Wei and Jin cooks

Chapter 1126 Returning the People

Zhao Shen could only get up regretfully and leave with Fu Tinghan.

Seeing that Zhao Shen was still addicted to it, Fu Tinghan advised him, "If cousin Shen likes divination, it's okay to do it occasionally, but you shouldn't rely too much on divination. There may really be a will in heaven and earth to tell us something, but I believe people can change a lot of things.”

"Otherwise, if the numerology cannot be changed, then if a person who is supposed to be rich becomes lazy and playboy after knowing his numerology, can he still maintain the wealth calculated by him?" Fu Tinghan said: "So, you can make some references for divination. But it shouldn’t be regarded as a fixed outcome.”

He said: "You attach too much importance to the magic of gods."

Zhao Shen was thoughtful, "Master Guo said you are more talented than me, maybe that's why? Am I really going astray?"

He meditated all the way, and when he was about to leave the imperial city, he heard a fierce quarrel in front of him, "If you want to disarm, just step over me. A general cannot cross a river and tear down a bridge, or unload a mill and kill a donkey!"

Zhao Shen suddenly raised his head, and Fu Tinghan also frowned and looked over.

Seeing the people in front of him who were still pulling at each other, Zhao Shen raised the corners of his mouth and came forward to greet him hypocritically, "It turns out to be General Mi and Sheriff Qiao."

Mi Ce and Qiao Jin turned around and saw Zhao Shen, their expressions not very good. When they saw Fu Tinghan behind him, they reluctantly restrained their anger and stepped forward to salute, "Fu Shangshu, Zhao Shilang."

Zhao Shen returned the greeting, and Fu Tinghan frowned and looked at them, "If you have any objections to the general's decision, you should go to the main hall to find her. Why are you arguing here?"

Zhao Shen said with a smile: "Why do we need to go to the general for such a trivial matter? I know about Governor Qiao and General Mi going to Beijing to report on their duties, and I also know about the disarmament. After all, it was me who raised this matter."

Mi Ce couldn't help but look angry, "It turned out to be Minister Zhao who mentioned it. I don't know why the two of us offended Minister Zhao, so much so that Minister Zhao wanted to disband the garrison of Commander Qiao and I."

"We say it's disarmament, but in fact it should be called returning troops to the people," Zhao Shen said: "I have done a survey and found that 57% of the soldiers in the army are over 30 years old. The physical strength of soldiers at this age has begun to decline. Not to mention those in their forties, there are also a high proportion of wounded and disabled soldiers."

"General Mi, Governor Qiao, you are not only generals, but also local governors. You should know how many soldiers there are now and how many people there are, right?" Zhao Shen said: "Yuzhou is already stable and prosperous compared to other states, but it still has more soldiers than people. , most of the young people between the ages of 16 and 35 are in the military, do you two think it is normal for the country?"

"The general asked us to farm. Soldiers are the people, and the people are the soldiers. What's abnormal?" Mi Ce said, "If we disarm now, what will happen if there is another war in the future? Zhao Shilang has only fought a few battles, how dare he Are we talking about raising troops in front of us?"

Sheriff Qiao said: "Anyway, I won't lay off my brothers. My brothers were injured and disabled in the war. Now that they are no longer useful, I will lay them off. This is to cross the river and tear down the bridge, to remove the mill and kill the donkey!"

Zhao Shen sneered and said: "You don't have to be so sarcastic, Governor Qiao. Do you feel sorry for the soldiers when you are unwilling to disarm, or are you reluctant to part with these manpower? Those wounded and disabled soldiers are already disabled, but they still have to work for you. For For soldiers, whether the imperial court's disarmament is killing the donkey, or saving them from misery, just ask them if they are willing to return to their country and return to their hometown."

"You, Minister Zhao, think that disarmament is so good, why don't you, Zhao Jiajun, do it?"

"Who said the Zhao family's army will not be laid off?" Zhao Shen snorted and said, "The Zhao family's army has laid off no fewer people than you."

Sheriff Qiao was surprised and looked unbelieving.

Zhao Shen reached out and grabbed them and said, "Don't believe it? Then let's ask the general now."

Zhao Hanzhang was discussing matters with Ji Yuan. When he saw Zhao Shen dragging Qiao Jin and Mi Ce over, he said to Ji Yuan, "I'll leave the mutual trading matter to you, sir."

Ji Yuan also looked at the four people who came in, nodded in agreement, got up and left, and dragged Fu Tinghan out when he left.

From the moment he entered the room until he was taken out, Fu Tinghan locked eyes with Zhao Hanzhang and didn't even have time to say a word.

Ji Yuan pulled him to the door and said with a smile: "Fu Shangshu came just in time. I was just about to discuss the mutual trade with you. Come on, let's go to the Ministry of Revenue."

Zhao Hanzhang seemed to have expected that they would come. After they had saluted, he said before he could speak, "Sit down. I have a piece of data here for you to take a look at."

Zhao Hanzhang signaled to Zhao Yunxin.

Zhao Yunxin immediately took out a few pieces of paper and handed them to Mi Ce and Qiao Jin.

"This is the number of household registrations, number of people and troops stationed in each county in Yuzhou, as well as approximate age statistics."

Mi Ce and Qiao Jin saw that the list was very detailed and even had a row of pillar-like graphic representations. They couldn't help but feel chilled and confused, "The general did not order the county government to count the population. How did these come about?"

You're not just making up nonsense data just to get them to disarm, are you?

Zhao Hanzhang said: "In the past three years, counties in Yuzhou have redistributed land and taken in refugees. Their origins, ages, family members and final settlement places have all been recorded."

"Last year in the battle to defend the country, Yuzhou levied military taxes twice, and there are data on oral taxes and land rents. Wouldn't it be clear if we calculated the population?" Zhao Hanzhang said: "As for the number of fields garrisoned in Yuzhou, the consumption of military pay, food and grass They have to report to the Ministry of War. Although it is a bit troublesome to check their age and physical condition, it is not impossible to check."

Mi Ce and Qiao Jin thought of Fu Tinghan at the same time. He was a man who could calculate the approximate number of their soldiers at a glance at their food and grass consumption.

They didn't understand those messy algorithms, but... if he were to calculate it, it would really be possible to figure it out.

Seeing the silence between the two, Zhao Hanzhang smiled and said, "I know what you are worried about, but this disarmament does not target the Qiao Jiajun and Mi Jiajun. The Zhao Jiajun will only lay off more soldiers than you."

That's because you Zhao family soldiers are the best, right?

Zhao Hanzhang said: "I say this not because the Zhao family has the largest number of troops, but because the Zhao family's disarmament rate will be higher than that of your two armies."

Mi Ce and Qiao Jin didn't say anything when it came to their hearts. How could Zhao Hanzhang know what they were thinking?

"The data is here, and you have also seen that the population of Yuzhou is only 1.28 million, and there are as many as 480,000 soldiers," Zhao Hanzhang said: "In the past, we recruited troops to quell chaos, and they joined the army to To survive, and now that the chaos in the Central Plains has been calmed down, it’s time to release the troops and return to their fields, allowing them to become common people, marry, have children, and settle down and work in peace and contentment.”

"Otherwise, do we really want a population of 1.28 million to support 480,000 soldiers in addition to ourselves?"

Mi Ce's breathing became rapid. He glanced at Qiao Jin and then gritted his teeth and asked, "Is it only Yuzhou that will disarm, or will other states also disband?"

See you tomorrow

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