Wei and Jin cooks

Chapter 1121 Newspaper

Ji Yuan also said: "My daughter will treat all the aristocratic families and noble families who return to the north kindly and treat them equally. In time, they will definitely return to their hearts and return to the north. By then, the dilemma between Jiangdong and Jiangnan will be solved."

Zhao Shen said: "King Langya relies on the northern nobles in the south. If they can be brought back, they can indeed fight without bloodshed."

Zhao Hanzhang tapped the table with his finger, "Treat everyone equally? Mr. Ji is right, this is the key point."

"Not only the northern gentry and civilians living in the south, but also the local gentry and civilians in the south. As long as they have the intention to serve the country, they all have the opportunity to join the court; as long as they want to live a good life, they all have ways to work hard; wealthy families Our children can do what they want to do without prejudice; poor people can also stand out, become great heroes, and leave their names in history!"

Zhao Hanzhang solemnly said: "I will lay a platform for them and wait for them to come from all directions. There are no roads, and the wilderness is full of thorns. They need to open one road after another. I am willing to watch over and help them. A helping hand.”

After research by the court, the court ordered again to further improve the current education and examination system. Starting from this year, there will be county examinations in counties, county examinations in counties, state examinations in states, and national examinations in state.

All county government officials must pass examinations, except for those who can enter the official position according to imperial laws such as recommendation, family tradition, etc. First, pass the county examination, and then pass the county examination. Only those who pass can be selected to join the county government.

Starting from this year, anyone who wants to take the national examination must first pass the state examination and get the customs clearance documents before they can go to Luoyang to take the national examination.

There will also be a state examination in Luoyang. Because people are migrating now and few people can stay in their hometown, the state examination is not limited to their place of origin. Scholars can register and take the exam nearby.

This year's state examination will be held in August. Students can register now at the county government, which will submit the list to the governor's office. The registration deadline is ten days before the exam starts. The governor's office will arrange examination rooms and papers based on the number of people.

As for the national examination, Zhao Hanzhang decided to set it in the spring of the next year in order to give them a buffer time.

When Zhao Yunxin was writing this official document, she also wrote an article and published it in the Di newspaper, which was equivalent to recreating their discussion in the court. Of course, she would not write about the dispute between the North and the South.

What she wrote was, "Both sides of the river belong to the Jin Dynasty and are citizens of the same country. She treats them all equally, whether they are nobles and common people in the northern part of the Central Plains, or northern nobles and common people living in the south, or Jiangdong and Jiangnan. To her, the gentry and common people are all Jin citizens and should be treated equally."

"She is willing to be their protector, to build a high platform together with hundreds of officials, to watch over them who come from all directions to overcome obstacles, to build a high platform together, and to serve the country."

Luoyang's Di Bao has always been the most popular Di Bao, because the officials of the imperial court like to publish their political opinions in it. These people always have access to first-hand information, sometimes it is very obscure, sometimes it is very straightforward. , how much outsiders can understand depends entirely on their own understanding.

It can be said that Luoyang's Di Bao has always been the bellwether for the imperial court.

Zhao Yunxin is currently Zhao Hanzhang's most capable secretary, and her articles attract the most attention.

Therefore, as soon as the newspaper came out, it was immediately sold out.

The kid who was selling the newspaper ran to the door of the restaurant and all was sold out. Yang Yi, who raised his hand before he could wave, saw that the last newspaper in the kid's hand was also sold, and he was speechless for a long time.

Xie Jie reacted quickly and immediately called the child over and gave him a bunch of money. "Can you buy us a newspaper? This is your reward."

The child quickly declined, "Mr. Sir, a newspaper only costs two cents. The bookstore still has it. I'll buy it again. Please wait a moment."

Xie Jie insisted on giving it to him, "We need it urgently, and I asked you to buy it and send it directly to us. There are many of us, so we can give them a few more copies, just... eighteen copies, and I will reward you with the rest."

The child's eyes were bright, and he took the money after a moment's hesitation, "Please wait a moment, distinguished guest, I'll be here soon."

He took the money and ran towards the bookstore.

Luoyang Bookstore is very large. Zhao Hanzhang directly opened up two abandoned houses and shops. In the front are placed samples of books printed by the bookstore, as well as those responsible for daily newspaper sales. In the back is the warehouse, where craftsmen Printed books, a place to stay.

The second floor of the shop is the office space of gentlemen who come to correct newspapers and books, and it is also very lively.

This is a deep alley. The houses and shops here are very difficult to do business because the alley is too deep.

At this time, this area was very lively. As far as the eye could see, there were all half-grown children queuing up to get newspapers.

This is a gift given by Zhao Hanzhang to the children. Those who can come to the bookstore to pick up newspapers for sale are all children under the age of twelve. They only need to register with their own books at the beginning, and they will get a certificate. , with a number on it.

After that, they can pick up the newspaper with the serial number every day, and when it is sold out, they can come back to pay the newspaper fee. If there are unsold newspapers, they can also return them, so that they can get the labor fee according to the number of newspapers sold.

The price of each newspaper in the bookstore is one and a half cents, and the uniform selling price outside is two cents. They can get half a cent for a newspaper. Some children are so good that they can sell a hundred copies in a day, and they can earn five cents. Ten coins is more than an adult can earn from part-time work.

But the bookstore has very strict requirements. It only wants children under the age of twelve, and it will prefer orphans and children from poor families. Once they are over twelve years old, the bookstore will not accept them.

The child was at the end of the queue, and he quickly took his turn. Just after the counting clerk took his order, he heard someone shouting from behind, "There are no more newspapers. The last one has been issued."

The clerk said: "The newspaper is gone, but there is still some gossip from the market. Do you want it?"

The child's eyes widened, "Why so fast? In the past, Di newspapers were sold after noon. I, I only want Di newspapers."

"Today there are articles written by Zhongshu Lang, or about generals and officials discussing matters. Of course they sell quickly. In addition to "Little News from the Market" and "The Sea of ​​Learning", you don't want them?"

The child became anxious. He had taken the money first. How could he think about choosing which newspaper to want at this moment?

"No," he took the order and ran out immediately. His eyes scanned the crowd that had just come out, and he soon found a familiar one among a group of children.

He squeezed over and grabbed her, "Wen Siniang, did you get the Di newspaper?"

The girl he caught was a head shorter than him. Her hair was sparse and yellow, only covering her ears. She was only about seven or eight years old.

She covered the linen robe that was wider than her shoulders and asked, "Yes, what do you want to do?"

"I have a distinguished guest. I've already collected the money first. How about you give me twenty copies? I'll pay for it."

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