Wei and Jin cooks

Chapter 1047 Erupting

"..." Zhao Song asked, "Do you have any idea about Erlang's marriage?"

Zhao Hanzhang gave him a guilty smile.

Zhao Song snorted coldly when he saw it, "Without even a shadow, how dare you guarantee that his son will take over the position of patriarch in twenty years?"

"Aren't you afraid that in twenty years he won't even have a son?"

Zhao Hanzhang: "If you don't have a son, you can have a daughter. When the time comes, let her recruit a wife, as long as she has high moral character."

Zhao Song was angry: "Am I talking about the problem of the child? What I'm talking about is clearly the problem of his engagement. You haven't even agreed to marry him now, but you won't say whether he can get a wife in twenty years!"

Zhao Song asked her, "What kind of wife do you want to give him? I think the ones I chose before are very good. If you listen to me, you got him engaged two years ago. You let him get married before the war. Now the child It’s almost time to give birth.”

Zhao Hanzhang was stunned when he heard this process.

Zhao Song finished speaking, and his mood improved a lot. He brought the topic back with a cold face, "You can wait for twenty years, but the people in the clan can't wait. Sanniang, there are a few of us elders suppressing it now, but How long can we old immortals live? Now there are more and more people in the clan who want Da Lang to succeed the clan leader. If you don’t let Er Lang get married and have children, I won’t be able to suppress them anymore.”

The mountain people came up with trays to serve them tea, and said to Zhao Hanzhang: "Sanniang, the master and the master suppressed the dissent in the clan. Many people secretly speculated that the master wanted to compete for the position of the clan leader. Now our master is very important in the clan. I got scolded a lot.”

When Zhao Hanzhang heard this, his face was full of guilt. He was about to refuse but swallowed it back and said instead: "I will find a wife for Erlang when I get back."

Zhao Song looked much better after hearing this.

Zhao Hanzhang picked up the teapot and made tea for Zhao Song and said, "Now I have to worry about my uncle and uncle Ming's worries about the affairs of the clan."

Zhao Song stared at the tea she served, his expression became gentler, he took a sip and said, "Don't dislike us for being verbose. It's really you young people who are too procrastinating in doing things."

"Marriage is originally ordered by parents and a matchmaker, but you young people now like to find it on your own. You must have a good family background, be well-educated, and be consistent with each other. With so many requirements, who is willing to accommodate you?"

Zhao Song was full of resentment when he said this, "Zhao Shen didn't get married even at his old age, and Zhao Kuan didn't get married either. Let Zhao Yunxin follow his example. The young people of the right age in the clan are being led away by leaders like you." When you get married, what do you want to do? From now on, you will be like grass, breeding and reproducing on your own?"

Zhao Hanzhang quickly clarified, "Uncle, I have a marriage contract, and we are about to get married. I am different from them."

She didn't say it was okay, but when she mentioned Zhao Song, she became even more angry, "It was you who supported them, otherwise how could they have the courage to repeatedly refuse the marriage proposed by the family?"

"You said that you and Ting Han should be in love with each other and achieve each other's success. You also said that career should be the most important thing and that you should first settle the world and then start a family. Why, starting a family will hinder him from settling the world? Do you know what it is to start a family and establish a career? Start a family first and then establish a career, ancestors You have all forgotten my instructions."

"Why is the marriage scheduled at home not good?" Zhao Song has been pestered by Zhao Dong and his wife these days. He has been holding back his anger for a long time. It was suppressed by the tea, but now he bursts out, "You Is He Tinghan the designated relative in the family? Do you two like each other? "

"Your father and mother-in-law were also ordered by their parents back then, and they were very loving. Why can't they do it now that it's Erlang's turn?"

"You don't let us embarrass Erlang. Zhao Shen and the others use this as an excuse. Don't let us embarrass him. Do you know that because of your words, the number of people in the clan who have gotten married in the past two years has only been less than 60% of the previous years?" arrive!"

Zhao Hanzhang wiped his face and explained with difficulty: "Uncle, Erlang is not enlightened. He is still like a child. I can't harm other people's good girls. Cousin Shen and Erlang are different. You You can’t blame them on me for not getting married.”

"When he gets a wife, he will naturally understand. When he becomes a father, he will naturally no longer look like a child. You should also open your eyes and look around you. How many singles are there around you?"

"From the top to the Secretary of the Central Committee, to the servants of the sect, and to the chief clerk of the county magistrate, how many of you are married? Why, do you want to build a court of monks and nuns? Those who are married can't be officials? "

Zhao Hanzhang was shocked and said quickly: "My uncle dare not say that. We are now vigorously encouraging people to get married and have children."

Dajin needs a birth rate and a labor force.

"You know it too, so do you know what it means to lead by example?" Zhao Song said: "First marry Erlang, and then Mr. Ji and Mr. Ming around you will all get married, and Zhao Shen and Zhao Kuan will all get married and have several children. If you have a child, follow the example, and the people below will see you living so well after getting married, and they will naturally yearn for it. When the time comes, they will all get married naturally without your encouragement."

The mountain people on the side nodded with deep understanding and stood on Zhao Song's side, "My daughter-in-law and my children are on the hot bed. It is a happy event that many people dream of in their lives."

When Zhao Hanzhang was let out, she was in a daze. She was pulled by Zhao Song and instilled in her the concept of marriage for an hour, and then she was forced to agree to find wives for Ji Yuan, Mingyu, Zhao Shen and Zhao Kuan, and also We need to find husband-in-law for Zhao Yunxin, Fan Ying, Chen Siniang and others.

If she hadn't still had some brains, she would have almost accepted the two cousins ​​he pre-selected for Ji Yuan and Ming.

What a risk, what a risk, the two gentlemen almost became her brothers-in-law.

Standing outside the door, Zhao Hanzhang raised his hand to wipe the cold sweat from his forehead, and quickly ran away with Zeng Yue and Ting He.

Halfway through the horse ride, Zhao Hanzhang suddenly stopped his horse and looked back at Zeng Yue and Ting He.

Zeng Yue and Ting He were horrified by her sight and asked softly: "What's wrong with the girl?"

Zhao Hanzhang asked quietly: "You're not getting married either, are you?"

Zeng Yue and Ting He: ...Don’t you know whether they are married or not?

That's what they thought, but neither of them dared to reply, so they shook their heads quietly.

Zhao Hanzhang exhaled and informed her that day that she would hold a court meeting the next day, and all qualified officials would attend the court meeting for her.

Therefore, even Xie Shi, who was training troops outside the city, rushed back to the city and entered the palace early the next morning to attend the court meeting.

At the court meeting, after discussing the recent national affairs that needed to be dealt with, Zhao Hanzhang announced: "I and Fu Shangshu are about to get married. The date will be decided after a while. If there is no accident, the wedding should be completed before the year."

The civil and military officials in the court were full of joy. They raised their hands happily to congratulate Zhao Hanzhang, and then turned around to congratulate Fu Tinghan.

Fu Tinghan bowed down in confusion and replied subconsciously: "Same joy, same joy..."

He was full of doubts. Zhao Hanzhang was not a show-off person, let alone one who did not distinguish between public and private affairs. Why did he say this at the court meeting?

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