Wei and Jin cooks

Chapter 1049 Come on, come on

After respectfully seeing off Zhao Hanzhang, Mingxu looked at Ji Yuan, "We are getting closer to the girl by marrying the Zhao family, aren't we?"

Ji Yuan followed Zhao Hanzhang from beginning to end, and learned more about her plans for the future of the Zhao family, and said: "The relationship between us and the girl is not neglected by the relationship between the girl and the Zhao family."

He said: "We don't need to use Zhao to get close to the girl. Ming Zhongshu, we have to look at the long term. Ten years later, the relationship between the girl and Zhao will not be what it is now."

Ming Yu nodded, then the question came, who should they find to get married?

The two looked at each other and quickly looked away. Forget it, why not show some care to your single subordinates and urge them to set an example for the people.

Because the happy event of Zhao Hanzhang and Fu Tinghan was announced, more people got married in Luoyang City, and many people wanted to get married in the same year as Zhao Hanzhang.

At the same time, Zhao Hanzhang's famous saying "Marry a daughter-in-law to celebrate the New Year, marry a husband to celebrate the holidays" also spread to Luoyang and spread to all directions.

The people all felt that the general was right. There was a lot of sadness this year, as many people died due to wars and natural disasters, but there were also happy events.

The war subsided.

The nine states in the northern part of the Central Plains are all in the hands of the general. At present, there seems to be no military force that can compete with the general, which means that it will be stable for a long time in the future.

They would no longer be involved in the war and be displaced and their families would be destroyed; they also received food relief from the court; the general was a woman, soft-hearted and kind-hearted, and they felt that life would get better in the future.

So getting married at this time is a great blessing.

Moreover, men want a home with wives who can support them; women also want a home with husbands they can rely on.

So many people hit it off immediately and immediately went to the county government to get married.

Yes, as the county government, it has the obligation to marry the people.

Most of the county magistrates are selected from schools and recruitment examinations, and 70% of them are single. It seems that in order to avoid being forced to marry by the court and to make their county's statistics look better, the county magistrates not only handle the marriage procedures for them personally, but also They also calculate the good days for the people passing by at the gate of the county government office, and encourage everyone to choose their spouses before the good day. The county magistrate not only calculates the days for everyone for free, but can also hold a collective wedding for the newlyweds.

Under this situation, Zhao Xin was escorted back by Zhao Shen's soldiers with a confused look on his face, and then took over Zhao Hanzhang's mission and left with a confused look on his face.

He didn't react until he was sent out of the city gate and said quickly: "General, the Liangxian Wubao case I reported to you has not been resolved yet..."

Zhao Hanzhang said nonchalantly: "Zhao Shen will solve it himself. You can go to Chang'an with peace of mind. Remember to tell Governor Fu that the country is poor now. In order to promote the good development of local wedding customs, please ask him to prepare a small betrothal gift."

Xin Zhao finally regained his composure and asked, "Shouldn't the betrothal gift be as large as possible?"

Zhao Hanzhang said with a righteous face, "No, everything about Ting Han and I's wedding will be simple, starting from the wedding date."

Xin Zhao: ...If you ask for a date, I, the imperial censor, must go there in person. What kind of simplicity is this?

However, the purpose of Zhao Xin's trip to Chang'an was not just to ask for a date, but to ask for tokens and letters from Fu Zhi to pick up people in Shu.

It just so happens that you have to pass through Yongzhou when going to Shu, so it's not far to go to Chang'an around the corner.

Zhao Hanzhang said: "This matter is urgent. I still hope that the Fu family's high hall can come back to witness the wedding."

Xin Zhao pondered for a moment and asked, "What if we can't make it in time?"

"Then we need Governor Fu to be here."

Xin Zhao's pressure was a little less. He raised his hand and said seriously: "Don't worry, General. Xin will definitely fulfill his mission."

After saying that, he turned around to mount his horse. He pulled the reins but couldn't help but turned around and asked again, "General, Wubao in Liang County..."

Zhao Hanzhang smiled slightly and said: "Some people were ordered to go to Liang County last night. Since they are gangsters, they will be suppressed, so as to prevent the passing businessmen from feeling uneasy and cutting off the Luoyang trade route."

It is the critical moment for her to build the country. Whoever dares to interrupt her path, she will dare to interrupt his life!

Xin Zhao didn't know whether he was sad or happy, with a complicated look on his face.

The reason why he lost contact with Luoyang in the past four days was because he found out the clues on the fourth day after arriving in Liang County. When he took people to collect evidence, the county magistrate who was alerted and Wubao joined forces to fight.

Although Zhao Xin is the censor, who among the censors of this era cannot be able to write and kill the enemy immediately?

Although Zhao Xin did not have the strength and talent of Zhao Shen, it was still possible to fight. He fled into the mountains with his subordinates, hoping to use the power of the terrain to avoid pursuit and then ask for help from surrounding counties.

Because Liang County is not far from Yuzhou, his plan is to escape back to Yuzhou to seek help.

Just when he was struggling, Zhao Shenru came down from the gods and rescued him from the mountain.

Although he was not dead or injured, he was forced to flee for his life in the mountains for four days and almost died on the spot several times. To be honest, he was a little relieved when he heard that Zhao Hanzhang wanted to kill them as bandits.

But while he was relieved, he was a little worried and sad, "Their families and tribesmen..."

Zhao Hanzhang thought for a while and then said: "If you are willing to surrender, I will only ask the culprit."

After all, it is not easy to survive in troubled times. She allows them to have gangsterism, high strength and motivation.

Xin Zhao felt relieved, jumped on his horse, glanced at the envoy behind him, waved his hand and said: "Let's go!"

He headed towards Yongzhou in high spirits. He felt that it would be more suitable for him to go on an envoy or something like that. He would have endless fun fighting with those big shots, be a censor, and sometimes watch the people suffer, and those who were innocently implicated and ignorant would be involved. The one who is in strife suffers, and so does he.

Fu Zhi had already received Zhao Hanzhang's letter first, and immediately took out his calendar to count the days. After only two days, Zhao Xin had arrived.

Fu Zhi went to see people immediately.

Fu Zhi was surprised: "Take back Princess Hongnong?"

Xin Zhao smiled and nodded, "Yes, the marriage between the Zhao family and the Zhao family is also a marriage between the Zhao family and the royal family. Princess Hongnong and the Prince Consort, as high officials, should be present whatever they say."

Fu Zhi came to his senses, yes, this is not just a marriage between the Zhao and Fu families, but with Princess Hongnong here, it is also a marriage with the royal family.

Fu Zhi was immediately happy and solemnly said to Zhao Xin: "I'll leave this matter to the envoy."

Then he took out the seal and gave it to Zhao Xin so that he could get the letter from Fu Xuan and his wife when he went to Shu.

Zhao Xin did not stay in Chang'an for long. After getting the token, he set off for Shu.

The land of Shu has long been independent. Across the mountains, Li Xiong first established himself as the king of Chengdu. Seeing that the Jin State had no time, he simply established himself as the emperor. Call me Shu.

However, Zhao Xin was going to redeem someone, so the etiquette must be in place. When he went to Chang'an, he had already sent someone to go ahead and deliver the edict from the State of Jin.

So when he arrived at the border of Shu, there were officials from Shu waiting there, and they led the way. Although the road was difficult, he still reached the Shu palace smoothly and met Li Xiong.

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