Wei and Jin cooks

birthday event

For the birthday event, Moyan asked me to give everyone a gift. There weren’t many events for this book, so we planned to have an event and give everyone a few small gifts.

Because the algorithms of each website are different, after comprehensive consideration, the book friends who will definitely receive gifts are as follows:

Readers of Qidian and Yunqi (Q~Reading) with a fan value of more than 30,000 will receive a gift;

Readers of Hongxiu who have a fan value of more than 50,000 will get a gift;

Readers of Xiaoxiang who have a fan value of more than 180,000 will get a gift;

Book friends who meet the above conditions please add q (906581335) to verify and enter;

Readers of Qidian, Yunqi (Q~Reading) and Hongxiu websites who cast more than ten monthly votes this month (inclusive) will be entered into the lottery group (299027753);

Because Xiaoxiang's algorithm is different, Xiaoxiang readers who cast thirty (inclusive) or more votes for Xiaoxiang this month will be entered into the lottery group (299027753). The event ends at 12 noon on August 31

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