn't help but speak for Li Ban, "He is more filial than your son. Why don't you accept such a good student?"

Zhao Cheng was also moved for a moment, but when he thought of Li Ban's identity, he shook his head again.

Li Xiang went to ask Zhao Hanzhang, and Zhao Hanzhang and Zhao Cheng spoke, and then he accepted Li Ban as a student.

Zhao Hanzhang's original plan was to send him away after the Lantern Festival. As for Ban Li's studies, he was not a real child and could also study through correspondence.

But... Li Ban insisted on staying. He was interested in the new teaching materials in Taixue, the different opinions in Di Bao and "Xue Hai Boundless", and also interested in Zhao Cheng's teaching philosophy... …

He felt that he was weak and ignorant at this time, and could not do anything for the people even if he returned to Shu. He wanted to learn his skills here, and after he learned well, he would return to Shu to be his uncle and share the worries of the people of Shu.

In short, he wants to study in Luoyang!

Ji Yuan, Ming Yu and Zhao Cheng took turns to persuade him to no avail. Finally, Zhao Hanzhang saw that he was so determined and let him stay with a wave of his hand.

Li Xiang left some people to protect Li Ban, while he returned with his credentials and mission.

Because Chengguo has become a vassal state of Jin, the two places have strengthened exchanges and learning.

As soon as Li Xiang returned to Chengguo, Li Xiong immediately selected twelve young men to send to Luoyang to study. At the same time, Chengguo purchased a large amount of salt from Dajin and exchanged many craftsmen to build water mills and waterwheels. wait.

These exchanges spread to the mountains in the southwest. The officers and soldiers of the Jin Dynasty, who had been unwilling to listen to Zhao Xin's persuasion to hand over the counties to Chengguo, fell silent for a while, and finally were willing to sit down and communicate with Zhao Xin face to face.

"Prince Cheng is now in Luoyang as a hostage?"

Zhao Xin corrected him: "Chengguo is now a vassal state of the Jin Dynasty. It only has the prince, not the prince."

Then he nodded and said: "Prince Li is currently studying at Taixue, where he is studying under Zhao Zitu, the imperial winemaker, and he is also his family teacher."

Ma Cheng had never heard of Zhao Cheng's name before, and he knew that he was not a great scholar, but his surname was Zhao, and he could make sacrificial wine. Li Ban also worshiped him as his teacher. He should have come from the Zhao family in Xiping and was related to Zhao Hanzhang.

This means that Chengguo really obeyed Zhao Hanzhang, not pretending to be weak, but really obeyed and became a vassal state.

Ma Cheng looked back at his hungry and cold comrades. Because of the war, many people had fled. They could not collect military rations. The soldiers in the army had been starving since the beginning of winter.

"What will we do if we give up the place to Chengguo?"

Zhao Xin immediately said: "General Ma will naturally follow me back to Beijing to report on his duties. You are defending the country. The general will make arrangements for you and will not treat you badly."

He glanced at the people behind him and then said: "If you officers and men don't mind, you can follow us back to the capital. If you don't want to leave Shu, you can stay. I would like to recommend it to you and King Cheng."

Zhao Xindao: "King Cheng is a man with a broad mind and a loving heart. He will not anger you because of past grudges."

Ma Cheng snorted, not believing it, and said directly: "Let's go together!"

Xin Zhao didn't stop him and nodded directly. There was a shortage of people everywhere outside. No matter how many people were taken away, he could arrange them.

Ma Cheng surrendered, and Zhao Xin knew where to persuade them. In the next four months, he traveled around, climbed mountains and ridges, waded across rivers, and found one after another forces that were stubbornly resisting Cheng Guo. , taking the fact that Chengguo had become a vassal state of the Jin Dynasty, and the crown prince of Chengguo was now a hostage in Luoyang, he pried them all off.

See you tomorrow

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